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4 years later...


"Are you sure that you have gotten everything ready for the trip?" I asked my husband who is on the phone, he is now at work and he will be back home in a few hours to help me unload our things in the car and I can't do it on my own now.

"Of course, didn't you check the list that I had done just for this trip?" He asked me. "You looked through it right and you packed it according to what we need for this 7-day trip, we only have two items of luggage and we don't have any space for anything else."

I deeply sighed and then looked at the items of luggage that I had packed, it is a whole mess. "Of course, I did. I even applied for leave a few days before the trip so that I can pack it according to what you need."

"Take out everything that you have over packed, I am not going to carry it all for you and you shouldn't carry it on your own as well." He said. How does he even know that? "Make sure that you do that and I will see you at home soon, take care of our little princess at the same time." And he hung up the call, I let out a sigh again while looking at the baggage that I had packed for our trip and it is a bit much for the two of us, especially when I am pregnant with a little child inside of me.

Our marriage has been nothing but sunshine and rainbows, although we fought a little at times it taught us how to forgive and forget and with each time that we fought, our marriage only became stronger and stronger and now no typhoon can bring our marriage down. And we have been trying for a child since the beginning of last year, our marriage has become stable and our careers as well so we decided to add a little child into our busy lives. And after a whole year of trying, I was finally pregnant and we could have not been any happier, it was something that we wanted for our marriage now that we have entered into our 4th year of marriage.

And last week we found out about the baby's gender and it was a princess, a little princess who might look a little like me but it could look like Nam Daehwan as well, I am just glad that she is healthy and doing well inside of me. We have planned this trip especially for our little princess and for me as well because it would be the last time that I would get to travel freely before I get into my third trimester and I would give birth to my little princess in 3 months or even lesser than that.

I began putting back the items that I didn't need and my phone rings at this time, it is a video call from Park DaJeong, Jeon JungMin's girlfriend. I
answered it and placed my phone at an angle that she can see me properly. "Hey, what's up TaeNa unnie! What are you doing with the dragging and pulling? Aren't you supposed to be resting on the couch? You are 6 months pregnant and you are not supposed to be moving around like that."

"It is okay, I am only 6 months pregnant and I work as a nurse so I move around all the time. I packed a little too much for my trip and my husband wants me to put it back and I am doing it, we are going to Japan for a week." I told her. "Is Jeon JungAh there with you?"

Nam Chaewon, my cousin makes an appearance along with Jeon JungAh and it scared me a little. "I am here too, you only care about Jeon JungAh and not me who is your actual cousin by blood. How's that baby doing?" She asked me.

"It is doing fine but I want to meet her as soon as possible, 3 more months to go and I get to see her for real. I can't believe that I am having a child, a mini version of me." I told them and they all nodded at me, and then I realized something. "Aren't you supposed to be at work, Nam Chaewon?"

"I am on applied leave for this weekend, I can't stand my dear cousin Nam Daehwan always bossing me around all the time and not caring if I needed a break. Oh, I forgot that he is your husband." She said it as a joke and I know that she is joking, she always does that now that I am married to her superior at her workplace.

"Just fire your boss, I will take care of him," I told her and I turned towards my future sister-in-law. "JungAh, did Lee TaeMin neglect you again?" I asked her.

"We are going out for dinner so he is not neglecting me, thank you for your concern." She said and I feel relieved, I finished up on my cleaning up after they have hung up.

I just have those friends who will talk to me when I am just dragging stuff around, they wouldn't say a thing at all. I wished that I could live with them so that we can do all of these things together, my sister-in-law is currently raising 2 children with my doctor older brother helping her out occasionally, my future sister-in-law trying to change my younger brother into a better person and there is Nam Chaewon, my cousin who is having an off and on a relationship with her boyfriend and she is seeing other guys at the same time. But at least they are just happy with their lives and that is all it matters.

My phone rang again and it is from the hospital, I have a bad feeling about it and I answered the call which made me rush to the hospital as fast as I can, I also called Nam Daehwan on the way, telling him to go to Japan first and then I will meet up with him after my shift is over.

"Just do whatever you need to do and meet me in Japan, I will be waiting for you no matter what and I love you." I hung up the call and got ready for my last-minute shift while going for a trip with my husband but I don't mind, at least he understands me and he will never stop loving me.

The end.

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