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Back in November, Hufflepuff was destroyed by Ravenclaw. First 5 minutes in the game Maeve was knocked off her broom and was out the rest of the game.

"You excited Mae." Fred wrapped his arm around Maeve as she walked to the pitch. "Oh course she is Fred, she's gonna destroy those birds." George winked at her.

"Oh stop, you never know..." she turned around at the boys and winked, "what's the word?"

"I don't know, what is the word Maeve?" George questioned mockingly to the girl.

"KILL THE BIRD!" She jumped with a giggle and got serious, "not literally though, I could never kill an animal... it's just a figurative expression. You kn..."

"Maeve your Hufflepuff is showing, go beat up some birds." Fred laughed at her as she sprinted to the pitch.



"MAEVE CAREFUL!" Fleet yelled, which was odd because he never used her first name, but it was too late, a bludger hit the tip of her broom flipping her right off the thing, falling 20 feet. A whistle blew, the crowd we silent.

"MAE" Cedric raced the ground sprinting to Maeve on the ground.

"Did we win?" She looked up, she had a large bloody gash on her forehead. "no love, we only played for like 5 minutes."

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME." She tried to get up but fell right back down, "you know what, I think you guys can play without me. You'll be fine. I'm just  gonna lay right here." She passed out after that and woke up a few hours later in the hospital wing. The team was sitting around her bed, including the Twins.

"Did we win." She looked up at the team.

"No, they killed us out there." Fleet moaned, placing his head in his hands.

"Im sorry." She felt like it was her fault.

The team just burst into laughter, "You're apologizing to us for the loss when you're the one who got hurt, we don't care we lost when it comes to you Maeve. You're our family." Cedric smiled down at her.

Today was the the Cup finale, Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Of course Maeve was going to be cheering for her Lions. Her boyfriend was one. Is he her boyfriend? They haven't really talked about it, like they kissed, and said "I love you" but they haven't put a title behind it. Either way she was cheering on her boys. Fred offered one of his old jerseys but she felt that would be inappropriate since she's a chaser and he's a beater on different teams, so she just opt out and wore one Mollys sweaters with a "F" on it and made a banner for George.

Maeve sat in between Julia and Cedric, screaming the boys name as loud as possible, she was clearly clapping a little hard for the Gryffindor team, but in reality just was clapping for Fred. And George. Julia wasn't a fan of quidditch, Ced and Mae learned that the hard way when they snuck out on the pitch second year and tried to teach her how to fly. Julia broke her arm. But this game was proving to be somewhat of an interest for Jules, probably because she hate Slytherin. Gryffindor had taken the lead in the beginning and it seemed that Woods hard work was paying off till the Snakes started to cheat.

"Are you kidding me! Thats so cheap!" Cedric yelled. He is a badger, of course he cares about fairness.

By the end, Jules was complaining how boring the game was, while Ced and Mae were holding on to their seats, literally forcing themselves to stay seated.

Finally, Harry pulled through and caught the snitch, leaving them with enough points to win the cup.

Maeve was the first one down the stands running on the field. Fred turned around and saw the girl running straight towards him in a "F" sweater. He was crushed in a hug that he then controlled by picking her up and swinging her around.

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