Chapter 32

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Never have I thought that I would have a chance to be here, I have kind of expected that I would be here because I am one of Taewoon's oldest friend and I have been with them ever since we were 5 years old and we have stayed in contact over the next few years but because of my relations to the Nam family made it a little impossible to attend the wedding.

Both our families had bad blood between us for a very long time and it is a very touchy topic for all of us to discuss about it openly, it is all because of my mother who decided that it is the right decision to be involved romantically with someone's husband who just happened to be also her best friend's husband, she ruined their marriage and took over the matriarch role in the household by stealing it away from Taewoon's mother and kicked her out of the house.

She was the textbook example of the evil mistress that took over the kingdom and claimed the stolen title of the queen as her own, she also had two evil twins that she gave birth to a few years after she had successfully conquered the kingdom and my stepfather didn't do anything to stop my mother when she gets overboard with the evil things that she does towards Taewoon's family.

It is as if he was under a love spell that my mother had placed him under and he hadn't found the antidote to cure the state that he is in, he still thinks that he is the right woman for him since he is also the same as my mother, he doesn't realize that he has an abusive personality and still thinks that it isn't his fault for making Taewoon's mother want to leave on top of the affair, he was always drunk when he gets into his abusive mode and he wouldn't remember anything after that, if he is not drunk he would still beat them up.

I have heard many times that my adoptive father would beat up Taewoon at the littlest reasons and they even once went on court for that matter and for the affair that my stepfather and my mother had committed behind Taewoon's mother's back, my uncle was the defence lawyer for Taewoon's mother and he won this lawsuit if not for the sudden confession at the last court trial.

I know this perfectly well because I was standing amongst the audience for all of the court trials and I couldn't really remember what they exactly said at that point of time but I could clearly remember one thing from that lawsuit, it was that day where my uncle asked to bring in Taewoon who was sitting in the audience and he asked him some questions that might seem that unimportant to me in that point of time but in fact he is asking Taewoon for his side of the story and how much he actually knows about the abusing and the affair which turned out to be true, my adoptive father and mother has been trying to deny for the longest time ever since the lawsuit started and it was finally revealed by the testimony of a child who has been abused by both of them.

They were fined a lot of money for their wrongdoings and they didn't go to jail, Taewoon's mother and his father had a divorce soon after and she was single for quite a while before remarrying to a paediatric doctor who cared for her during those times and loved her genuinely without any hidden agenda and he became the Tae siblings' father.

Because of what my mother and my stepfather did in the past, I became ashamed of it as I grew up and I was determined to never let that cling on to my present and of course my future. So I was set on making a difference to the wrongfully accused and the ones that can't get their voice sounded out so that they can get what they wanted, the truth that everyone wanted to hear and the things that they have been wronged for and have been hurt by it.

I studied hard for the bar exam after telling my uncle about it who is still a renowned lawyer after all these years and I became a lawyer and started working at his law firm from the bottom, I shouldn't be working at a high position just because I am somehow related to my uncle but not related at the same time, I just shared the same surname as him and he was my stepfather's younger brother and he was just like a father to me, the father that I wished to have.

The father that I have right now is the father that I wanted him to care for me like he should be as my adoptive father for the past 23 years but he has done nothing like what a father should be doing, he was obsessed with his biological children while he neglected his other children that have been living with him for the past 23 years. Uncle WooHyun was better, he might not be related to me at all but at least he supported my dream to be a lawyer just like him and did whatever it took to make me a lawyer and I am always thankful for that.

Without them, I wouldn't have wanted to be a lawyer in the first place and he was my inspiration to be one. I sometimes wished that he was my father, the father that I never met in my entire life who will be the one who listens to my troubles and give me pieces of advice that will benefit me for life but life doesn't work that way, he belongs to my aunt and my cousin Chaewon. He is their head of the family, their husband and their loving father and I am not a part of that, I am just a beloved nephew that he cherished because I am the only sane one out of all of them.

I walked past TaeNa who looked a little different than usual and she was entering the bathroom, she didn't notice me but it is okay, it is not like she would ever like me in this lifetime. I let out a loud sigh as I made my way to the buffet table and grabbed myself something to eat for snacks and I noticed a certain someone entering the bathroom, the look on her face was very suspicious and I am sure that I have seen her somewhere.

Flashbacks of my vivid memory suddenly appeared in my mind and I gasped slightly as I remembered everything about this person, I leaned close towards the toilet and I could hear their conversation very clearly. "I swear that I will rip out of your pretty dress and your face so that you will remain ugly for the rest of your life."

I went inside the toilet while having my eyes closed, in case there was something that I shouldn't be comfortable seeing it but I did open my eyes after reassuring myself and I was right, they were indeed on the verge of fighting and I stopped them just in time. "What are you doing in here? Have you had any idea that it might be the ladies and not the gents?"

"I know that perfectly well and I was just going to--" Before I could even say any further, she had already punched me in the eye and ran out of the toilet after letting out a yell. "Stop the fight between the two of you, Joo SeungYeon..." And I let out a yell myself as well, as I feel the pain running through my face. How can that former beauty queen have so much strength in her fists?

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