Chapter 16

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I was discharged quicker than expected and then we went to the castle. It took a while before I spilled everything to Luciano, every single detail, including the return of Charlotte and what the witches wanted from me. There were only a few of us in the car, the driver, Ben and Luciano.

By the time I was done, I was crying, my cheeks wet and my hands shaking with the memories of last night.

"Shush," he cupped my face and pulled me closer, "No one is ever going to harm you, I promise and we will deal with Charlotte. I will kill her myself if I see her again," he promised.

"I don't know what she wants and I don't know how the witches were able to get her alive. They even took my magic away, Luciano. I couldn't protect myself or the baby," I sobbed, rubbing my stomach. If I had my magic, I could've protected myself but they took it away from me.

"I know, I know, princess. You will get your magic back and nothing will happen,"

When we arrived at the castle, I was taken in through the backdoor where none of the guards or the wolves could see us. Luciano wanted to stay discreet until his mother did spell on me to protect me and the baby—so no one could harm either of us.

We went straight to Jaqueline's chambers. Being in the castle after a very long time felt different—odd, the beasts outside, the town people, and everything else was quiet, in tranquility as if it was all under control. The air was clear and free of all panic.

It made me wonder.

Was I the panic?

When we arrived at the doorstep of Jaqueline's room, Luciano went over to the guard, his eyes piercing in his as he warned, "No one is going to know about this. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my King."

"Good. Make sure the hallways are clear and we shouldn't be disturbed,"

The guard nodded his head and then opened the large room door, allowing us inside Jaqueline's chambers. I found her standing by the window, looking outside as she drank her herbal tea. When she turned around, sunlight glistened on her skin and sorrow filled her eyes.

"Oh, love, what had they done to you?" She asked, her hands reaching out for me. I hugged her immediately, my eyes watering as I fell in her strong embrace that seemed to protect me.

"The witches...they are so wicked," I whispered.

"I told you, they are some nice ones and then there are some horrible ones." She replied, caressing my back.

I pulled away from her, "They told me that I'm supposedly the chosen one and my mother belonged from the same coven. How is any of that possible? I didn't even know that I was a witch until a few months ago."

"I know. Through a spell, I was able to find your location just a few hours ago. The spiral tree is in the forbidden forest that we all are aware off." She explained. No wonder the wolves were there.

"They took my magic—the queen—I don't know her name but she's strong." I murmured, my fingers still trembling whenever her face flashed in front of me.

"Gretel Burroughs, she comes from the salem witch bloodline, making her stronger than the others. The Wives of the Spiral Tree is the only known coven around here, it disappeared in the mid 90's but they still exist."

"But my mother—she told me that my mother belonged in the same coven," I said, shaking my head. Everyone in that coven were cruel and vicious, none of them were bothered to show any mercy on me.

My mother couldn't be from there.

"Your mother might have belonged there as that the only know coven in this part of the country," she continued.

"And, the chosen one? They want me to kill werewolves and they have threatened me that if I don't, they will do things to me."

Jaqueline froze for a moment, her features softened and she narrowed down her eyes, "There is something that you need to know, Red." She lifted her head and saw Luciano before continuing, "Every century, a witch rises with the power to kill werewolves. Werewolves and witches have been in war for years and years. These are the only two creatures that are in existence as of now! When I was born, I had the power to kill werewolves, making the first of the chosen ones."


"That's right. I was sent here from England to complete the task of killing werewolves. It was in that process I realized that Vincent was my mate. I had to stop there. I couldn't bear killing any one of Vincent's wolves." I was beyond surprised.

Luciano stepped froward, completely confused along with the rest of us in the room. "Mother—"

"Vincent doesn't needs to know, Luciano. It's better if it stays a secret." She said, looking at him. "Seline was able to learn about it through other sorcerers around the area and it's the main reason behind all the torments she had put me up to."

I couldn't survive like that. The witch—Gretel wasn't wrong when she told me that every century a new witch rises. The first one was Jaqueline, it was my mother then and now it was me.

My mother must've died for the same reason.


There was a brief moment of utter silence before Jaqueline suggested that she could do a spell to protect the baby—by linking her own life to mine. If any harm ought to come my way, I'd survive and the baby would stay protected.

Thick, long candles brightened around the room as she prepared for the spell. I sat on the bed and waited. She pulled out a few herbs from her collection and bought them up to me.

"You'll be safe and so will be the baby." She assured before dropping a herb on the clear cup of water. "The chamomile will keep you healthy, the fennel will guarantee the health of the baby and the birch bark will link us together as one, shall any danger rise, my magic will keep you alive and protected."

After giving the tea a good mix, she mumbled something under her breath and then gave it to me. Without hesitation, I drank it all and placed the cup over the table.

Jaqueline smiled after a moment, "You're safe now,"

"Thank you. What about my magic? I can't do anything,"

"You magic can be only given back to you by the one who took it—in this case, Gretel," she replied. "But there are a few things you can practice that will allow you to heal and give you strength."

I nodded my head, "I want to do that. I don't want to ever feel weak again,"

I was completely powerless in front of Charlotte and that was what affected me the most.

"Come to me everyday and I will show you a few things,"

There was a soft knock on the door that pulled me away from Jaqueline. Luciano loosened his arms from his chest and headed to the door to open it. It was the guard outside Jaqueline's room.

"What is it, Edward?" Jaqueline asked him.

"It has been rumored that Ms. Charlotte is at the castle,"

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