Chapter 28

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I sat down on the bed with my arms crossed over one another, looking down at my younger sister who is looking at me with anger, her eyes piercing through my soul. She thinks that she can kill me with that glare but she still has a very long way to go, she can't do that with that mindset of hers.

"Do you know what you did wrong?" I asked her and she shook her head. "You seriously don't know?"

"I can handle myself, this isn't your problem, it's mine!" She yelled.

"Why didn't you tell me then? That guy was Park Dawon, he isn't the best guy that you can hang out with." I told her.

Clubbing guys are not the best to hang out with because they are the ones that make you miserable with their life choices, especially when you date one. I do admit that the choices that I make during clubbing is not that great and I have regretted that a lot, sometimes I will break promises to my dates so that I can go clubbing at those high-end nightclubs. And I have broken up with a lot of dates over me going to clubs every single night, they were upset that I don't give them the attention and I didn't give them attention because I don't like them enough to be caring for them.

We date girls just for the exposure, we will feel confident if we have a girl next to us and that we will look better if we had a girl that charming as well. I used to think it that way until a few weeks ago when I decided that I had it enough and quitted my clubbing lifestyle for a normal job, the job that I am tasked with for the whole life as I will be taking over the family business.

There I saw how bad I was as a person after I have stopped going to nightclubs, the day where I saved my younger sister from creepy men was the day where I decided that I will never ever return back to that lifestyle, which also meant that I stop contacting those club-goers as well. I have since cut off ties with all the people that I used to go clubbing with and I literally have no friends left except for TaeMin who doesn't go clubbing in the first place, he is a gamer who is stuck in his room most of the time and he has never gone clubbing before, the closest he has ever gone to a nightclub is he standing outside of the nightclub.

He is the type of guy that I want my younger sister to date, I don't want JungAh to date someone who stays out the entire night and come back dead drunk. "Park Dawon is not someone that you want to date for a long time unless you are willing to see him with a bunch of girls and drinking up to buckets of alcohol every single night. You have seen me come back home dead drunk and our parents are not impressed with me at all, you hated me a lot back then as well right?"

She slowly nodded. "But Dawon... I mean Won, he cares for me. He is the one who talked to me out of all the girls that were there and he only looked at me."

I laughed, a very ridiculous laugh that I could do in this kind of a situation. "You really think that? You are only one of the other girls that he has his eyes on, you just don't know about that. You don't know about that because you haven't sent him with other girls before." I whipped out my phone and showed her a particular photo where he is surrounded by a lot of girls, those girls that wore revealing clothing and sat so close to him that I feel so uncomfortable just by looking at the photo.

"This is..." She stared long and hard at it. "Are you sure that this is not photoshop?"

I scoffed. "Can't you believe your own older brother for once? Of course, it is real, this is just one of the photos that he has on his social media account, there are more photos of him being even more intimate than this."I told her and I took my phone away from her. "Do you believe me now?"

She wanted to say no but I saw her nodding her head slowly, she will be nuts if she still believes that Park Dawon is an angel. He is nowhere near an angel, he would be more like a demon and heartless beast if I were to describe him as accurately as possible.

"You weren't making things up at all, TaeMin said the same thing to me earlier today." She said sitting down on my bed. "I thought that you will start to defend yourself and Park Dawon but you didn't, you have truly quitted this unhealthy lifestyle for real. I'm impressed that you did that in less than one month."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I don't get what she said. What the hell does she mean by that? "I thought that you are supposed to be defending that pretty boy of yours? Why are you  saying all of this now?"

She smirked. "He is just another pretty boy in my life who tries to make me feel a little special on the inside by giving me false hope and then crashing it like it is nothing, I have experienced it more than once so he means nothing much to me."

"You sure?" I asked her for reassurance, I know my younger sister very well, when she says that she is okay, she is actually not feeling okay. "I will still go punch him if you want to, even if I don't know where he stays at, I will track him down and beat the daylights out of him. I will really do that just for you because you are my little sister and you mean a lot to me."

All she did is to give me a hug of assurance. "Thanks a lot, I appreciate it a lot, older brother. Can we watch our movie in peace now?" She pointed a finger towards the laptop screen where a movie is showing, it is still paused at the introduction.

I literally stopped the movie earlier when she came into the room and I gave her a lecture about a topic that was hesitant to talk about, it is about her love life and I wrecked her love life just like that but Park Dawon doesn't deserve to be loved by her. I'm sure that my younger sister will do fine being single for now until she feels like getting one but I don't think that it is anytime soon.

"Then what about you and that girl? That girl that you get all frozen up whenever she comes by to get coffee? Remember the iced Americano girl?" Park DaJeong, Park Dawon's younger sister... I really don't know how I am going to face her after this, I had already punched her older brother in the face.

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