Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Author's Note: Ok. So I decided to add some Cinderella Story elements ;) more Ricky and Bella content.


Isabella Johnson

"Wake up Bella. We're here." I heard Ricky whisper as he nudged my shoulder gently, waking me up from my nap.

"Thanks for the ride." I groaned as I looked over to the place I hated so much.

I got my backpack out of the backseat and walked up to the front door as Ricky watched me.

Ugh great. Another chore list.

The evil witch must be out again and my step-sisters aren't home yet. I mentally facepalmed myself forgetting that I had all these chores to do.

"Hey is there something wrong Bella?" I heard Ricky say from behind me.

I didn't realize that he had gotten out of his car. He was standing at least six feet away from me and looked pretty cute in his hoodie and jeans.

"Just my step-mom giving me a chore list again. I should've remembered that she would give me the list again but I totally forgot after detention. I guess I'll be spending my Friday night cleaning." I sighed as Ricky started to walk towards me.

"I can help you. My dad won't be home until later tonight and I don't have any plans." Ricky said as he approached me.

"Are you sure about this? You could be hanging out with your friends or doing homework instead? This chore stuff is really boring." I said while biting my lip and looking at the 4 page list.

"I'm sure. I would love to help you besides the more the merrier. Now let's get this chore list done before the sun goes down." Ricky said while taking a look at the list.

"Ok. So first, we have to do the dishes in the kitchen. I can show you were the towels and soap are. My step-mom will be home later so try not be scared if she yells at me." I said while opening the front door for him,

"Ok, but first we have to out on some music to lighten the mood." Ricky said as he took a portable speaker out from his backpack.

After tapping on his phone screen a few times, Harry Styles "Watermelon Sugar' started blasting throughout the kitchen as I started to wash a dish.

"You are a Justin Bieber fan and a Harry Styles fan?! What else don't I know about you Mister Troy Bolton?" I said while getting some soap on his nose, forgetting that I kind of hate him a little.

"I told you that there is a lot you don't know about me yet." Ricky winked as he dried off a plate with a rag.

"So ummm why don't you eat lunch in the cafeteria? I hardly ever see you there." Ricky said trying not to make things awkward.

"Oh. I like to have time to myself during lunch. Brandon and I go to a special spot outside and just mess around together. We've made it our tradition to go eat out there unless it's below freezing outside. I usually have a coat though." I said casually as I handed him a cup to dry.

"Oh. That must be nice. Sometimes I get tired of hearing my drama club friends talk about the latest school gossip or their extracurricular activities. I just have theater. It's become like a home to me." Ricky said looking down into the sink full of dishes since its just his dad and him now.

"Sometimes I get tired of hearing the school drama and theater stuff from Brandon too. He's probably going to force me to buy a ticket for the spring musical." I replied while nudging him to make him look up.

"It's good to know that I'm not alone then. You should come to the musical. We've been working hard on it. You might even get to see me dance the waltz." Ricky said as we washed dishes together.

"Musicals aren't for me. I'll think about it. If I really have to go, Brandon will buy me a ticket." I replied while looking into his eyes.

"Why don't you like musicals? Don't say its because we go to the school where 'High School Musical' was filmed." Ricky said to me as I handed him a dish.

"My dad and I used to listen to the soundtracks all the time before bedtime." I mumbled while looking down at the sink.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to bring it up." Ricky said while putting his dish rag down on the counter and side hugging me.

"Look, we're almost done with the dishes. I guess working as a team does make things go faster. Ok. next up is to mop the tile with the shiner and cleaning material." I said to him changing the subject

"I'll get the mops. Can you finish cleaning the dishes?" I replied before he could comment and ran off to the closet to wipe away a few tears that had fallen.

When I got back to the kitchen, I saw Ricky messing with his curls and leaning by the sink. He always looked really cute when he was nervous.

 I got to admit that. But, I cannot be falling for him.

He likes Nini.

"Hey, so I guess my step-mom's out still. Here's a mop. It already has some cleaning liquid on it you just have to scrub the tile well and pray that you don't slip and fall." I replied as Ricky looked up at me.

"Ok. Let's get to work. This is actually pretty fun. Better then sitting home alone while my dad's at work." Ricky replied while taking a mop and changing the playlist to Justin Bieber again as I smiled at him.

For half an hour Ricky and I mopped the tile that was supposedly already clean and shiny as we goofed around and sung to Justin Bieber throwback songs.

When I started mopping the kitchen tile, I slipped on some of the cleaning liquid on the floor and fell on my butt. Meanwhile, Ricky was across the room cleaning the living room. I think that he saw me fall because he walked over to me quickly and helped me up.

"Hey, you okay Bella?" Ricky said as he held a hand out for me to take.

"Yeah. It's no biggie just a small bruise. Thanks for helping me out with the chore list looks like we're almost done. Just two more things on the list. Do you want to do clean the counter tops while I do the laundry?" I said to Ricky breaking the tension.

After we finished doing all the chores, I heard my step-mom's car in the driveway and looked out the window to see my step-sister's arguing with each other while holding shopping bags. I had to get Ricky out as soon as possible before we got yelled at.

"Thanks so much for the help. Today was fun, even though I got detention. I'll see you tomorrow. My work shift starts at 4:30. I hope you don't mind giving me a ride again till I get my car back." I said quickly as my step-mother talked on the phone outside.

"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow, bye Bella." Ricky smiled at me.

"Could you please go out the back door? My step-mom is here." I gritted through my teeth and said nervously as I showed him the back door.

Ricky nodded to me as he walked out through my backdoor without saying another word. I silently closed the door before my step-mom and sisters could see us.

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