Chapter 46

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I took a look at the dress that is hanging on my clothes rack and then I looked back at my mother who is smiling at the dress that she is going to make me wear. "Seriously, Omma? I will just be going on a blind date, I don't have to dress to impress my date."

"But you have to because it is a blind date and you don't know anything about the person that you are going to meet, you have to look your best in order to look good in front of your date."

"It won't matter what clothes that I wear to the date because the person will like me not for my dress but for my personality, what clothes I wear doesn't matter one bit except for my face," I told my mother. "So I will just wear one of my own clothes, it still looks presentable."

"Presentable, huh?" She opened my closet and pulled out one hoodie. "This is your kind of fashion? You just look like a beggar when you are wearing them, at least try to look that you are employed in your comfortable clothes."

"Hoodies are fashionable," I told her. "Your dear gamer son wears them all the time and I don't see you complaining about him wearing the same clothing for weeks straight without washing it, it smells really weird whenever I walk past him."

"But hoodies are not for blind dates, it helps to ruin the blind date no matter how good-looking your date is." She pushed the dress towards me. "Wear it and impress your date with it, do me proud and finally date someone who is right for you."

I deeply sighed, it is just one date and she promised me that she wouldn't pester me to go on any more blind dates after this one, I should just listen to whatever she wants me to do and she is still my mother after all.
"And don't drag your younger brother into this, he doesn't need to report to work because he is the boss himself."

I got out of the house wearing the dress that my mother wanted me to put on and my hair was styled in curls because my mother thinks that it would make my blind date fall in love instantly with me, I am totally not the type to actually wear dresses on a normal day and style my hair just to go somewhere, I am your girl next door but for this particular blind date, I am not supposed to look like your girl next door but a sweet and loving girl.

I looked into the mirror and I was slightly taken aback by my own face but this is the makeup version of myself that I am facing, it is not someone that I see very often but she makes me feel a little confident every time I put on a little of makeup. I was told to report to a restaurant that was sent to my phone by my mother and she wanted me to be there in the next 30 minutes, she is a little too confident that I would actually make it in time wearing those heels that will make me fall over.

But nevertheless, I still made it in time and the guy has already arrived according to what the waiter said and he escorted me to the table where the guy is sitting at. He is a very incredible good-looking and he looked as if he can be part of a K-pop boy group, he stood up from his seat and he was towering over me who is like a midget everywhere I go but I seemed even more tinier when I am standing next to him.

He pushed in my chair like a gentleman and he sat down right in front of me, I could see his face more clearly and his visuals are out of this world. Where did my mother even find this guy from? "Hi, my name is Kim Rowoon and I am about to turn 24 years old this year." He introduced himself and smiles as if it is all part of the package. "And your name is?"

I honestly zoned out for a whole second and I didn't know that he was even talking to me at all. "Miss, your name?" He is leaning a little too close to me and I could smell his scent from that distance, it is a little addicting and I would love to smell that scent of his for the rest of my life but it smells a little similar to someone that I know. Right, Nam Daehwan wears that exact same perfume as well and why am I still thinking about him now?

I exhaled and I looked at the guy after making sure that my mind will not start thinking about Nam Daehwan again. "I am Lee TaeNa and I am 23 years old this year," I told him my name and I am being so giggly because of how handsome he looked and I can't help but stare at him the whole time without looking away.

"You are a year younger than me? That's great because I like younger girls, they give off that refreshing vibe and I like it a lot. What do you do for a living?"

"I am a nurse working in the hospital just in front of this restaurant, you?" I asked him, the conversation is going so smoothly that I wouldn't mind if we were to spend a whole day like this.

"Are you serious? I work in that same hospital as well and I am a first-year resident in the general surgery department, I can't believe that we have been working in the same place the whole time and we haven't met each other yet. What department are you working in?" Now he is being a little too loud and I can't stand him a little, he talks a little too much and I can't keep up with him at all.

"I used to be in the general surgery department but now I have been just transferred to the neurology department, things are a little more relaxed in that department and the patients are a little different as well." I smiled awkwardly, clearly sending signals to anyone out there that I need some help over here.

"Oh really? The neurology department sounds cool indeed but are you going to stay in that department for a long while? If you are, I am going to transfer to that department so that I can see you every day. How do you think about that?" Help, I need serious help here...

A hand pulled me up as soon as I sent that signal and I looked up, it was Nam Daehwan and I have never been so happy to see him before. "Let's get out of here."

"Who is that guy? Does he know you?" I was about to shake my head but Nam Daehwan was faster than me, he pulled me up and I was standing next to him. "I am sorry but this lady is taken, she is the woman that I am dating right now." And without waiting for the guy to reply, he dragged me out of the restaurant and earned the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

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