Chapter 23

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I gave the customer her cup of coffee, a vanilla latte with a dash of sugar. She thanked me and left, never breaking eye contact with me until she got out of the café. "Sajangnim, is that another one?" Lee Joon comes to me wiping a cup.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What another one? I don't know you are talking about."

"I can tell that she has fallen for you completely and you just served her coffee. What kinds of power do you even have? How can you charm women like that?"

I smirked. "I just have that kind of power, it is in my genes that I can do that. I don't know which parent did I inherit that trait from but I'm sure that it is not my father, he has only managed to charm my mother after all these years."

Believe it or not, it is actually my mother who is the charmer during her youth years. I don't know how she managed to even do that while wearing glasses and avoiding the boys all the time. In high school alone, she has managed to make my father and TaeHyung Samchon fall in love with her at first sight and still have a crush after so many years. Till now, my father would confess to me that my mother is still that beautiful and she is always that charming and adorable.
Of course, my mother is pretty, if not I wouldn't have been blessed with those looks that women would fall for. "Why? You want to charm women like that as well?"

He coughed. "What? No, why would I do that for? I don't want to make a lot of women fall for me like what you are best at, I want one girl to fall in love and like me."

I didn't know that he would like women as well... "So you want me to teach you how to confess to the girl that you like? Is this what you are trying to imply? Who's that lucky girl?"

His eyes doubled in size and he looked down at the floor nervously. "I think that I don't want to do that anymore, I better get back to work..."

"It's too late, you can't back off from your master like this. Just tell me who she is and I can help you."

"So who is that lucky girl?" A female came to the counter and I jumped up in shock, never expecting her to come into the café just like that, it has been a while since she came over to the café. "Why are you guys so shocked to see me? It is not like the first time that we met."

I forced a smile and tried to shake off the feeling that I was scared of a female like her. "What are you doing here, DaJeong ssi?"

She returns the smile with a bigger smile. "Can't I buy any coffee from here? Am I not welcomed here?"

I faked a laugh to make her feel better. "Of course not! What would you like to order?"

"Iced Americano... And a caramel latte to go." I keyed in the orders and it was done in a minute, I'm getting more used to the machine right now and I feel that I could get the orders with my eyes closed. I returned back her the change and she kept it in her wallet. She went over to the side for her orders and I went back to Kang Joon who is preparing her order, he avoided me when I went to him.

"Who is that girl? Tell me." I urged him to tell me, I don't know why he is not telling me about it. I thought that he said that I was his master? "Is she someone that I know?"

He shook his head. "I just don't tell you, Hyungnim. It is top secret and you can't tell me about it."

"Why not? Don't tell that she is my sister?" His grip on the cup weakened and he dropped the cup but I caught it in time. "Is she? Is she not?"

"It is not JungAh, we are just friends. I won't fall for my friend." He told me with a stern face and I just laughed. I'm glad that he doesn't have the hots for my sister...

It is not that I think bad for my sister, she is my sister and I am very protective of her since she is the only sister that I have. I can't let her fall for someone that is not worthy of her love, I can't let her get her heart broken by someone that she doesn't deserve and I definitely wouldn't want the people that I'm close to being the person who is dating my sister.

And my sister surely has better taste than this arrogant bastard who only knows how to piss me off all day long. "Right? My sister will definitely not fall for someone like you." I got the cup from him and I closed the cap on the cup. "Can you describe the girl that you like?"

"She is beautiful, a little nerdy but she is passionate in the things that she likes. She doesn't know that she is really beautiful but it is enough if I know that she is beautiful." How many times has he even said beautiful?

"Have you ever told her that she is beautiful?" I asked, smiling at the brightened up Kang Joon upon mentioning his crush. Even a guy like him can get all shy when they are talking about the girl that he likes.

"She won't believe that if I had told her so no, I never told her that before that she is beautiful." He sighed. "What should I do, Hyungnim?"

I unknowingly eyed the person who has just entered the café with a smug look on his face as he comes near Park DaJeong ssi, he demands her to give her phone and she isn't very happy about it. He is the one who made JungAh fall heads over heels for him and made her into that scary persona for one whole week.

"What should I do, Sajangnim?"

"I would go up to him and rip his intestines out and chop it up in pieces." I went out of the counter and I walked up to the both of them, pulled Park DaJeong to safety before I landed a punch in his face. "You bastard!"

DaJeong pulled him by the arm and stopped me. "What are you doing to my brother?"

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