Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Author's Note: The dates aren't necessary for the next few chapters. Ex: February 15th and so on. Let me know what you think of the chapter in the comments.


Ricky Bowen

"It's been a week and a half or so since Nini dumped you literally and physically. Come on get out of bed. You've got to do some homework. It's been sitting here on your desk for days and we have school tomorrow." Big Red said as he tried to drag me off of my bed.

"Since when do you care about homework?"  I groaned as I tried to grab my pillow.

"Well you would've known that I joined the Robotics club with Ashlyn but somebody has been too busy with some girl drama. Ashlyn told me that there's a STEM scholarship that I could get if I pass all my classes with A's,and we win the robotics championship." Big Red rambled as he pulled the sheets off of my bed

"I don't want to do homework. That means that I have to read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and that shit is boring." I groaned as I rolled back into bed.

"I thought that you started to like reading? Weren't you reading To Kill a Mockingbird or some other classic during rehearsals one day?" Big Red said to me as he dragged me back out of my bed successfully.

"But that was because Bella got me into reading books..." I groaned as I sat at my desk looking at the book sitting there wide open.

"Who?" Big Red replied while sitting on my bed.

"Isabella. The girl who was going to play Bella but opted out before rehearsals even started." I mumbled as I flipped through the book that I barely started reading.

"Oh, her. So now you are in a love triangle? Is that what your trying to tell me?" Big Red replied while throwing a basketball into the hoop by door.

"A love what?!" I turned to him to say.

"A love triangle. You know when you like two people but can't make up your mind. Nini and Bella make up your love triangle. Sorry I've been watching too many rom-coms with Ashlyn lately. Movie night have been our go to date ideas since we have rehearsals and robotics after school." Big Red replied to me.

"I'm not in love with Bella. I love Nini, and only Nini." I replied while I actually started reading The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn.

"I saw the way you looked at Bella at the dance. There's something going on between you two. Nini is out of the picture now, unless she forgives you for whatever you did." Big Red replied.

"Since when do you know so much about love? And I didn't do anything to Nini." I turned to him and put the book down.

"Because I am in love with Ashlyn. Duh." Big  Red replied while playing with my teddy bear Franklin.

"What makes you think I did something to Nini? We've been best friends since kindergarten." I said to my best friend as I looked at the stack of homework on my desk.

"Well she did break up with you and poured juice on your head at the dance. It's pretty obvious that you did something." Big Red replied.

"I didn't do anything. She got a text from a random number that had pictures of Bella and I in it and assumed that I was cheating on her. I told her that Bella and I are just friends but she didn't believe me and then she poured punch on me." I groaned remembering that night.

"So let me get this straight, someone blackmailed Nini and sent her pictures of you cheating on her and that made her mad?" Big Red said not comprehending what I said at all.

"Yes and no. I didn't cheat on Nini. I just need time to think and clear my head." I replied as I laid back in my desk chair running a hand through my curls.

"I hate to break it to you but it looks like Nini is happy." Big Red said as he showed me his phone that showed a new Instagram post from Nini.

NiniSR: Who needs a boyfriend when you have a best friend who steals a golf cart to go adventuring around campus with you? w/ the Bestie Madison Hu and Luke Whiseman.

NiniSR: Who needs a boyfriend when you have a best friend who steals a golf cart to go adventuring around campus with you? w/ the Bestie Madison Hu and Luke Whiseman

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"I need to do this homework and clear my mind. I'll see you at school. thanks for coming over to talk Big Red." I said before I put earbuds in and started blasting Harry Styles new song.

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