Chapter 79

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"No matter what happens, we are going to support your decision and still treat you the same." Lee TaeNa says to me as I walked out of the room. "I am going to disown my younger brother if he ever tries to do anything to you but he is an angel, that is the only thing that is good about him."

I know that he is an angel, he always has been even though he has a very sharp tongue, but at least he is very straightforward with his words and he knows what he wants. That was why he didn't waste any time in confessing to me when he found out that he has feelings for me, I know that it is not something that he has realized for a long time.

But I am the person who is not doing anything when he had already confessed to me, I don't even know what my answer is even after 3 whole months, I know that he is a good person but I don't know if I have feelings for him at all. I have known him since I was a child and he was the best friend of my older brother and he still is, because of his sharp tongue, not a lot of people is willing to be friends with him and if they are friends with him, they will find a way to get out of the friendship as soon as possible and they will not stay for long.

So my older brother is the only one who has stayed with him as a friend for the longest time and that makes him extremely unapproachable and other than that, he is also a gamer who makes him unable to meet anyone outside of his gaming world, I am surprised that he has a girlfriend even though he spends most of his time cooped up at home.

I walked into the main hall where the engagement party is at, there are already a lot of people and it is kind of hard to spot Lee TaeMin in that sea of people. I then changed my target to my older brother hoping that I could see both of them but both of them don't seem to be around. Maybe they went to the toilet to wash up, they would be later and I will get to see them.

I walked around for a while and one person tapped me on the shoulder, it was one of the twins of Nam Daehwan, it is Ella the younger twin. "Hey, do you know where is Jeon Jungmin?" I then looked at the other twin, who didn't seem to like me and she had her arms crossed over one another.

I shook my head. "He should be around somewhere, I am looking for him as well," I told her and I suddenly realized that I have a mobile phone and I could use that to call my older brother or even Lee TaeMin, that would have saved me so much time trying to find the both of them with my eyes. "Is it urgent? Do you want me to call him?"

"No, it is okay. I will search for him on my own." She declined my offer to help her find my older brother even though I also need to find him.

"He is right there, taking some food with Lee TaeMin, who looked extremely good-looking and I see that he has ditched his T-shirt and jeans for that killer red carpet look." Nam Bella said that and I immediately feel my blood boiling in my vessels, but I don't understand why I even feel that way.

I looked towards the direction of the buffet area and they were there, I can't believe that he is right there in that look that stunned me completely, he should have just worn his T-shirt to the engagement party and no one will stare at him that much. The three of them walked over to them and I immediately thought of Nam Bella and tried my very best to stop her from talking to him but he is already looking at her and answering her questions. I am here, look at me and talk to me...

Why am I thinking of this when I don't have any feelings towards him? I had a sudden realization and Lee TaeMin tapped me on the shoulder with his fingers. "Are you okay? You looked zoned out."

My heart started racing and I have to get out of here before he would hear it. "I am going to the toilet!" I ran to the washroom and it is the safest place for me to be at right now, and Lee TaeMin can't make his way in because he is a guy and he will be called a pervert.

I locked myself up in one of the cubicles, hoping to stay in there until the engagement party is over and everyone is making their way home and so I stayed in there, sitting on top of the toilet bowl while mentally counting down to the hours where the engagement party will be over.

It is a little over an hour when there was the announcement telling everyone that the engagement party is going to start, I could get out when everyone is busy talking in their groups and I could finally stand down and go lie down in the waiting room when I couldn't feel my legs at all. I stood up and opened the door when I realized that it couldn't be unlocked and I tried doing it a few more times and it came to a conclusion that I might have been locked up in the bathroom.

How pathetic is that? I started banging on the door hoping that some outside girl might notice that I am stuck inside and try to get me out but it is to no avail, everyone is outside waiting for the party to start and here I am, stuck in the bathroom. I took out my phone and called my older brother but he is not answering me because the party is going to start and he wouldn't look at his phone until he needs to go home, so it means that I might get stuck in here until the party is over and when he realizes that his younger sister is not around at all.

My fingers then hovered over Lee TaeMin's contact, should I call him to save me? But he doesn't answer when I call him all the time and this time wouldn't make a difference, he is not going to pick up and I am going to be here as long as possible. And then I heard something coming from the cubicle next to me and then a head popped out and I screamed until I saw his face. "I am not that scary for goodness sake."

"How did you get in here?" I asked him. "You are a male and you will be labelled as a creep if anyone sees you here." I am touched that he is here to save me when no one noticed that I was stuck in here.

"But you needed help, and so I came to help you. You were the one who was banging on the door right?" He asked me and I nodded my head. "I was waiting for you to come back from the toilet but you are not coming back at all and it has been almost an hour so I went to look for you and then I heard the banging and then I came in and I--" I immediately pulled him closer for a kiss and then withdraw from him. "Just get me out of here and then we will talk." I think that I know what to say to him now.

I'm Engaged?? (#12)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant