Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Author's note: More Ricky and Bella content. #Rella


Ricky Bowen

I get why Bella shooed me out of her house the other night, but I wanted to spend more time with her to gain back her trust. She seemed like she forgave me for all the stuff I did to her while I was with Nini but I'm not sure if she's over it. Luckily for me, I would be seeing her any minute since her car was still in the shop and she needed a ride to work and I had nothing else to do on a Saturday afternoon.

As I pulled into Bella's driveway, I saw her run out with her backpack and notebook that she always carried. It didn't look like her step-mom was home and I was thankful for that. As she walked up to me with her notebook under her arm, I held the passenger seat door open for her as she smiled at me.

I hope that I was gaining back her trust.

"Hey what's the notebook for?" I asked her as I got into the driver's seat

"Oh it's nothing." Bella replied while putting it into her bag.

"Come on tell me. I won't tell anyone I promise. I hope I've gained your trust back a little bit after last night." I said as I started the car.

"Ok. I'll tell you because I forgive you a little more today but I still haven't forgot what you did to me. Please don't tell anyone. Only Brandon knows about this." Bella replied as she took the notebook out of her bag.

"I'm still really sorry for what I did to you. I promise I won't hurt you again." I said as I started driving to the roller skating rink.

"So this is my personal song writing book. I keep it with me at all times. Sometimes I just write down one lyric and other times I can get out a full song. I know it's kind of stupid and cliche." Bella said as she quickly put the notebook back in her bag.

"That's cool. I have one too. Don't tell anyone though. Do you want to share one of your songs with me? Maybe one that you didn't perform in the theater? If you are comfortable doing so?" I  said as I kept my eyes on the road.

"I guess that I can sing you a sample of one but you have to promise to keep your eyes on the road." Bella replied while taking the notebook out of her bag once again and flipping it to a tabbed page.

"I will." I said as  I kept on driving.

"This is going to be really bad and stupid. I literally just started writing this song an hour ago." Bella said before taking a sip out of her water bottle.

What happens to a flame when it burns out?
What happens to a love that's not new?
What happens when I'm no longer impressive?
Or when there's nothing left to learn about you?

See, I used to wonder 'bout you
What it would be like to love you
Now I've seen every hole in your heart
I'm used to loving slowly
But this time, you already know me
I hope you like all the broken parts

Oh, we can't run away from the comfortable
'Cause it's inevitable in love, in love
Oh it's time we make way for the comfortable
'Cause it's already comfortable in us, in us (Cred to amazing Alessia Cara)

I heard her sing beautifully  and was in awe. When we  stopped at a stoplight, I took a glance at her and saw her looking out the window nervously. She probably thought that I didn't like her song because I  was driving, but I absolutely loved it.

Her voice is so angelic and deserves to be heard in stadiums.

"That was amazing Bella. I can't wait to hear the rest of it." I replied as I kept driving when the light turned green.

I think that she heard me but was just nervous about singing so I let her look out the window while I drove to her workplace.

When we got to the rollerskating rink, Bella got out of the car before I could open the door for her and walked into the roller skating rink after waving to me goodbye.

I guess that she thought that I was just dropping her off.

However, I had no plans since Big Red was busy today so I followed her into the skating rink. While she was walking over to the staff room to get her skates, she noticed me following her and turned to face me.

"Ricky what are you doing here? I appreciate the ride but you don't need to stay. I can just call Brandon for a ride later." Bella said as he stared into my eyes.

"I was going to offer you a ride home. I don't mind waiting for you to finish with work. I have my script to read through for the musical or I could go roller skating." I replied while biting my lip nervously hoping she wouldn't be mad at me for staying.

"Oooh, who's the cute boy?" Bella's boss popped out from being the skating rental counter scaring Bella and I.

"Leann meet Ricky. He's a friend from school. He drove me here since my car broke down. I hope you don't mind if he sits around while he waits for my shift to be over." Bella said as I cringed at the word 'Friend'.

"Nice to meet ya Ricky. Treat her well. She's a hard-working girl." Leann said while winking at Bella and I then going back behind the counter.

"Don't mind her. She just loves to dream about my future even though she's my boss." Bella said as she went over to get her roller skates.

"I'll just be waiting in a booth over here." I replied as I took one more look at her and then got my script out of my backpack to read.

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