Chapter 68

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Going to the gynaecologist wasn't part of my plan today, I was only going to stay at home the entire day and do absolutely nothing but Jeon JungMin just have to go searching for me and now we are going to the hospital because he wants to confirm something. I have told him about what happened between the two of us and the first thing that he asked me was if I had my period in the 2 weeks that we didn't meet each other, it was something that I hadn't expected from him.

He is a player, he wouldn't care about things like that but he did and that makes him different from the other players that were portrayed in media and real life. Other players don't give a damn about the women that they hooked up with and if one of them ends up pregnant, they would deny everything and not taking responsibility for it but Jeon JungMin is not like that.

He immediately drove us to the hospital as soon as he found out what he had done to me and he promised to take responsibility for what he has done regardless if I were to be pregnant or not, that is the one thing that I feel attracted to him. He wasn't a player, he was a man who knows how to handle things in the most professional way possible and I feel safe to trust him in this.

And if I didn't end up pregnant, I wouldn't get so hurt because he was there to assure that nothing bad is going to happen. But what if I did get pregnant? Is he going to take responsibility for it and tell everyone that he is the father of my child?

I dared not to think about that, it is not an easy thing to do when you find out that a female friend got pregnant because of a mistake that you have done when you were dead drunk. But Jeon JungMin is still not panicking and he is extremely calm about this, it is as if he has experienced this multiple times before.

"Is this your first time encountering this problem?" I asked him when we are sitting at the seats, he seemed calm about this and he didn't panic at all. "I am just asking because you were so calm and it is not what you should react if it is your first time encountering this problem."

"It is my first time, I have never been to the gynaecologist before." He confessed and I looked at him wide-eyed, then how does he not react frantically. "Why are you reacting that way?"

"That should be my question to you, you shouldn't be so calm given that it is your first time here and you could have gotten me pregnant," I told him.

"But we are not even sure so it is best to not react frantically and keep calm, nothing might happen and you don't have to worry about anything. And I am still going to take full responsibility for it, don't worry about that." He told me. "It doesn't mean that if I am a player, I would have a lot of experience following the girl to the gynaecologist. All the girls that I have hooked up with, I have made sure that we did it with protection and so nothing has ever happened. But you are different, you are special to me and I can't allow you to get hurt because of me."

I am special to him? In what way, as a friend or something more than that? I wanted to ask him more but the nurse calls my name and we have to cut our conversation short and continue this conversation after we are done with the checkup, we entered the room and the doctor was there waiting for me with a neutral smile. "Hi Miss Park, what can I do for you today?"

She was extremely friendly towards me and she made me feel comfortable but Jeon JungMin made me even more comfortable, he was standing a few meters and that didn't give me any pressure at all and I felt comforted by him. When I was told to lay down on the examination table, he reassured me by giving me a cheer up and he told the doctor to treat me gently.

The whole checkup was surprisingly well and there was nothing wrong, the gel that the doctor applied for my tummy was cooling to the touch but overall it wasn't too uncomfortable for me. I sat down back in my seat and the doctor has a serious look on her face, it didn't look like nothing had happened to me and the news of me getting pregnant at the age of 18 became even more real.

Will my parents kick me out? They wouldn't right, they told me that they love me with all of their heart and they will never kick me out but this is different, me getting pregnant is a huge thing and I don't even know what their reaction would be. The doctor clears her throat and looks down at her report and then looking at the both of us. "Miss Park, you are not pregnant. It is a good thing when you two are still young, but it is better to do it with a condom, it helps prevent pregnancies by almost 99% per cent and you are healthy, Miss Park except for one thing."

"What is that one thing?" Jeon JungMin asked her.

"Treasure your single life and don't settle down too quickly, it is never good to get pregnant at a young age even though it is the perfect age to have a child." She told me and she looked towards Jeon JungMin. "The two of you are together right?"

The both of them shook our heads and she looked really surprised to find out that we are not a couple, she must have thought that we were together and we were here for a checkup for our baby. "Well, I guess that your friendship isn't ruined yet and I hope that I don't see the two of you again."

We left the hospital and I was about to go on my way but Jeon JungMin holds me back. "Don't go yet, I have something to tell you about. It is regarding our relationship that we have right now."

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