Chapter 14

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I looked around at the place for that certain someone to appear somewhere in the club, I have to find him somehow. So that I will stay in the nightclub... He is the only reason that I am here anyways...

"Yah, JungAh!" She tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around. "Aren't you going to order any drinks for yourself?" I shook my head. "Then you have to pay for our drinks, the bartender is waiting." I looked at the table and it is filled with all sorts of alcoholic drinks. Right, I have agreed to pay for them...

I reluctantly took out my credit card frim my wallet and Cha Sowon snatched it from my hands to the bartender, giving it to the bartender. I didn't like her snatching the credit card from me, it is not like it is her card. It is my card, the card that my mother gave it to me as allowance.

"Why didn't you want to drink? You have to drink when you go to a nightclub, that's the way that it goes." Another friend asked me after I took my seat.

"I didn't like drinking that much--" She shoved a drink in my face and forced me to take it. "I don't care!! You are in a club and you are supposed to drink. Drink it!"

I really don't want to be drunk... I gave an awkward smile to her. "Fine, just this one. I'm not having more after this." I let out a sigh and took a sip of it. There is only the two of us who are sitting there, the rest have all moved down to the dance floor to flaunt their lackluster dancing skills, if they did audition at a entertainment company, they will surely fail.

But it doesn't matter to them if they could dance or not, it is part of their clubbing lifestyle. They like to go to nightclubs on a weekly basis whether they can afford it or not, drink until they drop, dance the night away which included some one night stands but they didn't mind. They liked it, that's the point if they would wake up the next morning feeling groggy and all from a terrible hangover.

I didn't like hanging out with them, I only did that because I wanted freedom, from my parents, from my older brother. To them, those people who are with me are the people who made me realize that I should do things for myself and live the way that I want. Even if I didn't liked the place that I am in, I'm at least doing things on my own without having to consult other people like my older brother who only cared about playing around with girl after girl.

Soon, I was the only one at the table and I was still searching around for the one person that I have been waiting for all night. That guy whose name that I haven't gotten, I should've asked for his name before I got dead drunk and unable to respond to anything. I have to get his name and hopefully his number tonight or there is no purpose of me being here, I'm enduring everything and sitting here watching some drunkards dance just because of him.

Just before I decided to call it a day, he appeared in front of me at 11.36pm with the same look on his face that he had on him exactly a week ago. He is wearing a pink dress shirt paired with black ripped jeans looking hot and charming. He finally came after hours and hours of searching for him, all that waiting had been worth it now that he has come to find me.

"Hey beautiful..." He smiled as he scans me from top to bottom. "That dress is so beautiful, just like you." He took a seat next to me and I almost stopped breathing, that is how strong his aura is when I am around him. "You are here with your friends?"

I nodded. "You too? You must liked clubbing a lot?" I commented as I continued to stare at his face, he is exactly my type and his smile is so charming.

He smirked. "Of course, it is in my blood." He looked at the drinks on the table and back at me. "Have you ordered any drinks?"

I nodded. "I'm trying not to drink too much though in fear of what happened last week so I'm only ordering one glass, I don't have a high tolerance for alcohol as you can see."

He laughed. "Don't worry, I will take care of you if you are down. I will only pay attention to you and no one else, I am a man of my word." He put his hand in mine. "I just realized that I haven't got your name yet, beautiful."

"Yours too, I left too early the last time and I didn't get your name." I said to him and he passed me his phone, he is that smooth of a playboy. "What is your name?" I asked shyly.

"Park DaWon. My name sounds weird right?" He asked and I immediately shook my head. "Call me Won, I prefer to be called by this. It sounds more masculine."

"I'm Jeon JungAh, Jung-Ah will do." I said and he had a rather shocking facial expression on his face, it was a pleasant one.

"Is your brother Jeon Jungmin by chance?" I nodded. "We have gone clubbing together quite often but I haven't seen him around these days, may I know where is he?"

"We aren't close and I don't like to talk about him you see." I commented as a matter of fact, we aren't close and we will never be.

"It's okay, my relationship with my younger sister isn't that great either even though we have the same interests." He kept his smile and I find myself falling for him deeper second by second, minute by minute and soon we had a few drinks, laughing at each other in a foolish way. Even though I told myself to only drink just one glass, it led me to have more than one and soon there were only empty bottles.

I looked at the clock and it was nearing 2am, I had to get home or they will get worried that I might die on some street. I stood up and I fell down immediately due to my jelly legs, he supported me and we shared a kiss. And I don't remember the rest after that.

Until I heard a voice. "Let go of her immediately or I will report you to the police."

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