Chapter Forty

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Ricky Bowen

Why did Bella just ignore me and run away? Did I do something wrong? Was this weekend a mistake? What's going on?

"Hey, have you seen the news lately? #Rella is trending on the East High twitter page. What's this all about? I hope that you are not using Bella as a rebound again." Gina shoved her phone at me while I sat at the table with her.

"What the hell is this?! Who took this photo? What is #Rella?" I said as I started to eat my lunch

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"What the hell is this?! Who took this photo? What is #Rella?" I said as I started to eat my lunch.

"Its the ship name someone came up with for you and Bella. I think it's pretty cute." Carlos said from across the table.

"We're not dating. We're just friends. I was helping her get to work since her car was in the shop. Who took that photo?" I said running a hand through my curls.

"I don't know. Who ever runs this news app. Please don't hurt Bella. She's such a good person and a nice friend." Gina said eating her lunch.

"I don't intend to. I hurt her enough before. Can we talk about something else? This is giving me a headache." I mumbled while Big Red talked to Ashlyn who sat next to him.

"Tech rehearsals start this Thursday and end on Saturday afternoon, hopefully if we run through the whole show without messing up. Miss Jenn wants everyone to be there on time." Carlos said as he glared at me probably because of my sucky dance moves.

"I know. I'm working on that waltz. Give me a break Carlos." I replied while looking at my phone reading that dumb news article about Bella and I.

"Wait you are actually reading that stupid article?" Gina said while taking my phone away from me.

"Hey! I was reading that. Give me my phone back, Gina." I said while taking it back form her.

"It's just people trying to spread gossip about East High students. Its honestly a really dumb news app." Gina said as she rolled her eyes at me.

"I want to read what people are saying about me." I defended myself.

"I wouldn't read the Twitter comments if I were you." Seb said as he perked his head up towards my direction.

"Don't worry. I won't, I don't even use that dumb blue app anymore." I replied as I read the article about Bella and I.

I wonder how Bella is doing? She must have seen this article earlier and that's why she ran off.

"Hey, you gonna eat your lunch or not?" Big Red said to me leaning over to me.

"Nah. I'm not hungry. You can have the rest of it if you want Red." I said as my phones started ringing with Nini's ringtone, Taylor Swift's song "Daylight."

I totally forgot to change the ringtone after we broke up. I haven't talked to her in like a month or so. I guess she just needed a lot of time to think.

My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in
Everyone looked worse in the light
There are so many lines that I've crossed unforgiving
I'll tell you the truth, but never goodbye

I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you
I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you
I've been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night
And now I see daylight, I only see daylight

"Oooooh. You better take that call." Carlos said winking at me from across that table as he noticed the ringtone.

I got up to leave the table and ignored Carlos wink.

Finally, I would be able to clear some things up with Nini.

When I finally got to one of the empty music rooms, I sat down in a chair and called Nini back to see what she had to say.

Before I could say anything, Nini picked up the phone and started rambling.

"Hey Ricky, I'm really sorry for not calling earlier. My class schedule and rehearsals have been keeping me busy. I wanted to say that I'm sorry for over reacting when I saw those pictures of the girl with you on Valentine's day. It was stupid of me to think she was with you. I am so used to being with you and I guess the long-distance got to me. I'm really sorry and I hope we can at least be friends again. I hope I'm not disturbing you during lunch. I actually have a lunch break right now." I heard Nini ramble with her british accent.

"Hey Nini, I wish you would've called earlier but I understand. E.J actually told me that he blackmailed those photos to you through some student. I am not dating that girl and I still have some feelings for you but I understand if you just want to be friends now. I'm actually taking a break from lunch, our theater friends are bothering me about something." I replied as I ran a hand through my curls again.

Damn it.

Why can't I decide if I like Nini or Bella?

"Thank you for understanding. If it's ok with you, can we just be best friends again? I think this long-distance thing is taking a toll on our relationship. I miss you and everyone else. Kourt got me a ticket to the musical and I can't wait. YAC's production doesn't happen till May 30th, oddly enough so I guess I'll be stuck in school while you guys get out earlier than me." Nini said with her british accent again.

"I agree. Best friends it is. Wow that's late for a high school spring musical. I hope I can go see your show. I might have some savings that I can use for a ticket to Denver. How's rehearsals going?" I replied as I put my head in my hands.

Shit. What about Bella?

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