Chapter 61

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I heard the front door open and I immediately turned my head around, my breakfast is finally here and I am starving because I didn't have dinner last night and I spent the night drinking. Park DaJeong walks into the house and she places the food on the table before letting out a huge sigh. "That was hectic man, I don't usually buy food for 2 people and I was afraid that people would think that I am buying them for my boyfriend when it is just you."

"Well, I would've bought it myself if I didn't leave home. My parents and my younger sister is extremely good at identifying people and their emotions, so if I was around in the neighbourhood and met them somehow, they would know where I am at and try to drag me back home." I told him. "But it is not the first time that I ever left home so it is not that surprising to them."

"You have done this before?" She seemed so shocked to hear this and I nodded my head. "When did that happen?"

"You know the night that I went searching for my younger sister at a nightclub? I had already left home for almost 2 weeks but my family staged the entire thing to make me take over the business, that worked but not this time. I will go home on my accord and I don't want them to come looking for me." I sipped on my iced Americano.

"So you are planning to stay here for some time?" She asked me and I nodded my head. "You can't do that, I don't live on my own and my parents are coming back in a few days and my brother is going to come home today or tomorrow, I will be scolded if they know that I have been hiding you here."

"Then what am I supposed to do?" I asked her.

"Move back home, that would solve the problem. I know that you wouldn't be happy but it is the one way for your family to stop worrying about you, but you have to return home someday." She told me. "You have to go home right after you finished eating breakfast, I am going to call your younger sister if you don't want to cooperate with me."

"Park DaJeong, why are you being like this? I don't have a place to go to and you are my only friend who is willing to allow me to stay here." I pleaded to her.

"I am not your friend and you are not to return home by today, your family will be worried about you and they will file for a police report the longer that you don't appear in front of them." She told me and the doorbell rings and I jumped up from my seat, running away from the door and hiding behind her. "I haven't called your sister yet and it could be someone else, maybe it could be my older brother or just a package delivery."

"Can you just check it out first and stop scaring me?" I told her, whispering so that the person outside wouldn't be able to hear both of us. "If it is my younger sister, I swear that I am going to kill you off."

"Fine." She rolled my eyes and she looks at the eye hole, I squatted down and waited for her to confirm that it is not my sister. She immediately opens the door and I barely had enough time to hide behind the door, she is playing around with me. "Hey JungAh, what brings you here?"

I told her that I didn't want my younger sister around and she did the opposite, she knew that it was my younger sister and she still opened the door to greet her without even telling me about it. "Are you the only one at home?" She asked her.

"Yes, all of my family members are already out and I don't have any classes today so I am having my breakfast now. What brings you here anyway?" Park DaJeong said to her.

My sister ignored her and attempted to come inside the house, Park DaJeong blocks her but she successfully gets out of her clutches and she is now in the same house as the two of us. "Then why do you have 2 sets of breakfast and 2 cups of coffee? I have been wondering for the longest time ever since you ordered your coffee from my café, you would usually only order your usual coffee and you wouldn't order anything else and I don't see you buying food for anyone else as well."

"Well that iced Americano is for my older brother, he is in the shower right now and he drank a little of the coffee before he went to the bathroom." She replied JungAh.

"But you said that all of your family members have left the house, and that would include Park Dawon your older brother. And Park Dawon doesn't drink Iced Americano with no extra syrup, he enjoys his sweet coffee with 2 pumps of syrup. So are you hiding my older brother in there?"

How does she even know that I only drink Americano with one pump of syrup? I almost forgot that she works in a café and I usually prepare my daily coffee in the café and she will be next to me when I drink my coffee, I just can't believe how sharp she is to know that I am staying at Park DaJeong's place just by seeing the coffee order.

"You don't need to answer me that, I know that you are so I need you to do me a favour and convince him to come back home and report to us that he is not dead or murdered by someone. If he doesn't come home by today, I will make sure to go to the police station and file a report that my older brother had died and we are going to remove him from the family register because he is not going to be able to take over the business if he is not alive." JungAh kicks the door and I nearly screamed, she did that to someone else's door early in the morning.

"So you got it? Thank you so much for that, DaJeong ssi and I hope that you will enjoy your lovely breakfast." And she left just like that.

Park DaJeong closes the door and she looks at me. "Now you don't have a choice but to return home, you can escape from reality but the reality wants you back eventually and you have to accept it no matter what."

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