Chapter 58

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"They don't need you that much, I need you that much and I can't live without you." I turned my head around to find Nam Daehwan raising his voice at Mrs Lee, Lee TaeNa's mother. I have no idea why he even did that for but it is quite a very inappropriate thing to do at a funeral, especially when it is his father's funeral and he is the one who organised it.

Our family only came to attend the funeral today because we were so busy with our lives and we had to make last-minute changes to our schedule as soon as we were notified of the news that Nam Daehwan's father has unfortunately passed away due to complication of his lung cancer, he didn't look that sickly at his son's wedding a few weeks ago and he is now dead, he must have delayed his treatment for so long.

And now Nam Daehwan, who is his adopted son has to take care of everything in the household and he is messing up already, by raising his voice at someone older than him at his father's funeral.

"What is happening right here? Daehwan is not that kind of a person to lose his cool like that, the sudden news of his father's passing must have messed him up a little." My mother commented and the rest of us could only watch the commotion and not say anything, we are not in that position to stop anything from happening, we are just the guests that have come to pay our respects to the late Mr Nam.

"Nam Daehwan!" Mrs Lee has started to raise her voice as well. "What do you think that you are doing right now?"

"Mrs Lee, I don't think that I can please anyone anymore and I am going to ask your daughter's hand in marriage, I am going to marry her and she will be my wife." My eyes opened wide and I can't believe what I am exactly hearing right now. Did he just ask Mrs Lee's permission to marry Lee TaeNa? At a freaking funeral of his father's? Is he nuts?

"Is he nuts?" I mumbled under my breath as I glared at the guy who just proposed to the woman that I loved for the longest time, you broke her heart and now you want to marry her, that is something that Lee TaeNa would never agree to.

"Now that the main reason why you fought with my father is gone, I guess that it would be appropriate for me to marry your daughter and we won't have any relation to each other and we will stop being step-siblings in the paper but instead husband and wife. You have to grant me this wish or I will elope with your daughter to some foreign country, please choose one thing for me to do Mrs Lee!"

Everyone in the room is utterly shocked by his words and they began whispering to each other about it, it is because of how ridiculous it is and I can't believe that he is doing that. Is he out of his mind?

"That bastard, I swear that I am going to--" I got up from my seat and my younger sister pulls me down immediately. "Why are you stopping me for? He is doing the wrong things and he needs to be stopped right away."

"Mind your own business, you are not part of their family and you are not in a position to come in between the two of them." My younger sister said to me and I got even angrier, why is she stopping me for?

"Your sister is right, have your food and pretend that nothing happened. We will make our way home right after this and I don't want you to stick your nose into their business." My father said to me and I could only nod because I can't disobey my father, I am afraid that he might make me homeless if I ever try to rebel against him.

I could only watch in pain as I watched Mrs Lee dragging Nam Daehwan to a private room and Lee TaeNa and Mrs Nam, Nam Daehwan's mother following behind the both of them, they closed the doors shut and I don't have an idea what they even talked about. There was no sound and it seems like they had calmed down a little but I want to know what exactly are they even talking about, and I can't do that because my father is here and he told me to mind my own business.

We were done with our meal and I continued to stare at the door but they never come out of that room, they have been talking for a very long time and I have no idea if anything is solved already. Did Mrs Lee kill Nam Daehwan? Did she allow both of them to marry? Did she object to both of them marrying each other?

The thing is that I have no freaking idea and they are not coming out of the room anytime soon, I sighed and my sister looked at me. "Oppa, Lee TaeNa might not be yours at the end of the day and she might go with Nam Daehwan instead just because she likes him." She said.

"Who says that I have any feelings towards Lee TaeNa? I am just concerned as a friend, we have known each other for almost all our lives and it is only right for me to be involved in this." I told her.

"No, you don't. You are hiding your true feelings from TaeNa Unnie and it is really obvious." She said and the door finally opens, revealing the two of them standing next to each other and the two mothers standing together.

Mrs Lee clears her throat. "I have a small announcement to make, it concerns my life and my daughter. For the past 2 decades, I have an unsolved grudge towards my best friend because Nam Jisoo who is also the name of the deceased at this funeral but now that part of our grudge is gone and we have decided to make things up and be on good terms." She looks at Mrs Nam.

"And that would mean that my son Nam Daehwan is not Lee TaeNa's half-sibling or step-siblings now that my husband has passed away, he has no blood relations to Lee TaeNa and thus they can have a relationship and start a new family without causing the wrong things to happen. And so I declare that Nam Daehwan and Lee TaeNa can date each other or even get married without any issues." My heart shattered in millions of pieces and I feel like I want to escape from this world right away and hide in some black hole that no one will be able to find me.

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