Chapter 53

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I can do this, I told myself as I entered the lift to go down to the first floor and make my way to the lobby where a certain someone is waiting for me. I have been wanting to avoid her not only because she is Lee TaeNa's mother but it is also because I have no idea why she even wanted to meet me for. She might tell me that Lee TaeNa and I will never be able to be together in this lifetime and she will send TaeNa to some foreign country to take her degree, she might also set her up with someone and she would come back married.

Nam Chaewon only said as a joke but I can't help but think that things can happen, I mean that they show it in dramas all the time and the main couple would never end up together, they will have a hard time and in the end, they get married to other people and that is the ending which I didn't like. Mrs Lee is a very kind and thoughtful person from what I know, she takes care of me well when I was young and I often came over to Taewoon's house all the time, but she can be protective towards her family when she has to and she will do whatever it takes to protect the ones that she loves and cherish.

She is afraid that I might hurt her daughter and she kept her away from me, she disapproved of us dating and she would want both of us to never see each other again. But I want to see TaeNa, she is the only reason why I am still single and I want her to be my bride, no one is perfect enough for that role other than Lee TaeNa herself. I am going to talk Mrs Lee out of this, I want to be happy as well.

The lift dinged and I got out of the lift, instantly scanning for a lady who looks like Mrs Lee and my eyes stopped at the lady who is wearing a brown trenchcoat and she had a very classy hairdo, that is Mrs Lee. I walked up to her and she immediately frowns as she sees me. "Mrs Lee, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Let's talk at a quiet place, like a VIP room of a restaurant." She said and I suggested that we would go to one of the restaurants that I usually frequent and she told me to lead her there, she is being bossy right now but I can't say a thing. She is Lee TaeNa's mother and I should be respectful to her whatever she says or do to me, she is older than me for goodness sake.

We arrived at the restaurant and I told one of the servers to bring us to the VIP rooms which I have never been in there before, I would usually have my meal outside just like any other human that comes into the restaurant, it is not like the food would taste a little different and they come from the same kitchen anyways.

I carried her chair for her and helped her push in her seat, she didn't say thank you to me and sat there just waiting for me to sit down as well. I handed her the menu and she stopped me from doing that. "You know very well that I am not here to have a meal with you, we are not that close to doing such a thing and I am not planning to eat anything here."

"Yes, Mrs Lee. What would you like to drink then?" I asked her. "Is a cup of coffee good for you?" She nodded her head and I ordered the both of us a cup of coffee each and a glass of plain water, she is going to pour me with something and I am not going to be able to drink any of my coffee.

"I don't know what is your deal but I wouldn't want someone like you to date, my daughter, I am fine with her dating anyone but you. You can't be in our family." She started her lecture and I didn't like what she said about me already, she had hated me even more apart from the fact that I am her ex-bestie's son. "So make sure that you don't see TaeNa again or I will make sure that you don't get to see her around."

"Why, Mrs Lee? I get the part that you had bad blood with my mother but that doesn't concern me at all, I am not blood-related to Mr Nam and I am his adopted son." I told her. "So technically TaeNa and I wouldn't be related to each other and we are considered as strangers and we are only half-siblings in the paper."

"I don't care about that, the fact that you are her son just makes my blood boil. I thought that you were contented being friends with Taewoon, why do you have to target TaeNa? You said that you loved her but I just think that you are using her as revenge and getting back at me." She started to raise her voice little by little.

"I don't get any benefits from it, I just love TaeNa and I want to be with her and marry her as my wife. I just hope that you would give us your blessings." I said to her.

"Blessings? You still expect me to give you my blessings after all of this, let me tell you that it is not going to happen under my watch and TaeNa is not going to be with someone like you." My phone suddenly rang and I looked at the caller ID, my facial expression darken and my heart sank to the deepest part of the ocean. "Don't you dare to pick up that call, I am not done with you."

"I can't ignore this call, it is from the hospital and what I fear is about to happen, my father is going to die and he is probably not going to survive today," I told her the truth about my father.

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