Chapter 29

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I let out another huge sigh as I stared at myself in the mirror, looking down at my outfit with a distasteful look on my face. I guess that I still couldn't manage to lose weight in time, I told myself that it is somehow possible to lose 3 kilograms in just 2 weeks, it might be an easy feat for someone who has a high metabolism and doesn't seem to gain any weight at all no matter how much they ate, my future sister-in-law is one example and I wish to become like her. But I am not her and everyone is going to stare at me like I am a fat potato who is still single at the age of 23 years old. 

"Sighing doesn't make you any pretty either so stop sighing," Woori unnie walks up to me and I turned around. "You are already very pretty and today is a big day, you shouldn't feel so sad when it is a happy occasion."

I let out another sigh and grabbed the skin around my waist. "But look at this, how can I be happy that my diet plan had failed miserably? I only have been eating and eating for the past few days and I have completely forgotten about it, I might have even gained more weight than before." I let out a cry and she just laughed. "Don't laugh! I'm being serious right here."

"It doesn't matter, it isn't obvious enough and you don't need to lose weight either, you are pretty just the way you are. You don't need to lose weight so that men will look at you, the right man would not even care about how much you weight because he will only notice what beautiful you looked."

I crossed my arms angrily. "You can say all that because you are extremely pretty and have a supermodel figure, you don't understand how is it to be average."

"Hey! I understand how it feels!" She signalled me to come closer to me and she whispered. "Do you want to know a little secret about me?"

I wanted to say that I have no interest in hearing but she is going to be my sister-in-law in a few hours time which means that I would have to be nice and respectful to her all the time, and she is even 6 years older than me. "I used to be almost overweight when I was in middle school due to hormonal imbalances in my body which caused me to gain almost close to 20 kilograms in just 6 months." 

I was shocked for sure, there is no way that she was overweight before. "No way! How did you even lose it?"

"I didn't do anything much, I was at the same weight throughout middle school and I have kind of gave up on losing weight but my mother dragged me to the gym."

My mouth just couldn't close. "And you managed to lose weight and have a supermodel figure. How exactly did you do that? Don't you feel like dying every time you go to the gym?"

She shook her head. "If you have the
right mentality and the desire to lose weight, anyone can lose weight very easily." I blinked and she just smiled. "Are you feeling inspired already?"

I feel the urge to hug her in her enormous wedding dress and I did, burying my whole body in that dress. "If you will be there by my side to control what I should and should not be eating, I will be able to lose weight and be exactly like you.'

I swear that I am going to like her more than any of my siblings, even though she is going to be my sister-in-law and they say that sisters-in-law can be a little bitchy after they get married to your brothers but she is not like that.

"Aigoo, but I'm not your boyfriend. I have a husband and he will be jealous that you are this close to me, he will come at you with a cleaver in his hand." I chuckled at the thought of my own brother running towards me with a cleaver because I stole his wife.

I waved a hand away. "He won't do that, I'm sure of that. He is way too frail hearted to kill a person, he saves them by doing surgery on them."

"He is indeed an angel." She smiles like a fool at the mention of my older sister.

"And there you go fangirling over my older brother in front of his younger sister, he isn't that charming if you spend a lot of time with him," I told her as a matter of fact, she is definitely going to regret marrying my older brother because he will ruin her entire impression of him.

"I know that he isn't, that is why I decided to marry him so that no other girl can love him other than me, that includes you and Eomeoni as well."

I shuddered, I am feeling so cringy of how she can like my older brother so well, maybe it is love. "Stop praising or I will not attend this wedding! I already don't have a date and you are provoking me even more."

She placed an arm on my shoulder. "Fret not, there is a lot of eligible males that are attending this wedding from my side and your brother's side and you will be so impressed with their visuals that you will forget about any worries that you have."

"Are you sure that every one of them will definitely be interested in me and start talking as soon as I appear?" I had attended a lot of events in the past and I have never encountered such a situation even though there is always a lot of single men out there, they were probably freaked out at my visuals and wanted to avoid me. "With me looking like this?"

She sighed and she took off my glasses that is framing my entire face, my vision became blurry in an instant and I couldn't see myself in the mirror. "There you go, you look even more gorgeous already." She reached forward for her contact lenses case. "And here's your present, I brought this along with me just in case you needed it. Better thank me later if you really have a guy speak to you the entire wedding."

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