Chapter 44

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The scene rewinds in my mind over and over again, like a broken recording tape and it never stops playing the same thing as if it wanted me to remember it for the rest of my life. No matter where I go, I will be stuck with this horrible memory of mine and it would stay with me no matter how much I want to forget it.

It is not a big deal for a lot of people in this world because they have all experienced falling in love and have definitely kissed their loved ones more than once but not for me, I have been single for as long as I can remember and I have long resigned to the fate that I wouldn't be able to fall in love with anyone or have the chance to be with anyone that I liked.

I don't have the looks that my other 2 siblings have been blessed by my equally good-looking parents, I am supposed to be the good-looking one because I am the middle child but it doesn't seem to be so as I am not that good-looking compared to my siblings, I stand out like a sore thumb whenever I am with him. I am short and I get stuck in between my siblings whenever we take family pictures and people would point that out whenever they see my family pictures, I am never described as someone who is beautiful and I will be like that for the rest of my life.

And because of my work as a nurse, I barely have the time to even have fun as a young adult as I should be, I am 23 years old and I have never dated anyone, let alone had confessed to anyone that I liked during my school years, I knew that no one would want to accept my feelings after looking at my face.

But there is something that I just don't understand, if I am that undesirable, how could I still have my first kiss? And it is not just anyone that I met on the streets, it is my stepbrother Nam Daehwan instead, out of all the single men in the world, it has to be him for some reason that I don't understand at all.

Why did he want to kiss me? I would somehow understand his actions because he is drunk and he can't differentiate between reality and the virtual world in that state, he might be mistaking me as some girl that he liked at work and might have some feelings for him. But he called my name before kissing me, it couldn't be that he has feelings for me. He is my stepbrother and he knows not to stand over the line, he knows that and he wouldn't do that, what he did is just a mistake.

But I don't have to return back the kiss and kiss him back, that is something that I shouldn't even be doing if I don't have any feelings for someone but why was I even kissing Nam Daehwan in the middle of the night? And it is not like a tiny peck or a smooch on the lips, it is a full-on makeout session and it lasted for more than a minute before Nam Ella opened the door.

Why did I even decide to kiss him back? I clearly know that he is my stepbrother and even though we are not blood-related to each other, it is still something that I shouldn't be doing to someone who is known as my relative in the paper. And I decided to kiss him in a place that anyone that we know would have seen us, his parents might have the chance to see us in action and his younger sisters as well, Nam Ella definitely saw us making out just outside of their house, that's why she came down to separate the both of us before things get even worse.

I let out a yell at my horrible mistake and my mother yelled back at me. "What is that yelling, Lee TaeNa! Don't you know that your younger brother is still asleep? He needs all of that energy to work and you are not letting him get that sleep that he deserved."

"He is a professional gamer for goodness sake and he can work anytime he wants to!" I rolled my eyes at that and I got out of bed, proceeding to wash up before getting ready for work. People like me don't really rest all the time and we definitely don't rest on weekends but if we do finally get a day off, it would be a random day and it would be a day where I would spend all of my time just restoring all of that energy that I have lost all week.

I made my way downstairs and my mother was preparing breakfast as usual and my father was eating breakfast while reading the newspaper, every middle-aged man would do this every single day and it is something that they do to keep up with the world in their own way. "Morning..." I greeted my parents before getting my portion of breakfast, my mother poured me a cup of coffee and I thanked her.

"You are working again? I thought that it is supposed to be your day off today, it has been 7 days of work this week." My father commented after putting down his newspapers and looked at me. "Don't you feel tired?"

"I had to cover for another colleague's shift because she has something on, I promise that I would get a day off tomorrow and stay at home," I told him and I sipped on my coffee.

"You better do so, you are still in your early twenties and you need all of that energy to work well." He turns to my mother. "Tell her what you wanted to do, Madam Heo Youngji."

I looked towards my mother who whipped out her phone and swiped her phone a few times before passing it to me. "Pick one guy from here and buy some new clothes after work for tomorrow, it is a command."

"Why? It is not like I am going anywhere on my day off." I told them and it suddenly registered in my head, I have never thought that my mother would ever do that to me. "You are sending me on a blind date with a random guy? How could you?"

I turned towards my father and he put his hands up. "I wasn't the one behind the plan, it is your mother."

She slapped my father's back. "Don't make me the bad person here, Lee Hongbin. I am just concerned for you that you have not dated anyone at this age and I think that I should take charge of your love life and your happiness if you are not going to do anything about it."

"But I don't need to date anyone, I don't have the time to date anyone," I told my parents. "Can't you allow me to decide my own future? I am your daughter and I have the choice to date anyone in my own time and to marry anyone in my own time."

"I am worried that you will give up on dating anyone and you will remain a single lady at 40 years old, it would be too late by then." My mother pleaded to me. "So please do me a favour and go out with a guy for one day? It would be just this once and I will not meddle in your matters anymore, I promise that I will not do that."

I looked towards my parents and they had their puppy eyes staring back at me, it is hard to reject them and I know that they have their best interests at heart, so I will go along with them just this once and do anything they want me to do, even if I have to go on a date with a random stranger. Maybe he would be my Mr Right.

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