Chapter 71

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I entered the house and my mother is cooking dinner, as usual, I greeted her but she stopped me in my tracks when I want to go to my room. "You are out the entire time? Why didn't you answer my calls?" She asked me.

The gears in my head started spinning quickly to think of an excuse to get out of this situation, my mother is very sharp in these kinds of things so I have to outsmart her. "My phone was dead, I left the house without charging it. What was it that you were looking for me?" I asked her.

"I was just wondering if you are still alive, you were gaming till the wee hours of the morning and you were sleeping when I went to check up on you in the morning. Do you even sleep enough?" She asked out of the pure concern and I understand why she is asking me why and worrying about me, she is just showing her concern to her youngest child who is a gamer and he lives like a zombie.

"I am fine, Omma. I had at least 6 hours of sleep before I got up and I have a live stream to do later at night, I will make sure to go to sleep as soon as I am done with it." I told her and walked towards the stairs when she stopped me once again, I know that she is just showing her concern as my mother but she needs to give her son some space to himself before asking more and more questions.

"Do you have a date to go to your sister's engagement?" She asked me and my jaw dropped, things have been going so well between the two families for the past 2 weeks and I have never been happier about it.

Our family has always had a longstanding war towards the Nam Family whom the head of the family is the birth father of my 2 older siblings and the ex-husband of my mother, they have never wanted to make up with each other because of the tension and they kept away from each other the whole time.

But ever since the passing of the head of the family, things have never been the same. The two matriarchs of the family have gotten together and made up with each other, with the two of them being good friends again, that would mean that their children would have no worries dating each other.

And my older sister is allowed to date Nam Daehwan, the new head of the household who is thought to be related to my siblings but it was revealed that he wasn't Mr Nam's biological son and he had no blood relations to my siblings at all. So it would mean that they will be allowed to date each other or even marry each other because it is not a sin and they would be happy because of the two families supporting them.

I thought that they would at least date for a few more years but I have never thought that they are going to get engaged when it is only barely 2 weeks since the funeral, this is moving a little too fast and I can barely catch up with everything even though I am a part of the Lee family as their youngest child. "I thought that you guys were still trying to kill each other 2 weeks ago, how did that change so quickly?" I asked my mother.

"Just answer my question, are you going to bring anyone to the engagement?" I shook my head. "You are going to be so lonely at the engagement with no plus one and everyone around you has someone with them."

"Then I will be alone, I don't mind being single for the rest of my life as long as I get to be a gamer." My mother slapped me on the shoulder.

"Find someone by the day of the engagement or you are not going to be a gamer anymore, I will be going to make you jobless by throwing you out on the streets and you won't even have the money to go to a PC cafe." She said and made me nod my head involuntarily. "That's my boy, go and wash up and come back down for dinner." She told me.

I let out a sigh as I finally reached my room, if only my mother didn't try to stop me from going anywhere, again and again, I would be here a long time ago and resting comfortably in my bed. I would be able to let out the feelings that I have for Jeon JungAh. I shouldn't have said that to her earlier, but I didn't know what I said that to her either.

I have always been extremely good at hiding this because I can't destroy the friendship that I have with Jeon JungAh, the main reason is that she is Jeon JungMin's younger sister and I can't have a relationship with her no matter what. I have known that for a long time and tried my best to hide it but it has been rather hard these days, maybe I have hidden for so long that it wants to make an appearance and make me say weird things to Jeon JungAh that doesn't make sense.

That is going to cause some misunderstandings and I have to solve that problem, but I don't know-how. I could continue to avoid Jeon JungAh but she will be at the café even if I do avoid her, she is the co-owner of that very cafe and she is on the same level as my best friend, Jeon JungMin. And my friend is going to suspect something weird between the two of us and soon, he will find out about everything and his trust for me will be gone as well.

I deeply sighed and laid down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. Is there a manual on how to expertly hide a crush on your best friend's younger sister?

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