Chapter 27

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It has been many years, it has been far too long since I have last seen that man, I still feel afraid to see him even though I have grown up. Things like this may seem trivial and insignificant to other people who have never experienced physical abuse by our own parents but the world literally collapsed when it happened to me and I clearly wasn't expecting it at all.

Physical abuse and domestic violence is the worse thing that a human can suffer from, it is inflicted and initiated by humans and it is alright to discipline your children if the kid misbehaves but it is not to the extent that the kid starts screaming and crying for help, his whole body filled with nothing but scars and bruises from various items such as the belt, the cane or it is mainly the human hands.

It was traumatizing to the point where I would have nightmares for almost a year, I would always be beaten up pretty badly and I will be bleeding sometimes, at times I will be running with all my might to escape from the big monster, I will be crying my heart out until the monster disappears and it would be morning by then. I never told anyone about it, not even my own mother that I had these bad dreams every day for almost a year, I didn't want her to get worried about me, she is already having such a hard time raising the two of us up and working at the same time, and besides TaeNa is only an infant, she needed a lot of care and attention.

So I kept it a secret until my father, Lee Hongbin found out about it. He was a paediatric doctor which meant he is quite experienced in dealing with children of my age, he asked me about it and I denied it many times before I would confess to him that I was suffering from insomnia. It was at a pretty serious stage when he diagnosed my condition but he managed to cure my insomnia in less than 5 months where he tried various ways to help me, he also brought me to a lot of places to help with the condition.

During that time, I became very close to Hongbin Appa, the term that I used to call him by, he still wasn't my father at that point of time but I have already considered him to be one, in fact, that I even wanted to be his son. My mother was puzzled with how close I became so close to him, I remembered that I used to dislike him quite a bit because of that encounter, we first met at the restaurant and he was sitting behind me, I apparently got way excited about lunch that I accidentally knocked him a few times against the chair that I was sitting on.

I then bumped against the chair a little too hard that he fell in front of the table from the shock, his phone dropped and it caused a massive crack on it. He was pretty mad at me back then because I caused his phone to have a crack across the screen, he wanted me to apologize to him and he is behaving so much like a little kid, my mother didn't like him that much at that time.

But after some time, he proved himself to be one of the most caring people in my life and thus it helped him earned a very important title in my life, I called him my father despite the two of us having no blood relations to each other. He treats me better than anyone else, even better than my birth father who abused me in my childhood.

And now I am about to meet Nam Jisoo, the man whom I hated throughout my entire life. "I'll be there when you need me, alright? If you feel too uncomfortable, we can don't do this. I'll tell him about the invitation and he will still be attending your wedding." Daehwan said to me in the car.

I raised one hand up. "I can do it, I definitely can. It has been more than 20 years since then and things have changed a lot." I told him and he slowly nodded, it has been around 20 minutes since we reached and I have been preparing myself for when I see him later, I am still not ready to meet my birth father and it is so nerve-wracking to meet him after so long, I don't even know what to say to him later.

"Alright, just tell me when you can't take it anymore. Don't force yourself too much, your wedding is in a few weeks time." I nodded and we entered the house, the familiarity hitting me instantly as I looked around the living room.

A lot has changed but the overall vibe is still there, although it felt very different compared to when I was still living in this house. It is like what they say, a different owner will create a different vibe about the house even though it is the same house.

"Taewoon?" A frail voice broke my train of thoughts and I turned around, facing a man that I barely couldn't recognise until I saw his nose, he has the same nose as I do. "What are you doing here?"

I suddenly became mute as I was too shocked to comprehend everything that he was saying, it was a little too overwhelming for me and I couldn't take it. "Abeoji... I brought Taewoon here for a reason, he has something to say to you today."

His eyes gleamed up and I feel like crying already, why do I weaken in front of such a terrifying man? "What do you have to tell me, Taewoon? If it is about the wedding, you can just invite Daehwan there, you need not invite me, your father can be there for you."

"Abeoji..." I finally called him and he looked at me. "I will invite you there, not because I pity you and wanted you to be here just for the exposure that I invited both of my fathers to my wedding. I wanted to invite you because you are my father even though you are not considered to be one anymore and I have forgiven you but I will never forget all the things that you have done to me and my mother."

I took out my invitation letter, not just one but four of them and I passed it to him. "Bring the whole family there including Han BitNa, I have reserved a table for you with uncle WooHyun's family."

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