Chapter Twenty-Two

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Author's Note: Ok one more chapter of Febuary 13th and then the valentine's dance is coming up. This is Ricky's conversation with Nini at the rollerskating rink. Sorry for all the dialogue but its necessary.


*February 13th, 2019*

Ricky Bowen

I stood up from where I was sitting at the booth and stared at Nini who had walked in the front door behind Brandon. She looked the same as she did before she left. Beautiful as always her hair was shining in the light but she looked confused.

I went up to go talk to her and left the pizza on the table.

"Nini, what are you doing here? You missed our valentine's day virtual date and you show up unannounced. I thought that you had plans over valentine's day to practice for auditions? Aren't you supposed to be studying at YAC?" I said a bit too quickly while she was fixing her hair.

"Hey Ricky, nice to see you too. I wanted to surprise you for our date but my flight got delayed and my phone died at the airport. I got a taxi though and went straight to your house. Your dad said that you would be here and my mom drove me since she's not working today." Nini replied back with an attitude.

"Oh. I wasn't expecting you to come this weekend because you said you were busy with school stuff." I replied while nervously biting my lip.

"Aren't you happy that I'm here Ricky? I practiced my lines for Grease and even did some extra studying so that I could come back to see you and go to the dance." Nini replied as she watched me stand there nervously.

"Yeah, I'm just surprised. I don't really like surprises after that incident with my mom and her boyfriend during the musical. I wish you would've told me so that I could be prepared for your arrival. How are you? I heard that YAC is more challenging and competitive than East High." I replied while reaching out to hug her. While I was hugging her I noticed that Bella and Brandon had left the rink.

Oh shit. What have I done to Bella?

"Ricky are you okay? You are staring at that wall. I'm really sorry for planning this surprise. I didn't expect to have a delay at the airport and I wanted to get in this morning and see your reaction." I heard Nini say as she backed away from the hug.

"Oh ummm yeah. Sorry, just thinking about some stuff going on at home. I brought a new pizza from the place next store since the other one is cold and in my bedroom I was gonna invite Big Red to join me but you are here now. Do you wanna catch up and have some food?"I replied to her while grabbing her hand and taking her to the booth where the pizza box was. So she couldn't tell that I was slightly lying.

"Yeah. Pizza sounds good right now. I haven't eaten since last night. How have you been?" Nini replied while taking a slice of pizza and eating it slowly like she used to when we had pizza parties in middle school.

Those were the good days.

"I've been ok. Rehearsals are kinda boring without you and home life is still the same. My mom is back for a few days and its not pleasant. I started reading more to distract myself and I actually enjoy some of the books we are reading in my American Lit class." I said while remembering Bella's obsession with books and how she helped me out with the pop quizzes.

"Oh, I'm sorry about your parents Ricky. I really am. You know your always welcome at the Salazar-Roberts household? You can even ask my moms to make you some cookies even if I'm not there." Nini replied while rubbing my hand from across the table.

"I know. I just don't want to feel like a burden if your not there. How's Denver been? Join any clubs yet?" I asked her while thinking about how Bella didn't pity me or feel bad for me.

She can relate to my home situation since we both lost a parent, well her situation is different.

"It's been a nice change of scenery but I miss East High. I haven't joined any clubs yet because I want to free up my schedule when the cast list for Grease gets released. I'm praying that I'll get a main part because I'm a transfer. Hopefully, I don't have to be a choir girl again." Nini replied while looking eating her pizza.

"I'm sure you'll get a part. You are a star Nini. You'll stand out on stage even as a choir girl. I saw that you made some new friends on your social media pages. I hope you don't forget about your friends back at home." I said to her while grabbing a slice of pizza.

"Yeah, but they aren't like Ashlyn, Kourtney, Big Red, and Gina. I miss them. I hope I can see them tomorrow at the dance." Nini replied to me while looking down at the pizza box..

Oh shoot. What am I going to about tomorrow? Is Bella going to the dance? What if Nini finds out that I've been talking to Bella?

"I'm sure they'd love to see you tomorrow. I can't wait to see what you are wearing tomorrow. You look beautiful as always." I replied to her as I reached over to kiss her on the lips.

I haven't done that in a while. It felt nice and bittersweet.


After Nini and I had finished our pizza, we decided to head back to our houses since she was tired from the plane ride and I needed to finish some homework before tomorrow night.

We got an uber and decided to go to Nini's house first to see her moms. Nini and I sat in the back together cuddling. The driver didn't seem to mind our romantic gestures and kept asking us questions about our relationship. It was really awkward at first, but eventually the driver stopped talking when she realized that Nini had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

I carried Nini into her house and said hi to her moms before placing her on her bed so that she could sleep. After I tucked her into bed. I skateboarded down the street to my house and saw that the lights were off. My parents probably got tired of arguing and went to sleep or my mom left and stayed at a hotel for the night.

I wasn't tired and didn't want to do homework so I decided to watch some TV. As I was flipping through the channels I noticed that High School Musical was playing on Disney Channel. I  turned the volume down so that my dad could sleep and sat and watched Gabriela sing her sad love song.

I thought you were my fairy-tale
My dream when I'm not sleepin'
A wish upon a star that's comin' true
But everybody else could tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
When there was me and you, whoa

I swore I knew the melody
That I heard you singin'
And when you smiled, you made me feel
Like I could sing along

But then you went and changed the words
Now my heart is empty
I'm only left with used-to-be's
And once upon a song

Now I know you're not a fairy-tale
And dreams are meant for sleepin'
And wishes on a star just don't come true
'Cause now, even I can tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
Because I liked the view
When there was me and you

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