Chapter 56

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I kneeled at the side of the altar with my mother and my two sisters as I saw the people who came for my father's funeral, they were all bowing and praying for his afterlife and then going to the other side of the room to have their meal before going back home. I wonder if they are sincere towards my father but I don't care about that, he is still my father at the end of the year and he will be until the day that I die.

My father has made a lot of enemies throughout his entire life and he is a bad person no matter how much I want to deny it but he is, he cheated on his ex-wife with my mother and committed that huge sin that he is not being able to reverse his actions, he has also fallen out with his own younger brother and they haven't been in contact for as long as I can remember and when they do meet each other, they don't look at each other at all and it is extremely awkward.

The only thing that he hasn't done wrong is to marry my mother which was part of his mistake and built up a family that he and my mother destroyed and gave us warmth and happiness, I am still able to respect my father because of this and I am proud that I had a father like him even though he is not my actual father. I have no idea where my actual father is at, he was never mentioned and I haven't met him not even once, he could've died a long time ago and my mother is keeping it from me but I don't mind.

It is not like he is the one who gives me hugs before I go to bed every night or the person who goes to every event that I am in, my adopted father did all of that for me and he is more like my actual father more than anything else.  But now he is gone and I can't tell him this, he would listen to me but he can't answer me at all because he is not around in this world anymore.

I thought that he would survive for at least a year but cancer took him away faster than I had thought and now he is an angel in our hearts, even if no one thinks of him this way, I will be the one to honour my father who is not around anymore.

"You have done such a great job, holding your father's funeral and making so many people attend. It is not an easy feat for someone who has offended so many people throughout his entire life, you must have begged them to come to the funeral to see your father for the final time." I looked up and it was my uncle WooHyun, my boss at the law firm that I worked at.

I had sent a message telling him to come over to his brother's funeral and he told me that he is busy with his work and he wouldn't be going but I guess seeing his older brother is more important than his work as the head lawyer. "I thought that you have better things to do?" I asked him. "Did you come alone?"

He turned his head to the right and Nam Chaewon appeared, of course, she would come with him because she is his daughter and my cousin. "Can't I come to my uncle's funeral? And I am here to see you as well."

"See me for what? We can talk in the office after I finish up things here." I told her, she is always so nosy and I don't like that trait like hers especially when we are now working together in the same law firm. Why does she want to work in the same place as her father and her cousin?

"Is TaeNa still here?" She asked me and I looked around for her, she was here first time in the morning and she was around for a while but I haven't seen her in a few hours. "Go and talk to her since you are now at the funeral and Mrs Lee wouldn't be able to kill you off because it is disrespectful to do that sort of thing at a funeral."

"She might have gone home already, it has been a few hours since I saw her but it doesn't matter, it is not like we can be together even if I force it," I said and my cousin flicked my forehead, and I yelled in pain. How dare she flicks my forehead when I am so much older than her?

"This is why you can't ever rebel in your own family, you are an adult and you have the right to do whatever you want to do and no one can say anything about it. Just go find TaeNa, I will take care of things here while you are gone." I wanted to say more but she shushed me up with her finger instead. "Her bag is still here, there is no way that she would go home without taking her bag along with her."

And then I heard the toilet flush and she came out of the toilet, preparing to go back to her seat. "What did I say? She is not going to leave at the end of today and you have all the time to talk to her, make sure that she understands what you wanted and things go overboard, just elope with her to come to some foreign country and only come back after a few months." I sighed disappointedly at her. "Then go talk to her, it saves all the time and you don't need to learn a new language just to live somewhere."

I looked towards my mother and my twin sisters who are still mourning for the loss of my father and I looked at Lee TaeNa, I don't care if I am going to lose this battle but I have to make you my wife no matter what, I won't marry anyone else but you.

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