Chapter 48

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I held Nam Daehwan's hand really tightly when we were in the car, I am not ready to let him go. I have been always curious about my feelings towards Nam Daehwan even though I clearly know we are step-siblings and I can't help but stare at him whenever he is around me.

I first met him when I was just a baby and he was already 5 years old, he was best friends with my older brother and they are considered to be stepbrothers as well because we had the same father and I recently found out that he didn't have any blood relation to my birth father and my birth father was actually his stepfather instead.

I started to know him a little better when I started schooling and started to speak properly, he was already a fifth-grader by then and he is already so tall. He plays a lot of football with my older brother and I wanted to join them so many times but because I was so scared of the ball coming towards my face and hitting my face, I never had the courage to actually play a match with them and I grew up before I could realise and that was when I learnt the truth about Nam Daehwan.

My mother spoke to me one night when I was in my teens that I should stop talking to Nam Daehwan not because she was scared that he might be of bad influence to me but he is my stepbrother and she doesn't want me to get in contact with because we are family and our families have a really bad relationship with each other. She also told me the entire story and told me that Nam Daehwan is just like my abusive and heartless birth father who cheated on my mother throughout their entire marriage, she told me that they are people that I shouldn't associate myself with.

That made me distance myself away from Nam Daehwan and his younger twin sisters whom I just got to get closer to and I did that because I wanted to make my mother happy, Nam Daehwan did nothing wrong but his entire family is to be blamed for my mother's unhappiness. She might look like she has forgotten everything about what happened years ago but she still holds onto the past, she has only gotten better at hiding it.

And so I prevented myself from talking to Nam Daehwan even though I know that he isn't like what my mother had described him as he is the sweetest human being who has been sandwiched in the middle by both of our families, my brother was the only one who kept being friends with him despite my mother's disapproval and he even invited their entire family to the wedding.

But I have always liked Nam Daehwan and I have never stopped liking him, that was also one of my reasons why I didn't date anyone even though I could easily do that, but I didn't do that because I already had Nam Daehwan deep-rooted in my heart and no one else can replace him anymore. I pretended not to have feelings for him because I knew that my mother wouldn't approve of it and everything would go berserk if we were to announce to everyone that we are going out with each other, I wanted everyone to be happy and I decided that I should be the good guy and not want anyone unhappy.

But I became unhappy instead because I couldn't be with the person that I loved, Nam Daehwan was also going through the same thing, he didn't date anyone because he was only into me and no one else, he has a lot of girls going after him but he rejected them all and keeps himself busy with work and nothing else. The two of us just wanted a chance that we can be with each other and not get judged by anyone.

And we are going to do just that. "Are you ready?" He asked me once again when we are outside my house, he has been asking me this over and over again because we are not sure about how they are going to react and I am not sure how we're going to deal with it as well.

"We are going to still be with each other if they don't approve of it right?" I asked him. "You are not going to leave me right?"

"I will bring you to somewhere safe if things really get worse but I want us to be together no matter what, I don't want to keep denying about it anymore." He squeezed my hand. "I will only go along with you if you are on the same page as me, are you? TaeNa, tell me honestly."

"I..." This is starting to get a little overwhelmed and I am scared of everything that is going to happen in the next few minutes and I have no idea why I am still hesitating when I am so close to what I wanted to do. "I am so sorry, Nam Daehwan. I guess that I needed more time on this, I am a little overwhelmed."

He didn't say anything but pulled me closer to him. "It's okay, take your time. I am still going to be here when you have gotten ready. I am not going to let you go of you, Lee TaeNa. I mean it, I really do."

"Nam Daehwan, I am being so selfish right now, I--" He kissed me on the lips. "You are not selfish, you are thinking for yourself for once and it is not something to be sorry about. And I will always love you, TaeNa."

We started making out with each other, devouring each other because we were so hungry for each other, we have been holding back for so long and we can't pretend that we don't have feelings for each other anymore. There was a knock on the side window and we jumped up in fright, especially when we saw the person who did that, it was my mother Mrs Lee Youngji.

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