Chapter 76

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We are having dinner with everyone around the table for once, my big brother finally joined us for dinner and he brought along his wife and Lee TaeNa brought her future husband to our family dinner as well. Because of that, I am feeling a little lonely this evening especially when I am the only one without a partner.

I looked towards my older sister and she gave me that look, she doesn't want to talk to me especially after what happened with Jeon JungAh earlier this afternoon, I didn't intend for that to happen but I think that I have just made matters worse. Jeon JungAh didn't like me from the first place and now she is going to avoid me for the rest of her life because I had confessed to her and she rejected me by running away and bursting into tears.

Am I that bad as a person? I was raised by my parents to be a righteous and polite person who doesn't make anyone feel uncomfortable and it is the same way that my older siblings were treated as 2ell but why does it seem like it was something completely different?

No one wants to talk to me in school and they would avoid me as soon as they see me, it is as if I am the plague and they don't want to get infected so that they stay away from me as far as possible. Well, except for Jeon Jungmin because I was friends since forever and he is the only person who can withstand me after all these years.

But other than him, I can't seem to get along with anyone, not even my siblings because I would get into fights all the time and we used to fight each other all the time, we were known as the three kingdoms of the Lees and it was a bloody battle every single day with at least one person having a bruise or a cut. Now we don't fight with each other that much because we have all grown up but we will still fight when we can't solve the issue verbally and our parents will do nothing but to eat popcorn and watch the three of us engaged in full battle.

"TaeMin, why aren't you eating? I thought that you are still growing and you need a lot of food to grow taller." My older sister starts with something mild.

"So that I can tower all over you and stomp you into pieces?" I said and my father cleared his throat immediately. "I mean that I have huge feet and I can stomp on little insects such as the Lee TaeNa cockroach, it needs to be gone so that my peaceful life will return."

"That is enough, you two. Stop arguing with each other when you two are already in your 20s, behave more like an adult and eat dinner without insulting each other every few seconds." My mother said to both of us and we nodded our heads while cursing at each other in our minds.

My older brother who is now the more mature one out of the three of us took a sip of water to begin his conversation. "I heard that you are now engaged to your loved one, I thought that you were brawling like a child 2 weeks ago? What happened in that short period?" He asked Lee TaeNa, I guess that he is still not that mature enough even though he is almost 8 years older than me.

"One more insult or the three of you will stay outside and eat your food while battling the freezing temperatures, I heard that the weather is cold enough to turn hot boiling water into steam in mere seconds. Do you guys want to try that?" My mother said and we all shook our heads, we wouldn't be so dumb to fight to the point that we have to be outside in the cold. She turned towards my sister-in-law and Nam Daehwan. "Don't mind them, they are always at each other's necks all the time but don't worry, they love each other a lot and this is how they show their affection for each other."

I quickly finished up my dinner and told them that I had work to do and excused myself without drawing too much attention to myself, I was just going to lie down on my bed and then work on my skills but Lee TaeNa just had to follow me into my bedroom and she had that murderous look on her face the whole time, she almost killed me off earlier when it was only the two of us and Jeon JungAh but my parents arrived home right at that moment and our battle was cut short.

I was saved for a while but not the second time, Lee TaeNa is never going to let me off so easily this time. "Where do you think that you are going? You have no way to escape at all." She said to me.

"I told you that I was wrong for doing that to Jeon JungAh and I apologized for it, you heard that apology right?" I told her but she wasn't believing me at all, she wouldn't do that because it is me. "I am serious, I mean no harm at all. I just liked her and I wanted her to know about how I feel about her."

"And make sure that no other guys will be able to get her, is that what you were intending to do?" I nodded at my older sister's words. "That is just perverted, you don't do that to a girl. That would only make a girl more uncomfortable and that was the main reason why that girl left you after going out with you for 3 dates."

I sighed in disbelief and sat down on my bed. "Then what should I do, Noona?" I don't want to do this but I have no choice but to ask my older sister for more tips just because she is a female and she knows how to be a female.

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