Chapter 23

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Tom's POV:

It's been over a week now since Kendra left. I haven't been able to function properly. Last Sunday night when she called me, I had a little bit of hope. Hope that she would tel me she didn't go anywhere, she was home and ready to forgive me. But it wasn't the case. She didn't even want to talk to me so why would she call?

I hear a knock on my door and the door opens revealing my mum with a plate in her hand.

"Son ive respected your wishes of being alone but you've eaten very poorly this past days and I need you to eat tom you're going to get sick." She says placing the plate on my bed.

I sit up straight grabbing the sandwich and biting in to it. God, I had no idea how hungry I truly was until now.

"Tom I need you to tell me what's wrong? You haven't told me anything and your aunt Olivia told me you fought with Everly? What happened?"

I remember I never really told my mum what happened. Maybe I should, I never kept secrets from her, but I'm afraid she will be disappointed by why kind of son she has.

"Mum you know Kendra and I broke up right?" She nods and I continue. "What you don't know it's why." I say and she looks at me intrigued.

"I cheated." I blurt out looking down.

"Tom, what? I-"

"With Paige." I cut her off and she turns to me with wide eyes.

"Her best friend?" She asks and I nod.

She seems to not know what to say anymore so I continued.

"She found out, broke up with me, and left. Left London and possibly even England. The fight with Everly was because she knows where she is mum and she doesn't want to tell me." I say upset.

"I can't believe what you did Thomas we raised you to be better than that. It was a low thing to do son."

"And I know that, I know I messed up, badly. But it was a mistake mum but she don't want to believe, she don't want to forgive me." I cry before letting her know what happened with details.

"She has reasons to not want to see you again Tom, imagine if she would've been the one who cheated on you with Harrison, how would you feel? Would you be ready to take her back right away?" She asks and I stop to think. I never thought of that but no I wouldn't want to take her back. I would be hurt, even destroyed I could say. Just imagining it makes me sick, now I think about how my poor girl felt? I'm such a fucking lowlife.

"Exactly, so you need to give Kendra time and space, and if what she needs it's to be far then respect that. Now about your cousin, Everly is your family you can't be mad at her for protecting her friend. You need to go and talk to her and apologize for how you acted. She's been worried about you." With tears in my eyes now I nod and hug her. My mum gave the best hugs no doubt about that. She's the most supportive woman ever and for the first time since all this shit happened, I cry on my mum's shoulder.

Hours later I'm in front of Everly's house. My cousin and I have always been closed and this past week has been hard without her too. I give 2 knocks at the door and I'm meet with my aunt Olivia.

"Tom honey come in." She says giving me a hug.

"Hi auntie, is Everly home?"

"Oh yes, shes going to be happy to see you, go ahead she's in her room." She says and I head for the stairs. The door to Everly's room is open and I knock twice before walking in. She's sitting in the middle of her bed with her laptop on her legs. She looks up and smiles when she sees me.

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