Skinny Dipping

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We made it back to the beach house two freaking hours later with a trunk full of crap, everything you could think of was inside of that damn trunk. We unloaded all of the bags carrying them inside just the two of us since everyone else was still out back.

We started taking the groceries out of the bags sitting the items on the counters.

"I am starved! Please tell me you got chips!" Hudson barreled into the kitchen soaking wet. Is this guy always this rambunctious? Couldn't even dry off first. Instead he just soaked the damn floors.

"Yes you fat bastard. Why don't you actually help us instead of looking for your next food source?" Reid arched an eyebrow at his brother.

"I am hungry! Jeez you are no fun!" Hudson huffed before he reluctantly started helping us put the groceries away.

"We bought something simple to cook for dinner tonight. I hope everyone likes spaghetti."

"We can cook since you guys went and got everything? I mean if that's okay?" Paige eyed us both making sure it was fine with us. Hell I don't mind anyone cooking, A meal I don't have to make always tastes great at least that's what my dad used to say. Don't get me wrong I love to cook but the thought of standing in the kitchen cooking doesn't sound appealing right now.

"That would be great Paige, thank you." Sarah and Paige worked their way around the kitchen teaming up together to whip up dinner. I set the table while Reid sat at the bar drinking a beer. I could feel him stealing glances at me but neither of us said a word to each other. I grabbed the head of lettuce and started cutting up the ingredients for the salad. I started with the lettuce, then the tomato, and then the cucumbers. I threw all the chopped ingredients into the bowl.

"Do you girls need help with anything else?" I offered once I was done with the salad.

"Woman you have done enough! Besides it's done. You could wrangle the heard in if ya want," Sarah carried the huge pan of steaming spaghetti to the table. As she walked passed me aromas hit me in the face making me realize just how hungry I was.

"Dinner is ready you fat fuckers!" I yelled rushing to the table to make my plate. I stacked it high with spaghetti and two pieces of garlic bread. I didn't wait for anyone else, I just started digging in.

"You two will learn quick that if you are around these guys, you gotta eat first or you don't eat at all. If you are better make your plates now." Just as I finished talking they both gave each other a look before grabbing their plates shoving all the food on them that they could.

The guys barreled into the dining room like wild animals yelling shoving one another trying to see who could get to the table first.

"Yo after dinner I am going to pass out I am exhausted!" Hudson started shoveling food into his mouth barely chewing in between each bite. Normally I'd be disgusted but I have no room to talk because I probably mirrored him.

"Oh I am sure sitting on your ass in the passenger seat and then swimming the rest of the day is so tiring." Reid scoffed rolling his gorgeous eyes at his idiot brother.

"Hey it's not easy being the DJ, It's a hard job to have." Hudson defended himself between bites of garlic bread.

"We were going to watch a movie and just take it easy the rest of the night if you want to join?" Paige offered smiling as she picked up another bite of her salad.

"I was thinking of night swimming? How fun would that be?" I felt excitement coarse through my veins. I wanted to get into the water more than I needed air to breathe.

"We already showered and washed our hair. Tomorrow night definitely!" Sarah nodded grabbing another bread stick.

"We are watching the Exorcist! A fucking classic! How can you pass that up?" Hudson's eyes bugged to twice their size.

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