Chapter 4

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I sat down at the makeup table doing some touchups on my makeup. I only applied very light makeup which consisted of the foundation, concealer, eyebrow pencil, lip tint. No need for eye makeup since I will be wearing my usual glasses and I have naturally long eyelashes. I also wore something simple for that simple dinner that I would never ever attend again. There was no reason for that. No one would be happy attending a dinner that is not supposed to attend but you are invited.

I got out of the room and spotted Omma at the ground floor arranging the flowers that she has just bought from a local florist. I was going to get out of the house without her knowing but as expected from mothers, she tilted her head up and we made eye contact.

"TaeNa, you going out at this time?" She asked while still arranging the flowers. "It is almost dinner time and I have cooked your favourite stew, it is in the pot now cooking."

I nodded while making my way down. I quickly thought of an excuse and told her. "I am not coming home for dinner as ChaeWon told me to meet her for dinner. You know the monthly thing, she's emotionally stressed and needed me to comfort her."

"Then hurry up, you wouldn't want her to wait for you for too long. Remember to call your Appa or your Oppa for a ride home later."

"Got it, Omma..." I said before closing the door.

I sighed and made my way to that person's house. I have been there once when I was still a college student and had to do project work with Ella, the younger twin daughter of that woman, she is now an intern nurse at another hospital. At that time, I didn't know that I was related to them until Oppa decided to tell me one day when we were out drinking.

He told me to stay away from them because they were the ones that caused Omma to have a failed marriage and she had to bring up both of us on her own. Taemin only came into the picture when Omma married our current father a few years later. Of course, he didn't know about it, only the two of us knew about it.

From that day, I kept my distance away from them and until now... I have to come into contact with them again in 3 years. I arrived at the doorstep, hesitant to ring the doorbell. I feel like going back, what if that bitch is around.

She would chase me out as soon as she sees me. That's what happened when she found out my mother was her ex-best friend, now enemies Heo Youngji.

"Why are you standing out here and not going inside?" A male voice said and I turned around. Nam DaeHwan, the twins' brother.

"I just passed by this neighbourhood by chance. I was going to visit my friend in the next neighbourhood."

"Please, your only good friend is ChaeWon and she lives 5 neighbourhoods away from here. Ella and Bella invited you here for dinner right??" How did he even know? Of course, he knew because the twins must have told him about it.

He pushed me lightly. "Come on, just get inside for now."

"Hey..." I said to him.


"How... how is he these days?" I said jumping from one foot to the other.

"He is fine, that's why he is cooking with the twins helping him." He said passing me one of the home slippers. "The floor has just been mopped this morning." I took off my flats and placed them nicely in one corner before wearing those home slippers. They feel warm and comfy.

I looked around the house, feeling very awkward. Of course, you are in a house that you were supposed to live but you didn't. Ella walked out of the room. "Unnie, you're here. Have you greeted Appa yet?" Why would I greet that bastard? He's the one that betrayed Omma. I would never forgive him for that.

"She doesn't have to do it if she doesn't want to. I'm fine with her being here with us today." A man in his mid-50s walked out of the kitchen with his apron tied around the waist. He sure has aged quite a bit since 3 years ago.

"Is the work at the hospital hard for you?" He said before coughing a little. Is he sick?

Wait! Why should I worry about him? He didn't do anything for me, although he paid compensation money for Taewoon Oppa and me for the past few years. Other than that, there was nothing else.

"Why should I reply you? You're nobody in my life." I said before rolling my eyes.


"Appa, I don't get why you care so much about her and she treats you like bullshit." Nam Bella came into the house with tons of shopping bags.

"You never ask us if work is stressful or not but you ask that to TaeNa only. How can you be biased to only her, Appa?"

"Get into your room and stay in there. Call takeout if you want." She let out a hmph and stomped back into her room. I felt a little uneasy. I have a feeling that they might argue about this after I leave.

I'm sure, especially with that bad mouth of hers, she would tell her mother which would cause even more trouble for all of us. "TaeNa, don't care about that, Bella is always like that. She needs to be scolded in order to learn that she shouldn't say these kinds of things to her older sister."

I closed my eyes and could feel those angry and frustrated feelings building up in my body, I thought that I could force myself to stay for the entire dinner but no. Guess that I was wrong. I couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm out of here. Eat all you want." I said walking to the door.

"TaeNa... wait..." That voice made me stop in my steps, He is calling me back. I can't weaken in front of him.

"If TaeNa doesn't feel comfortable about dining with us, let her go. It's normal to feel like that." Nam DaeHwan said and with that, I left the house just like that. Without eating with them.

I returned home at around 10 pm to make it look like I came home late after eating dinner with my cousin's family. I looked up and noticed that no lights were switched off. Did all of them went to bed already?

It can't be, our family doesn't sleep that early. Or maybe there is a power outage. I opened the door and entered the house. After taking off my shoes and placing it nicely on the shoe rack, the lights suddenly switched on itself.

"Mind telling me what just happened, Lee TaeNa?" My handbag dropped to the floor at the sight of my whole family standing in a line and all of them crossing their arms at me.

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