Chapter 49

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The atmosphere is so tense right now that if anyone were to breathe a little louder, anyone would hear it. Everyone in the house was looking intensely at me, not even caring if it made me feel uncomfortable.

There is Mr and Mrs Lee who is also known as the parents of Lee Taewoon, Lee TaeNa and Lee TaeMin who are also my step-siblings in the paper, there is also Lee Taewoon himself because Mrs Lee called him as soon as she witnessed TaeNa and I kissing each other in the car and the youngest in the family, Lee TaeMin but he looked more like he couldn't be bothered with anything and only wished to go back to his gaming.

Aside from them, my side of the family is making their way here as well but it is only my mother who is going to be here, my father is stuck at home focusing on living his last days and my younger twin sisters are still in school. But it is a meeting of the two families and it had never happened before and it is all because of me and Lee TaeNa, we caused all of that to happen.

"Continue to kneel until your mother gets here, she has to see what kind of a child she has brought up. Playing around with my daughter's feelings, are you out of your mind?" Mrs Lee yelled at me and I looked up at Lee TaeNa for a moment, she is being held by Mrs Lee and she is not allowed to get close to me at all. How I wish that I could tell her that we loved each other so much...

I kept silent because it is the right thing to do, I shouldn't talk back just because I thought that I should reply here but it is something that I do to respect those who are older than me and Mrs Lee is older than me and she is Lee TaeNa's mother. I looked towards my friend Taewoon and he looked at me with those eyes, I know that it is not wrong to fancy a step-sibling but I can't control my own feelings even if I tried to.

I heard the doorbell and I instantly feel a little relieved, my mother is finally here. TaeMin goes to open the door for her to enter, my mother looked really mad and when she saw me kneeling on the floor while everyone else is standing, she became even angrier at me and came towards me, grabbing my arm so that I can stand up. "What the hell are you doing to my son? Who do you think that you can treat my son like that?" She yelled at Mrs Lee. "My son is innocent."

Mrs Lee pointed her finger at me. "Your son is innocent? You should hear what he had done to my daughter, he violated her and that is something that I can't forgive him. How dare he!"

"Daehwan, stand up first." My mother told me to stand up and I did because she insisted on it. "Tell me if it true, Daehwan. If you did such a horrible thing to her beloved daughter, tell me honestly and I will fight her if she is lying."

"Omma, I didn't violate TaeNa. We love each other and we want to be together, like any other couple out there." I told everyone who is in the house and they all gave their reactions to it, it wasn't good and I have expected it already. Why would they be happy knowing about it?

"Love? It is impossible." Mrs Lee looked at her daughter. "Tell me that he did horrible things to you, TaeNa. Because I can't believe it and I won't believe that the two of you are in love with each other."

TaeNa nodded her head. "We are in love with each other, Omma. I was willing in the relationship and we loved each other for real."

Mrs Lee looked at her daughter for one second and then charged towards my mother, slapping her in the face and she wanted to hurt her, even more, when Mr Lee held her back and I held my mother back, there will be a bloodbath if we don't stop them from fighting each other. They have been wanting to kill each other off for a long time and they have achieved it, at last, it is how much they hated each other and wanted to get rid of each other.

"Han BitNa, why do you have to do this to me? Do you have a thing against me or what? Firstly, you stole my ex-husband from me and became the head of the Nam Family by force and now you want to ruin my daughter's life by sending your son to seduce my daughter. Why are you so evil?" Mrs Lee is in a complete meltdown and she was so mad that she couldn't control her emotions anymore, Mr Lee tried hard to stop her from doing something bad and I decided that I should leave here for a while so that Mrs Lee can calm down.

"Mr Lee, I am sorry for what had happened but I will return again when the time is right and I will still love your daughter, TaeNa." I bowed down to him and I grabbed my mother and we left the house, it was something that I should do before things get even worse than before.

But my stance will never change, I am going to get their approval for dating their daughter and then I will ask her hand for marriage when the time is right. My mother was crying the entire time while we were in the car, she wanted to scold me for causing trouble but she couldn't, she could only cry while I handed her more tissue paper to wipe her tears with.

She didn't say anything to me when we got home and she only went up to her room, her back looked so upset and helpless when she was walking to the stairs. I wished that I could reverse everything that happened earlier but that would mean that I will never be able to tell them that I have a girl that I want to date and that is my stepsister.

I went up to my parent's bedroom at midnight thinking that it would be a good time to talk to my mother, she would have calmed down by now. She opened the door and she looked so tired, it is all because of me and I caused her to worry so much about me. "Omma, I am sorry for what I have done but I really want you to give your approval for me to date TaeNa, I love her a lot and she is the only woman that I will ever marry and she will be your daughter-in-law no matter what."

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