Chapter 67

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We arrived at a park, a very picturesque place that is perfect for taking photos but it is also the perfect place to talk it out with someone no matter how the day is, and I am here to talk with Park DaJeong. I thought that she wouldn't be willing to talk to me after lying to me about leaving the country to study when she is in her house the whole time, I don't understand why she even wanted to avoid me when I have done nothing to make her not want to see me or to even buy her coffee at my cafe.

Maybe it is because of what happened that night but I thought that it was a secret between the both of us and my younger sister somehow knew that I was hiding at Park DaJeong's house and that was it. I didn't tell anyone else about where I had gone to that night and I have not done anything to hurt her, except to invade her privacy for one night and nothing happened after that.

"Park DaJeong, I don't know why you are avoiding me for but I have to tell you that I have not betrayed you in anywhere at all. I didn't tell anyone that I was at your place except for JungAh because she found it out by herself but other than her, no one else knows. Maybe Lee TaeMin but he doesn't care about anyone but his gaming career, he is always so sleep-deprived and I don't even know if he is awake sometimes."

"Jeon JungMin ssi, I am sorry to make you so worried about me. But don't worry because nothing happened to me for the past 2 weeks." She said to me, her eyes not looking at me and facing the front instead. She is lying to me again...

"Then don't you come to the cafe? I thought that something bad happened to you, you are still lying to me right?" I asked her and she shook her head. "You are still staring in front and not looking at me at all, look at me and tell me that you are not lying to me."

Why does she have to lie to me for? What did I do wrong? "I am not lying." She still didn't look at me and I placed both of my hands at the side of her shoulders.

"Then look at me! What did I do wrong that you have to do this to me? Tell me so that I know!" I told her and she was so startled by my actions, I realized that it is scaring her a little and I let go of her. "Tell me the truth why you are avoiding me, I am willing to listen and I will apologize to you after knowing the real reason why," I spoke to her in a softer tone.

"I..." She wanted to say more and I nodded my head to let her continue. "You know when I told you that nothing happened that night, something did happen that night and I lied to you about it."

"So what exactly happened?" I asked her. "How bad was it?"

"You..." She paused for a moment. "We did something together that night and that was why you were naked the next morning."

It would have been a normal thing if she was just another woman that I have hooked up with after flirting with her at the nightclub and made out with her on the couch before proceeding to the bedroom but she isn't that kind of a woman, she is Park DaJeong and she is very different from that woman. She is Park DaJeong and she is a woman that I have never thought to bed her, she is a very innocent woman even though she is outspoken and she is not afraid to let others know her true opinion but she has always been single.

I bet that she has gone on a few dates but never been official with anyone, she must have been saving her virginity for the right guy and I was that bastard that took it away without caring about anything at all. She has her reasons to not tell me about anything because it is an embarrassing thing and she has her reasons to avoid me at all costs.

Because I was that bastard that made her feel hurt and ashamed of herself, and I deserved to be hated for this. She wasn't a willing party and I went for it in my drunken state and now I would have to take responsibility for it because I was the one at fault. But that is one thing that I have to know about now that I know what I have done to her. "Was your period delayed?" I asked her.

I am very sure that we did it without any protection and I can't be sure if she was on her ovulation period but it would be bad if she is, there is a very high chance that she might get pregnant and I am the cause of that unwanted pregnancy. And I hope that she isn't so there is less damage but it doesn't mean that I have not hurt her emotionally and physically.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I am not very sure about that but it is indeed a little late." She looked at me. "It couldn't be right?" She asked me.

"The only way to know it is that we make a trip to the gynaecologist and everything will be revealed, if it is true that you are pregnant, then I will take full responsibility for it. But if it isn't, I will still apologize to you for what I have done to you and I am very sincere about that." I told you. "I just need you to agree to it and we will go right now, the sooner we find out the truth, the better it is for the both of us."

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