Chapter Thirteen

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Isabella Johnson

*Saturday Febuary 6*

"Isabella don't forget to take your sisters dress shopping for the Valentine's day dance that they told me about. Here's another list of chores you can do in the meantime and don't forget that I have a photoshoot at 4:00 so you can't be in the house at that time." My evil stepmother, Anne said peeping her head in my bedroom yet again. No privacy for me yay.

"Ok Anne, it's not like I'm going to the dance." I mumbled to myself as I stuck my face back into my pillow.

I went over to pick up the list that was taped to my door.

To Do:

Clean the dishes morning and night

Take your sisters dress shopping and don't forget their shoes

Wash my robe again

Get me my half frap coffee

Clean your sister's rooms

Do my laundry

The list went on and on for 14 more pages. I stuffed it in my backpack and got dressed before grabbing an apple at the kitchen table.

"Izzy are you ready to go to the mall?" I heard Rachel and Renee yell from the garage in sync. Oh boy this is going to be quite a trip. At least I have work later at 5:00.

The whole car ride to the mall Rachel kept complaining about how ugly my car was and Renee was talking to someone on the phone about her date to the Valentine's day dance. It's not my fault that I have to save up for college tuition I don't have money to fix my dad's old car right now. I decided to turn the radio on to block them out. The first song that came on was one of my favorites, "Sit Still, Look Pretty", by Daya. I hummed along to the song as Renee kept blabbing about her mystery date.

When we got to the mall my evil stepsisters pulled me into some store called Lulu's Prom Dress Shop. Rachel went to the back of the store while Renee looked at a rack near the front of the shop. I decided to sit down by the dressing rooms and wait for them since I knew that this would be a long trip. They were both indecisive and sometimes accidentally choose the same outfits then argued about it.

 I don't really care though because I'm not going to a stupid dance.

I decided to text Brandon to see if he was having a better weekend than I was.

Call me Bella not Izzy: How's ur weekend? I'm stuck at the mall dress shopping for the dance with evil sisters.

Brandon the Best: Sorry to hear. On a date with this guy Andrew who is in the musical, he asked me out after lunch since we bonded so well ttyl. (A/N: Big mood.)

Well that just happened. My best friend just friend zoned me because he met a guy. I didn't even know about this guy.

"Hey Isabella, right? I'm Gina. Gina Porter. Junior transfer student. You probably know me as E.J Caswell's girlfriend." I saw a girl walk up to me holding multiple dresses.

"Hey yeah that's me. You can call me Bella." I said looking up at her.

"I was wondering why you gave me the part as Belle. I mean I'm flattered and all but you are super talented. You should've seen everyone' s faces when you sang that song at auditions." Gina gushed.

"Oh, I didn't audition. I just sang because my best friend B wanted me too. Musicals aren't really my thing, and I work after school. You deserve the part. Good luck." I waved at her.

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