Chapter Seventeen

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Author's Note:  Thanks for the support! I can't believe people read my work it's amazing. These next three chapters I wrote last month but never published them. Please understand that my life is busy.



Isabella Johnson

*Thursday February 11th*

I walked into American Lit class and sat in my usual seat in the back of the class. Ricky was not here yet. At least I had some time to read my book before class started. Before I could open my book to the page that I was reading, a boy who I recognized as Carlos from the auditions for the musical walked in holding a basket of roses following Ashlyn. I wonder what they were here for.

"Good Morning East High. We're here to hand out the candy grams to everyone who bought one for their special someone." Carlos said as he passed people boxes to basically every other person but me.

Great way to feel extremely single around this time of the year. I kind of miss Ricky sitting next to me and bothering me. (A/N: I remember candy grams in high school. I never got one)

"Hey Bella. Sorry, I wasn't here earlier I slept in a few minutes because I stayed up reading to chapter six like we were supposed to." Ricky came running in yawning just a minute before class started.

"You actually read the book like you're supposed to?" I said with a fake shock expression on my face.

"Please put your books away. Pop quiz time." The teacher walked in handing out the quizzes.

"I'm going to pass this quiz with flying colors." Ricky whispered to me as he looked at the quiz.

At lunch, I didn't see Brandon and his new guy friend at the theater kids table, so it felt safe and not awkward to sit there today. I decided to sit next to Ricky and Ashlyn eating my ham and cheese sandwich.

"So, is everyone coming to the Valentine's day dance? I've been working on the decorations and catering so much. I hope it all paid off." Ashlyn said to everyone.

"I'm not going anymore because a certain someone doesn't like me anymore." Gina scoffed at E.J.

What's up with them?

"Seb and I will be there." Carlos exclaimed.

"Ricky, is Nini coming for the weekend? We all miss her." Kourtney said facing Ricky, who looked like a lost puppy.

"No, she's not able to come. She has auditions and studies. It's okay I'll see her in March." Ricky sighed next to me taking a sip of his water.

"Oh, she didn't tell me that. I guess she's been too busy talking to you every night. What about you Bella?" Kourtney said pointing a carrot stick at my direction.

"Oh, I don't do dances and I don't have a dress or a date." I mumbled shyly.

"A pretty girl like you should own a dress and have a date by now." Carlos looked at me.

"What about those dresses that we looked at from the mall? We could have a girl's day and go pick one and go together?" Gina said ignoring E.J.

"I don't think I'll be able to go anyway. I have to work that night. There's a valentine's day thing going on at the skate rink. It's going to be busy. Couples skate is

 always popular during this time of the year.

"That's too bad. I wanted to go to the dance, but somebody doesn't want to go with me." Gina looked at E.J angrily and got up to throw her trash out.

The school day ended faster than I thought it would.

Thank the lord because Carlos came handing out roses during 6th period and I almost threw up in my mouth because of all the lovey dovey stuff.

I don't get the hype about valentine's day either.

I drove to work and got in my uniform ready to serve more pizzas to couples. As I was cleaning the railings of the skate rink, until I heard someone call my name.

"Hey Bells, can we talk?" I saw Brandon holding a guy's hand skating over to me.

"Sorry, I'm busy." I ignored him.

"Isabella Johnson, can we please talk. You work so hard, you need a short break." Brandon said as the other boy he was with skated to a bench.

"Five minutes. Let's go to the booth over there." I skated to the booth ignoring him.

"I'm sorry I've been a terrible best friend to you. I got so caught up with Andrew. I promise that I'll make time for you. Diner after this 7pm?" Brandon sat across from me looking sad.

"It's ok. I get it. Your happy with him now. I made a new friend now you're not my only friend. Yeah going to the diner would be nice. I need dinner and I didn't pack any."

"Thank you so much for understanding Bells, you're the best best friend ever. Now who is this new friend? Is he or she more attractive than I am?" Brandon said going back to his usual self.

"It's Ricky Bowen. He's in my American Lit class. He's actually not that bad." I replied playing with my fingers under the table.

"You mean Mr. Troy Bolton? You mean Nini-Salazar Roberts boyfriend? Oh my gosh Bella do you know what this means?" Brandon said happily.

"No. What does it mean?"

"You might be Ricky's temporary Nini well until she comes back. I know her from drama club. She's all over that boy."

"I don't think that he likes me like that. Anyway, I got to get back to work. Have fun on your date B." I got up to hug him as I walked away to clean a table. So yet again as always, I find myself single.

After my shift ended, I headed to the staff room to get my bag. There were two new messages from Ricky Bowen in my inbox.

Ricky Bowen: Hey, I know you're at work, but can I ask you something?

Ricky Bowen: This seems stupid but would you mind being my friend date to the valentine's day dance? Nini can't come and I really don't want to be the only single guy in my friend group at the dance.

Did Ricky Bowen just ask me out? I don't even own a dress. Do I even want to go as his "Friend date?" Maybe Brandon was right about him. Am I just his temporary Nini?

Suddenly a familiar Disney throwback love song from my childhood, "Love You Like a Love Song" came on the speakers. This was my cue to leave the place asap.

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