Chapter 91

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Three o'clock that day, Harry, Ron, Maeve, Fred and George were standing outside the tent, awaiting the arrival of the wedding guests. Harry had taken a large dose of Polyjuice Potion and was now the double of a redheaded Muggle boy from the local village, Ottery St. Catchpole, from whom Fred had stolen hairs using a Summoning Charm. The plan was to introduce Harry as "Cousin Barny" and trust to the great number of Weasley relatives to camouflage him.

"This is weird." Maeve stared at Harry. "I don't like this."

"Why?" George laughed

"He's Harry, and he's this little fat red headed boy. I don't like it."

"You're marrying into a family of red headed boys, Maeve." Ron chuckled.

"Yeah, but it's not the same." She said still looking at Harry.

"Can you stop looking at me like that!" Harry shouted, trying to hide his laughter.


"When we get married," said Fred, tugging at the collar of his own robes, "I won't be bothering with any of this nonsense. You can all wear what you like, and I'll put a full Body Bind Curse on Mum until it's all over."

"She wasn't too bad this morning, considering," said George. "Cried a bit about Percy not being here, but who wants him."

"Wotcher," said a familiar voice, Tonks and Lupin were walking up to the group. She had turned blonde for the occasion. "You have officially surrounded yourself with red heads, Maeve." Lupin laughed, messing with Harry's curly red hair. "Looks weird." He looked him.

"That's what I said!" Maeve laughed, walking in the tent with Lupin and Tonks, cracking up.

"She's annoying." Harry groaned, walking in with Ron and the twins.

"Welcome to having a sister, mate." George laughed, patting his back. At first, the comment flew right over Harry's head, until he realized what he meant. Maeve was his sister, he finally had a sister. The boys walked up to Maeve talking to Luna and Xenophilius Lovegood.

"Maeve," she smiled, shaking Xenophilius' hand. "Hi Luna." She smiled.

"Hi Maeve, how are you doing?" She said in her dreaming voice.

"Very well," her eyebrows furrowed, "is your hand okay?"

"She lingered in that charming little garden to say hello to the gnomes, such a glorious infestation! They were a little snappy, but gnome saliva is enormously beneficial. How few wizards realize just how much we can learn from the wise little gnomes or, to give them their correct name, the Gernumbli gardensi."

"Ours do know a lot of excellent swear words," said Ron, "but I think Fred and George taught them those."

Luna, looked at the group of redheads in front of her, and her eyes landed on the red head that was Harry.

"Hello, Harry!" she said.

"Er-- my name's Barry," said Harry, perplexed.

"Oh, have you changed that too?" she asked brightly.

"How did you know -?"

"Oh, just your expression," she said.

After the ceremony, the reception began. Waiters popped up on all sides, some carrying silver trays of pumpkin juice, butterbeer, and firewhisky, others tottering piles of tarts and sandwiches. The twins were standing with the trio by the dessert table, looking for Maeve when they saw her sprinting over to them, looking back every few seconds. When she got to them, trying to catch her breath, her face fell.

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