Chapter 33

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I handed him the emergency first aid kit that I had in my bag, it is just a very small and portable but it has most of the basic stuff in there, plasters, ointments and whatnot. Even though I am not a nurse when I am off work, I still make it a habit to bring it everywhere I go in case anything bad happens and I am being able to administer first aid first thing either on myself but mostly on other people, it is my job to take care of people even if I am not on duty and it makes me feel satisfied if I have successfully taken care of a patient.

And never have I ever taken out my first aid kit at a wedding, at a wedding where I am a part of and I am here being the groom's sister and not a nurse that was deployed here, and the patient wasn't just anyone, he was not only my half-brother that doesn't have any blood relations to me, he was not only my brother's best friend that he grew up with, he was not only the one that I have admired for a long time and I even had a little crush on him for a while back in university where he used to study law in the same university and we attended school together.

I was never close to him but close enough to be able to have conversations with each other every time we meet, even though our conversations might seem very awkward, we still talked to each other just like any other pair old friends. It is just that we are kind of related but not related to each other at the same time, it might be confusing at first but it is just a very simple relationship.

"Ouch..." He winced quietly as the cotton bed gently touched the bruise that he had on his left eye, Joo SeungYeon punched him earlier when he walked in on me in the bathroom, just before she could even try to do anything to me.

"I'm sorry if it hurt but you really deserved it, who told you that it was okay to stop 2 ladies who were about to fight each other? That could land you in great danger if you were to come any later." I told him as I stopped the dabbing of the ointment on his eye for a while. "You should've just left me alone in there and only come in after the fight had taken place, it is safe for you that way."

He looked at me with one eye open. "It is not safe for you, you are about to get injured and it is not alright for you to get injured, especially on a day where your older brother is getting married to the love of his life. You wouldn't want to appear in those wedding photos where you have a bruised eye, you will regret that moment for life."

I held the cotton bud close to his eye again. "You don't know how much I hate that woman, she is the nemesis of my entire life, even more than your twin sister Nam Bella. You do know about what happened back in university right?" He nodded.

Joo SeungYeon and I never got along with each other ever since we laid eyes on each other, I don't know what and why was the reason why I hated her so much. We were the same age and were tablemates with each other from freshmen year to the year that I graduated, we even sat down next to each other during the graduation ceremony but we were never friends at all, our seats were allocated in order of our grades and I had done a little better than her which made her a little mad at me, we were always competing with each other and outdoing each other in any way possible.

Luckily I didn't end up in the same hospital as her for my internship or I might as well be her arch-enemy for life until we retire. She always said that I was way too ugly and boys would pretty much puke at the sight of her while I poked at her for wearing too much makeup even when we had a class where we were in an emergency room doing a surgery simulation class and everyone was sweating and she was there, trying her best to wipe off her sweat from her face without causing much damage to her makeup.

I wonder who was the one who had given her the invitation, I'm sure that my brother wouldn't but he sent a lot of invitation letters to the hospital that he used to work in during his internship as a new doctor, and Joo SeungYeon might have gotten a copy of it and decided that she would attend the wedding hoping that she would get a chance at humiliating and mocking me and she didn't get to.

She lost her powers at mocking her and she instead dragged a 3rd person into a fight and landed a punch on his face before making her way out. "Of course I do, I was there most of the time and I had witnessed the two of us battle with each other all the time, it is as if I was watching a UFC match." I jabbed him in the elbow. "I'm for real, it is so intense that I couldn't take my eyes off it." He must have stared at Joo SeungYeon most of the time... "I was hoping for you to win all the time but you didn't, there was once where you ended up with a huge bruise on your face and you got scolded by your mother so much for it." He laughed at the thought of it.

"That wasn't funny at all, it took one whole week to heal and I was struggling to open both of my eyes where one of them is bruised so badly." I threw the cotton bud away into the trash bin. "So make sure that you don't get punched in the face by a woman again, especially Joo SeungYeon's."

"Thanks, TaeNa." He smiled. "I'm just glad that she didn't land a punch on your pretty face, it wouldn't look good if you got punched on your brother's wedding day by your arch enemy."

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