Superbats - Being their daughter

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Being the daughter of Superman and Batman came with some dangerous things mostly people who hated your fathers, and brothers. You are sitting in the bat cave with ace laying down by your side while you bandage yourself after a nasty fight with a robber. Well you were not bandage your self at much you dad bruce Wayne was do it for you after you were not able to it anymore from the pain.

Y/n " what with everyone trying to stab before taking it out"

Bruce " you were lucky kiddo but you have to remember not everyone is going to go down easy"

Y/n " words to live by dad words to live by"

Bruce " now I know you want to be like your father and me, and your brothers but you have to remember you as well have you weakness"

Y/n " don't say it because I'm a girl dad"

Bruce " no it not because you are a girl it because you are dealing with having some of your father powers, and not fully understand where you are with them"

Y/n " when will I be able to understand my power dad"

????? " it make take your months or years sweetie"

Y/n " hey father"

Clark " I was told of what happened between you and the robber, your power will come fully into play when you need them the most but for now enjoy what you have"

Y/n " so I can still do portals"

Clark " not for while not until you are fully here you can help from here"

Bruce " hey maybe you can help us grounded your brother for missing their curfew and taking the justice league jet"

Y/n " could call at one to the cops"

Clark " oh he did try" you and your father laugh your father had told everyone kids is they steal any of her vehicles of the justice league, he will call it in but then at will start something new with the social media and he justice league relationships.

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