Chapter 11

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I woke up and found JungMin packing up his stuff into his luggage, he didn't come back last night and today he is up early.

"Eo, Morning noona..." He greeted me and went back to packing.

"You're moving back already?" I asked sitting on my bed and looking at him trying to adjust my eyes to the brightness of the sunlight at the same time.

He nodded. "They played a prank on me, they wanted me to work at the café and I somehow agreed so I have to move back home since it is all over."

"That's good, you should be with your family at all times." I slightly pouted, now feeling a bit sad that my roommate is moving back home and I will be the only one living here until someone else comes.

"Noona, aren't you moving back?" He said closing the luggage

"No thanks. They wouldn't want me back." I told him. "They would have come to take me back if they wanted but you see... I think living here alone is the best, no one comes to disturb me." I smiled through all the fakeness that I am putting up with myself.

I totally want to go back home but I can't, my ego is preventing me to go back there and go down on my knees and plead for my forgiveness.

"Really? You wouldn't?" He asked me again and I nodded. I got up from my bed and walked out of the room to pretend to be doing something on the couch so that I don't feel sad about me living alone. My siblings have never once come to see me ever since my mother kicked me out. I wonder if they even have a heart.

There was a knock on the door and I went to open the door, Taewoon Oppa was behind it and I hugged him tightly.

"Oppa! You finally came to see me!" I said, my tears flowing down immediately and he let out a chuckle but he still patted my back.

"Aigoo... Don't cry early in the morning, it's bad." He comforted me and JungMin came out to see what was happening.

"Hyung." He greeted. "You finally came, huh?"

"I heard that it was your off day and I came to see how you are coping with a male roommate."

"Is that all?" I asked him. "Did you came just for that?"

"Of course not." He answered and I released the hug. Can I come back home? "Without you at home--"

"It feels empty, right??"

"Wrong! We feel the same with or without you."

I scoffed. "Then why are you even here for?"

"Have you been taking care of this place?" He looked around the place where he bought after his graduation as he wanted to live there in the future with his fiancee Woori unnie. I don't know, maybe they will buy another apartment. My brother is that rich as a doctor, it is just that he doesn't show it.

"She doesn't. I have to clean up after her all the time." JungMin answered on my behalf.

I hit him on the shoulder and he yelped. "I am not that dirty, don't spout nonsense."

"But it's true, you still have a ton of clothes on your bed and some are hanging on the chair."

"Yeah, I was just going to put all that in the washing machine. I'm not that messy." I corrected.

"Anyways, you are still dirty." JungMin concluded and picked up his luggage. "You leave this place too." He told me before going off.

"Come home with me." He said without looking at me. "It's time."

"She is still angry, right?" I asked him, an uncertain facial expression on my face.

"You have to, it's Appa's order." He told me. "I'll help you pack, you stay right here."

He walked to the bedroom and I stopped him by holding onto his hand, his hand is always that huge and warm. "Do I really have to? I broke the rules big-time and she caught me in the act, she even slapped me."

"Rules can be broken but not family ties, it is not like you are at fault. It's him, don't blame Omma."

"But Oppa, I went over to their house. I deserve to die breaking that rule, Omma was right on slapping me."

"DaeHwan told me that you came out right after, you didn't even sit down at the table." Damn that Nam DaeHwan...

"TaeNa, just come home with me for now. Omma wouldn't do anything much with you, she still loved you. Do you know how much she cried the past few nights, blaming herself for slapping you?"

I touched my cheek, the part that she slapped and winced. I hated Omma for slapping me but the love that I have for her is much greater, she didn't allow her to go over to their house is because she doesn't want me to meet the man that hurt her both emotionally and physically. Omma, I'm sorry... I'm really sorry...

"Lee TaeNa, are you just going to stand there and not do anything?" He called from the bedroom. "The bedroom is really messy just like what JungMin said."

I wiped my tears away and walked to the bed. "I said that I was going to wash it, you came too early so you couldn't see that side of me."

"Liar." He threw a piece of my clothes and I caught it. "I have been your brother for the past 23 years and I have never seen anything about you being neat and tidy. How are you going to have a boyfriend like that?"

"Stop with the boyfriend thing! I don't want to love anyone yet--"

"And you will love that someone that comes unexpectedly in her life." He completed the sentence for me. "At the right time, at the right moment."

"Which K-drama is that from?"

"I Fell in Love twice. Omma's story, I named it myself." I 'tsked' at him and continued packing the stuff that I have laying around the apartment. If my mother was here personally, she would have fainted just by seeing all the mess and not her own daughter. I carried my own luggage down and got into Oppa's car which drove all the way back home.

The door was opened and she was in the kitchen cooking lunch, it was lunchtime and she was cooking one of my favorite foods, Doenjang chigae and I could smell it the second I entered the house.

"Come and sit down, TaeNa-ah..." That sentence made me run to her and gave her a back hug.

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