Torturing Hudson

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"Dude I told you I am sorry for barging into your room! You don't really need to do this." Hudson frowned as he walked into the kitchen where Reid and I were looking at houses for sale online during breakfast.

"Oh this one is nice!" My mom gushed as she clicked the buttons on the laptop keyboard flipping through the pictures. When they got back from their honeymoon we told them over dinner that we were thinking about getting our own place. I expected them to freak out but they didn't. They said they understood and we have technically been living under the same roof since this whole thing started two years ago. Plus we are older now and it just makes sense for us to want to be alone.

"Hudson we love you, you're an idiot but we love you. We just want our own place. Our own space." Reid and my mom started talking about how many bedrooms we would want and what color bricks or stones we were looking for.

"At least three bedrooms maybe even four. Down the line we are going to want a house full of kids."

"Full of? Oh Rob did you hear that?!" My mom started crying over her plate of pancakes.

"Yes dear I heard that. I think that's wonderful!" Robert was shooting Reid a loving smile, a smile so big and so bright, full of nothing but pride.

"Not now but one day. I like this one!" Reid clicked a few times before turning the laptop towards his dad going on about structures and arches above the front door.

"Do I at least get to have a house key?" Hudson asked as he grabbed a pancake with his bare hand before shoving half of it into his mouth.

"Fuck no. You don't even knock when you enter my bedroom. The last thing I want is your barging into our house unannounced." Reid snapped rolling his eyes at his brother.

"All because I walked in on you two doing it? That's not my fault! That's all you guys like to do!" Robert started choking on his coffee and a knowing smile spread across my moms face. You would think she would be mortified but it seems like nothing fazes this woman. That may because she has been living with Hudson for two years and that alone will scar anyone.

"Anyways I like these two. What do you think babe?" Reid shot me a wide grin. Both houses were absolutely gorgeous but if I am being honest I'd live in a shack if it meant living with him.

"I love them both but I think we should go see them in person."

"I'll call the realtor on my way to the shop. I've actually got to get going. I have a client dropping off an old mustang that needs the engine rebuilt. I'll call you on my break. Love you!" Reid looked at the clock on his phone before he jumped up from the chair. He bent over and placed a lingering kiss on my temple. He waved bye to everyone and like a light a bolt of lightening he was gone.

"Mack want to go shopping with me? I kind of actually need your help. Today is Sarah's birthday and I want to get her a gift. I am scared if I pick it out myself I'll fuck it up."

"Why do I even bother telling you guys to watch your mouths at this point?" My mom huffed before grabbing the breakfast dishes off of the table.

"You love us Mandy!" Hudson shot her a charming smile before jumping up to help her.

"Yes, yes I do. Even though you guys will be the reason I'll have a head full of grey hair by the time I'm fifty."

"You'll be the hottest fifty year old, grey hair and all." Hudson winked at my mom who just giggled and rolled her eyes at him.

"He's got a point." Robert nodded bringing the last of the dishes to the sink before smacking my mom on her ass playfully.

"So Mack what do you say? Shopping with me? You're best friend." Hudson poked out his bottom lip giving me the best puppy dog pout he could muster.

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