Chapter 22

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I got home with my older brother, dragging him and letting his long legs sweep the floors. He is uselessly tall and in this kind of situation, I can't make sure that his legs are being protected from the floor. In terms and height, he is the tallest in our family given that he is the oldest followed by TaeMin, the youngest and then me, the short and tiny middle child.

I don't know how I am so short while the two of my brothers are so tall, I guess that I am the only one who got my height from my mother and the two got lucky. My mother was in the living room just watching her Korean dramas when I entered the living room, she looked at me and my older brother. "Did Taewoon drink again? I thought that he wasn't going to drink until the wedding?"

I shrugged my shoulders and signalled my mother to help me bring my older brother to his bedroom first, my arms and back is going to break very soon. The two of us always have to take care of the drunken males in the family, whether it is the father or the sons, they are not that good at drinking but they would tend to drink until they are down and the two females in the family would have to take care of them ourselves.

I was always in charge of the arms and my mother was in charge of the legs, we would always work together like this to make sure that our backs don't break. We carried my older brother to his bedroom which is unfortunately on the second floor and there is where all the bedrooms are at, his bedroom is the first one once you reached the top of the steps followed by the rest of us.

I closed the door after making sure that he is tucked well in bed and shows no signs of him getting up and doing his weird drunk habits, he has a habit of walking around in circles and it is very annoying to see him do that for the rest of the night if no one ties him down to a bed.

My mother sat back down at her usual position, continuing to watch her dramas while I cautiously moved a little closer to her. I am a little hesitant of being in the same room as her after what happened over a week ago when she attempted to throw me out of the house when I went over to that house that I am not supposed to be entering.

I regretted my actions for doing that without telling her about it but I just couldn't understand why is my mother like that, I know that she hated our biological father but it has been so long since that happened. I was a newborn when that happened and I absolutely have no recollection of the whole situation since I was too young to remember anything.

All I know is that he physically abused my mother and brother while he is having a long time affair with my mother's best friend who is now the lady of the family, they wanted my mother to get divorced and leave the family while carrying two children along with her.

"What are you doing there not doing anything?" I was caught off by her question and she turned around to look at me.

"I was going to the kitchen to get something to drink before I go to take a shower." I made up a lie so that I can have something to do and not stand there being an awkward potato.

"Can you stay here in the living room with me for a while? Your father is fast asleep and I have no one to talk to except for you."

I gulped down my saliva nervously, I don't even know how to reply to that. There is always something bad when she asks me to have a drink with her, it is either she nags at me for still being single or she is complaining about our father. It always ends up with me comforting her while she cries about what she has done in her life and I don't want that to happen. "Should I bring some Soju for you? Since that we are going to talk."

"That would be lovely." I got the approval of her reply and I swiftly got to the kitchen, took out two bottles of Soju and two glasses, put it on a wooden tray and came back to find her switching off the television with the remote controller.

I carefully set it on the table and took my seat next to her, she opens the bottle and pours out an equal amount for both of us. "Relax, I'm not telling you to get married. You are still young, there is time for you to do that and there is no rush either."

I heaved a sigh of relief as I need not hear all the same things that she would talk about me being single and me continuing to be single for the rest of my life. "Then what is it?"

"I think that you have known what happened yesterday, that Taewoon had a little fight with DaeHwan over inviting his father to the wedding." I nodded. "I didn't like that idea at all, I didn't want Taewoon to be upset at his wedding."

"Then what do you think that TaeWoon did the right thing?" I asked, wanting to know if my mother feels the same as my older brother who opposes strongly for his biological father to be at his wedding.

"What do you think then? Of having that man to be at that wedding? I want to know your opinion about this."

"I..." I tried to find the correct words so that she wouldn't misunderstand what exactly I was trying to mean, she is a woman who doesn't tolerate such nonsense. "I think that he is right about that but at the same time, I do think that he is wrong."

"How wrong?"

"It is his wedding and it would be good that his biological father would be there along with his adoptive father and you, Taewoon is still his son after all. It would be cruel if he does that." My mother nodded. "You do think that I'm ridiculous right?"

"Yes and no, I didn't like the fact that he's going to be present when he is sick and that Taewoon doesn't know that he is sick." My eyes doubled in size, taken aback by the sudden news.
"Yes, I'm not making things up. He is dying in a few months, he has lung cancer and he is in his last stage. That is what I was going to tell you about."

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