Chapter 21

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I walked around the levels with a folder in my arms, doing my rounds as a nurse. It is a good exercise to walk around since I have just finished a heavy lunch and Woohyuk was nagging at me at my poor food choices which would lead me to gain more weight, the wedding is coming soon and I have to maintain my weight for it even though I am only the Groom's sister.

I walked past one room and my older brother is in there, checking up on his patients and informing them about their condition. He still looks rather upset about what happened between him and DaeHwan a few days ago.

My brother hated my birth father the most as he caused a lot of harm to him and our mother, he could never forget the amount of physical abuse that he has received as a young child. It was traumatizing to him back then and it wouldn't make any difference now, the past doesn't change either do the people who are affected by it.

I stood at the side waiting for him to finish talking to his patients and he came out of the room, I stood in front of him. "Oppa, can we have a talk? I promise that it wouldn't take too much of your time."

He glanced a look towards his watch. "Is it urgent?"

I shook my head. "It is not about work, it is something personal," I explained. "It is about the wedding."

His facial expression didn't change much but I could see that hint of sadness in his eyes. "Wait for me after work, I will have dinner with you."

I nodded, slightly feeling better that he agreed to talk to me. He hadn't been talking to me at all, he told me that he would talk to me on the day of the conflict between him and his best friend but he didn't talk to me, he kept silent all the time.

No matter what happens today, I would have to make him talk to me. If he doesn't want to, I have to force him to speak. He is my older brother and I know that this matter is indeed inappropriate for me to talk to him since I wasn't quite a part of his life during the whole time that he was getting mistreated by his own father.

He is the one who is supposed to be loving him and yet he is the one who ruined that very relationship, a father and son relationship that could never be saved no matter how hard he tries. 
I kept this mindset that I was heading towards until the end of my shift and I stood outside his office as I watched the other nurses and doctors go off work as well, it was a good thing that the two of us worked in the same hospital along with our adoptive father who is now the head of the paediatric department as well as the boarding director of the hospital that we are able to still see each other even though we are very busy at our respective lines of work.

I spotted my older brother walking back to the office looking rather grumpy and exhausted from long hours of working, he gave me a slight nod before he went inside to take his briefcase and he went to the changing room to change out of his uniform.

We walked out of the hospital with some of the nurses gossiping about the two of us being together in the same line, not a lot of people know that we are in fact siblings and not be trying to seduce Doctor Lee Taewoon.

We decided not to reveal our relationship in public in case people would start to take advantage of the relationship that we have, it would be bad to his reputation that his sister is working in the same hospital as him. I even had to call him Doctor as instructed by our father who told us to keep things professional and private matters apart from each other.

At home, he is my older brother but at work, he is just any other respected resident doctor. Things have to work like this in order to keep things professional until the moment when we step out of the hospital, we will be brother and sister again.

"Where do you want to have dinner?" He asked as he looked around for any restaurants that he might like. "Korean cuisine?"

"Japanese, I'm craving for some ramen today," I told him. "You choose the restaurant."

"The usual?" I nodded and we headed over to our favourite Japanese restaurant, the one that we have been going to since a very long time ago.

It was owned by someone close to our family, our Aunt's husband whom she dated way back in college. He was a chef working in several restaurants throughout his entire career but he decided to open a restaurant a few months before he proposed to my aunt, it is a lovely proposal and I believed that his love for my aunt is definite.

I eyed a middle-aged couple talking to each other at the entrance of the restaurant and Taewoon Oppa cleared his throat, gathering the attention of the two. "Good evening, Aunt YeBin and Uncle MinGyu." He paused for a moment. "Are we interrupting something important here?"

Aunt YeBin laughed an awkward laugh. "No, of course... You and TaeNa not having dinner at home?"

"I have already informed my mother about it and she was fine with the two of us having dinner at your place free of charge." That is one thing whenever we dined here, everything here is on the house and we have never paid for anything here.

"Again? Who the hell decided that we would be one family?" Uncle MinGyu groaned and his wife elbowed him in the stomach. "You guys eat a lot and there is not enough stock to go around."

"There definitely will be, I won't eat a lot today," I told Uncle MinGyu as we entered the restaurant and to our favourite spot in the whole restaurant.

We waited for our food to arrive and he was already downing on drinks when he shouldn't be doing, he will get drunk by the time the food comes. "Slow down on the drinks, there is still food going to come."

He ignored my words and poured me a glass as well. "Drink up, you worked very hard these days and you deserved to drink as well."

"Was that such a cruel thing to do? To not invite the rest of the Nams to the wedding?" I started to ask him. "Afterall, he is still our biological father."

"He is, but he can't still be our father. He didn't take care of our mother and he doesn't deserve to be called our biological father."


"Was that time that you went over to their place not enough for you? Are you that willing to make them your family? When you have your own family?"


"I don't care what you think, all I know is that they can't be at my wedding ever. Never."

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