Chapter 9

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I drove to every single store that Omma told me to go to. She said that those few places were where JungAh loved going to. She should be at one of these places but where the hell is she?

TaeMin was beside me making calls to anyone that he knows that could help him with finding my sister. I have not told my mother about it yet as he would be so angry that her youngest child has not returned home yet and it is all my fault. Mrs. Jeon HaYoon can be a very scary mother when it comes to discipline.

Maybe she went to the nightclub? Aye, that can never happen. She is not that kind of person to go clubbing and mix around with those alcoholics.

"I might sound crazy but I have a feeling that she might be at one of these nightclubs downtown."

I glared at him. "I'm serious. Imagine that you are JungAh and you finally got to do what you like. One of your friends happens to be one of the people that are clubbers and asked your sister if she wanted to go clubbing."

"And she would definitely go as that friend of her is very persuasive and drags her all the way there," I answered that very question.

"Exactly!" She has a friend whom name that I had forgotten loves clubbing a lot and would ask her all the time. JungAh would reject her all the time and this time she actually would agree to it.

I immediately drove to nightclub district and searched every nightclub for her hoping that she would be somewhere there laying down, I don't know. I just don't want to witness the scene where she is dead drunk and there is a stranger carrying her. She isn't that nightclub type but the thing is that she is a virgin.

I will get killed immediately if that really happens. I am only 20 years old and I have yet to enjoy life at its very best yet. I want to have fun so I can't die so soon.

We came to the last nightclub in the stretch of the nightclub street and stood at the entrance. This is a nightclub that I have never been before due to the extremely expensive drinks and to get the VIP pass, it is very expensive. Not even my monthly allowance could pay for it.

"We can't go inside it, it's way too expensive to enter," I told TaeMin who was about to enter.

"Then what we should do? If we can't go in, then what?"

I shrugged my shoulders to his questions. I definitely know no one that actually visits this nightclub frequently. If only I had a VIP pass, that would solve all things at once.

"Can I help you guys?" I heard that voice and turned around. It was a female's and she is in her early 20s.
Eh? Isn't she the one that I met earlier at the café?

"Eh? You are Park..." I tried to remember her name. She told me once but I had forgotten. It didn't seem that important at that time but it is now. If I call her name wrong, she might not help me. You know, some girls... They always want you to remember their names no matter what.

"DaJeong, my name is Park DaJeong."

"Right, Park DaJeong. I wonder why you are here at this hour."

"What else can I do here?" She said pointing to the signboard. The neon lights flashed the name of the nightclub. Maybe she can help me get JungAh out.

"Then what are you guys here for?" She then asked the question to the both of us.

"We are here to find someone but we aren't sure if she is really inside or not. Would you mind if you help me find her for just a while?" TaeMin asked her.

"Who does she look like?" TaeMin nudged me and I showed her pictures that I have of JungAh on my phone.

"Isn't she working at the café as well? The girl who is always working at the store." She pointed it out immediately. It seems that she frequently patronizes the café.

"She's my sister and she has not picked up my calls for the past hour. If we couldn't find her, my parents would definitely kill me. So, can you spare a few minutes to go in there and find her? It's okay if you don't want to." I started putting on my pitiful act to gain her empathy and hopefully, she would agree.

"I will help you." She said going into the nightclub with her VIP pass.

"Do you really think that JungAh is inside?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "If she doesn't, we have to think of another place where she would be at. Any more places that you can think of?"

"We have searched all the places that we can think of and I can't think of anywhere that JungAh could be at." I scratched my head in frustration. Jeon JungAh, you better be in there or I don't know what to do.

Park DaJeong came out a few minutes carrying someone out that looks eerily similar to my sister. She looked so messed up and her clothes... It looked very revealing. Did her friends forced her to wear that?

"I found someone laying down on the floor that looks like the person in the picture but I'm not that sure that it is really her."

I flipped her hair to the hair so that I could take a look at her face. She is wearing makeup and looks exactly like the girls that I dated. Makeup really works like magic sometimes.

She is my sister. "She is JungAh," I said carrying her on my back. "Thanks a lot."

"Don't mention it, I just loved helping people." She said.

We bid farewell and we went back to the car that was parked in one of the parking lots. I put JungAh in the back seat and strapped the seatbelt to her so that she doesn't move around too much.

We dropped TaeMin at his house before driving back home. I carefully opened the door and brought her in while on tiptoes. I laid her down on the bed and removed her makeup as well as her shoes to hide the fact that she had been out clubbing.

I came out of her room and grabbed some stuff from my room. I couldn't go back to my own house as I got grounded by my parents for being such a disgrace.

I have to do something to make them want their only son back. The lights were switched on all of a sudden and I immediately ducked down to prevent being found out. "Come out this moment." I heard my mother's voice. How did she even know that I am here?

"Jeon Jungmin, I give you 5 seconds to surrender yourself to me." She said and I came out immediately. A son will always be afraid of his mother even when he is an adult.

"Come with me to the living room, I have something to say to you. Your father is also outside waiting in his pajamas."

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