Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Author's Note: I think this will be a filler chapter after all that drama.


*February 15th*

Isabella Johnson

After dropping my ugly step-sisters off by the front lobby of East High, I headed to my locker and met up with Gina, Kourtney, and Natalie who were now my good friends.

"Omg! Ricky's photo is all over the school new website now. I kind of feel bad for him now but he deserves it after what he did to Nini. I'm dismantling the patriarchy again this semester and no one is going to stop me." Kourtney exclaimed as she applied more lip gloss to her lips.

"What does that even mean Kourt?" Gina replied while strolling behind her and hugging me from behind.

"Ugh. I have first period, American Lit with you know who. Wish me luck girls." I groaned as I took my books out of my locker.

"He's not even here yet. Who knows? Maybe he's skipping school after that incident last night." Natalie chimed in as we walked down the hall together.

"If you need a friend to talk to today. We got you girl. Do you want to join us at lunch? We are creating our own table since the guys don't seem to be interested in us anymore?" Gina said as she leaned over to side hug me.

"I kind of want to eat alone today in my special spot with Brandon, if that's okay with you guys? Maybe tomorrow. I just need time to clear my head." I replied to all the girls as we stood near the water fountains.

"Ooh. You have a special spot? Sounds so secretive and fun. I understand. Let me know if you want to talk though." Gina whispered to me away from the other girls since she knew why I wanted to be alone.

"I'll see you guys later. The bell is about to ring. I don't want to miss class." I waved to my friends as I walked into my American Lit class with my head down.

As I walked into my American Lit class I noticed that Ricky was nowhere to be found. Either he skipped class or he skipped school. I kind of felt bad for the guy since his girlfriend dumped punch on him last night but at the same time he hurt me twice.

I don't really know what to think anymore.

 I decided to go sit in my regular seat in the back and focus on the lecture.


During lunch period, I went to get sit in Brandon and I's special spot outside since I had a heavier jacket on today. I started to write another song when someone came behind me and covered my eyes.

"Hey Bells, What are you working on? I missed our lunch spot." I heard Brandon come over and sit next to me on the bench and look at my notebook.

"It's another song. No biggie. What's up with you? You seem happy today," I replied while writing some lyrics down.

"I'm just happy that I have some tea to write about for my blog today. You know the E.J thing." Brandon leaned over to look at my notebook.

"B, I love you and your blog but maybe you should stop with the E.J stuff. I don't thing that's a good idea. I don't even know if he showed up today. I mean Ricky obviously skipped school. I haven't seen him all day or he's just avoiding me." I replied while writing more lyrics down.

"Ricky skipped school today? That boy never misses school. He even showed up in his pajamas one time. He's in the drama club with me. Have you been watching too much Netflix or something? I know that you still have feelings for him but you can't spend your school day stalking him. I mean come on, what he did to you is unforgivable." Brandon replied as he took one of my carrot sticks and ate it.

"I don't have feelings for him for your information. He hurt me and used me as a rebound girl. I'm just worried about him because of the Nini thing." I replied while eating my lunch.

"If you say so. So, what's the song about?" Brandon asked while stealing another carrot stick.

"I don't really know yet. I just have the first verse. Wanna hear it?" I replied while leaning on his shoulder.

"Yes! I haven't heard you sing since you auditioned for the musical. The stage is all yours my lady." Brandon said playfully as he sat on the bench and watched me stand up to sing acapella.

"I haven't done this in a while so it might be really bad." I stood up by a big oak tree and held my notebook.

"You got this Bells." Brandon cheered me on as he sat on the bench.

I won't tell you I'm lonely
'Cause it might be selfish
I won't ask you to hold me
'Cause that won't mend what's helpless

There's not a thing I could say
Not a song I could sing
For your mind to change
Nothing can fill up the space
Won't ask you to stay
But let me ask you one thing

When did you fall out of love?
Out of love?
Oh, when did you fall out of love with me (Song cred to Alessia Cara)

"That's all I have so far." I mumbled as Brandon clapped for me even though no one else was around us.

"That was amazing. Now tell me, is this song about Ricky or your feelings for him or both?" Brandon said while hugging me tightly.

"I don't really know. Can we go back to eating lunch? I'm still hungry." I replied ignoring his comment.

"Ok, but I'm going to get the tea about Ricky eventually." Brandon replied while stealing another carrot stick.

"Hey! That's my lunch." I playfully stopped him as we laughed together.

We haven't had a good moment like this since before this musical drama happened. I'm so glad he's my best-friend.

Who needs boy drama, when you have Brandon by your side?

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