Chapter 30

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I looked towards my friend who came out of his house wearing a dress shirt and headphones around his neck, in his hands is a game console that he would always bring it with him anywhere he goes. "Are you seriously going to wear that to a wedding? And with these headphones? You are attending a wedding and not going to a game Convention Center."

He ignored my words and got inside my car, I agreed to pick him up for the wedding since he didn't go with his family to the hotel last night and he doesn't really give a damn about the wedding either. "What? It looks fine and I always look fine for any event."

I glanced a look over at him who is sitting in the passenger seat. "But not for this particular event, your older brother is getting married and you are not giving a damn about it. Are you even his younger brother in the first place?"

"I am really not his younger brother, we are only half-brothers." He said with a straight face. "Didn't you already know about it? It is not a family secret and everyone knows about it."

I just picked the wrong bone... I sighed.
"I know, but my point is still the same. Your entire family is already there at the location preparing for the wedding since dawn and you are here gaming and not giving a damn about anything."

He continues to game, pressing all the buttons on the game console. "I know but I have been preparing for the wedding either, I just told them I will be going to the location and you will be picking me up since I don't bother to drive."

I rolled my eyes, he has been like this since 2 weeks ago when his girlfriend of 1 year decided to dump him all of a sudden without giving any reason. "You are depressed because she dumped you and you spent every night crying."

His fingers stopped and he finally looked at me straight in the eye for the first time ever since he got into my car. "Can you stop talking about that? I am not depressed, I am just too caught up with work that I didn't have enough time to spend with my family and I didn't spend last night crying."

"Your eyes look swollen though--" He shot a look towards me. "They definitely don't look swollen at all and you didn't spend last night crying your heart out."

"It is not like she will ever regret what she had done to me, it will take me a while to forget about her and now I totally engross myself in gaming until I forget about her." His fingers started to move and I sighed. "Stop sighing, it is affecting my concentration and I have difficulty in completing this level."

"Have you told your family about it?" I ignored his previous message as what I always do, he wouldn't try to punch me if I ignored his words. "They must be so worried sick that you are being like this, depressed and sad, well you are not depressed but you are down, I can see it in your eyes."

"They don't need to know anything relating to my love life, I just told them that I wanted my own personal space and that I am not feeling that well so they wouldn't suspect that I got dumped 2 weeks before the wedding. You didn't bring along a special someone to the wedding right? We can be that single duo who sits at their table doing nothing, who eats alone without giving a damn about the surroundings and about any ladies that tries to talk to them."

I put a hand to stop him from spouting any more nonsense. "Stop it right there, you are very wrong about one thing. I may be single for now but I will not ignore any lady that impresses me with their visuals, my dating game is still rather strong, it is just a matter of fact if I want it or not and all the ladies are attracted to me."

I hear a scoff from him. "That's funny, I bet that most of them want your money and your title as the upcoming CEO of your family business. If you are planning to set me up with someone at the wedding later, I will definitely reject it because I don't have the desire to date just yet. Women are jerks and they are total assholes that break promises like it is nothing."

"Not all of them are like that, take JungAh for instance, she is kind and caring, she wouldn't even break anyone's heart let alone a guy's heart, she is the type of girl that you should be dating for you to be happy. Of course, I wouldn't want you to date my younger sister even though you are my best friend, I would prefer if he is a total stranger and he is someone who will love JungAh with all his heart and promise to not make her cry or he will get it from me."

"Relax, I will not go after your younger sister. I have known her since we were kids and she will always be my best friend's younger sister to me, so you can rest assured that I will not become your brother-in-law." He looks at me. "If you want me to take care of her before that special someone comes into her life, I can do that since we are in the same university and I see her all the time."

If that is the case, I can assure that TaeMin will never become my brother-in-law because he is my best friend and it is weird for your best friend to be part of your family. "That's my best friend! I knew that I can count on you for this matter about my younger sister's love life, I am worried for her because she hasn't dated anyone yet and I don't want her to date a jerk that she would regret dating."

"Relax, with me around you can be assured that she doesn't talk to any funny person. But won't she hate you for doing that?"

I shook my head and I looked down at his attire. "But what you are wearing right now is pissing me off a little, we might have to go shopping right at this moment."

He rolled his eyes and groaned. "I like what I am wearing right now and I don't give a damn about how people would look at me like, I am just going there for the food."

I shook my head in despair. "But you are there at the wedding as the groom's younger brother, you have to look the part. We have to go shopping no matter what or we are not going to the wedding unless you are dressed properly."

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