Chapter 28

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She was having a lot of fun in the Weasley tent. She was spending a bit more time with the twins, she felt that the initial awkwardness had faded. However, she knew she needed to go meet up with the Diggory's, since she was invited by them.

"Maeve are you coming?" Ginny asked

She smiled at the lot who were begging with their eyes, "I came with Cedric, so I'm gonna go watch the game with him, before he thinks I used him." She laughed. "But I'll meet you guys back here after."

The group was parting, she looked at Fred who still had begging eyes, "Okay? I'll see you right here." She marked an X in the dirt with a foot, and headed off to find her friend.

When she found him, she punch his shoulder.

"You knew." She crossed her arms and looked at him while he rubbed his shoulder.

"Of course, we all knew. Except You and Fred of course." He laughed grabbing her hand and walking to their seats.

"Well," he wiggled his eyebrows, "you snog yet?" She went red,

"Of course not! His family was around us." She didn't realize what she said at first until she saw Cedric laughing.

"I didn't mean it like that! Even if we were alone I wouldn't." She crossed her arms, deep down she did want to kiss him.

The game was pretty intense, especially since Cedric and Maeve take quidditch very seriously. Amos thought it was a funny scene as he watched his son and his best friend scream their lungs out, "for Hufflepuffs, you two are very aggressive when it comes to this sport."

The Irish were winning, and Maeve was going crazy. Every time they scored, shed grab Cedrics sleeve and violently shake him. She took quidditch very seriously, especially for the Irish.

"They're going to for the snitch!" Cedric yelled.

Lynch was racing for it, but Krum got to it first. The game was over, the Irish won, but Krum caught the snitch, exactly how the twins said it.

"How did they know." She was in disbelief, but she was so excited that the Irish won. She shook Cedric violently.

"THEY WON!" The two friends screamed into each others faces, while high-fiving the crowd around them.

When the game was over, she said goodnight to the Diggorys.

"We will meet you in front of the Weasleys tent in the morning, Mae" Amos hugged her goodnight. When the two Diggorys started to walk away she grabbed Cedric's hand and placed something in it. A pair of ear plugs. He was trying to hid his laugh from his dad, which just left a goofy smile on his face.

"thank you" he mouthed and they departed from each other. When she made it to the Weasleys tent, she walked in on the Twins bullying Ron about Krum.

"I think he's in love." Maeve pretended to gush, causing the group of teens to look at her as she walked in. Fred and George ran up to her, Fred grabbing her into a hug and lifting her off the ground jumping.

"We won, Love!" He laughed. He put her down and she looked up at the boys, squinting her eyes.

"How did you know." The boys pretended to zip their lips, but before she could question them more, a sound that resembled fireworks went off outside the tent.

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on."

Arthur ran in quickly moving moving his family to the center of the tent, and pushing Maeve into Fred.

"Its not the Irish," the father tried to hide his fear from his kids, " We have get out of here."

They were ushered outside and were surrounded with complete chaos. Tents were burning, everyone was running in different directions. Aurors were all over the place. The smell of burning tents, triggered the memory of Maeve, when she was sent home to find her house in flames. She was tugged out of her thoughts by Arthur's voice.

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