Chapter Seven

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Author's Note: Sh*t's about to get real. Get ready for some drama from the EHS drama club. Song cred to the amazing Allesia Cara. Comment down below what you think of the story so far.


Isabella Johnson

Why in the world was I agreeing to sing and play piano in front of a bunch of theater kids? I haven't sung since my dad passed away from cancer two years ago; and I don't own a keyboard anymore. Anne donated it to Salvation Army.

"You got this Bella." Brandon replied from his seat.

"Just to clarify, I am not auditioning. I'm only doing this because I'm at these stupid auditions and got called on by my best friend, Brandon. Thanks a lot B." I said with an attitude as I walked towards the grand piano sitting on the stage.

"Sing whatever you like sweetie." The lady called Miss Jenn said to me.

"Don't call me sweetie. I go by Bella or or Isabella." I snapped as I sat down and touched the keys nervously.

"I can't do this." I mumbled to myself and moved away from the piano.

Brandon walked over to where I was sitting and touched my shoulder scaring me. Thank the lord I didn't scream; the acoustics would have been so loud in the auditorium.

"Close your eyes and imagine you're in your happy place. Good luck Bells." Brandon said as he walked to his seat.

I closed my eyes and touched the keys trying to remember which one was A, B and C. As soon as I took a breath and relaxed, I started playing the piano with my eyes closed. I played an original song I wrote when my dad was in the hospital called "Scars to Your Beautiful." Only Brandon and my dad have ever heard it. It was an emotional song for me to sing.

As soon as I finished, I opened my eyes to see everyone in the room clapping and cheering. There were tears in my eyes and I forced a small smile at Brandon.

I quickly wiped the tears away and turned to face everyone.

"You happy now? I sang and played for y'all." I surprisingly snapped at Miss Jenn who was smiling big at me going back to me attitude. I didn't really like musicals anyway.

Brandon looked at me weirdly, but I'm sure he understood what was going through my mind.

"As per usual, the cast list will be up in a few minutes. Please wait outside while I consult my notes with Carlos!" Miss Jenn exclaimed.

I got up from the piano bench and grabbed my backpack walking toward the exit with everyone else, ignoring the fact that Ricky Bowen was staring at me.

"Wow. That was amazing Bella. Too bad you didn't audition for Belle. You would've gotten the part." Brandon said walking beside me.

"Thanks. It was nothing big. E.J Caswell has got quite a voice." I replied as I stood in the back of the medium sized crowd of theatre kids.

"Well, whether you like it or not, you're coming to see me in the spring musical. I am definitely getting a part. Did you see me with that falsetto?" Brandon said jumping up and down like a kid at Christmas time.

"I don't get the hoopla about musicals with this school." I sighed.

"Excuse me make way, everyone move back. I don't want to get trampled like last fall!" I heard that Carlos guy yell from the back of the crowd. A blonde-haired boy who I knew as Sharpay from the fall musical was smiling at Carlos. Weren't they holding hands at lunch?

The first person to go up and look at the cast list posted on the wall was E.J. He was the tallest person here and butted in front of everyone.

"Not bad. I got Gaston. At least he's a main character." E.J said as he kissed his girlfriend Gina, that transfer student who I barely knew.

"Eeeew." Carlos exclaimed standing behind me.

A bunch of other people including Ricky went up to look at the list, and then Brandon went up second to last. He didn't want to be bombarded by people. I didn't blame him.

"Congrats Bells, you are East High's Belle." Brandon said happily holding his hand up for a high five.

"What do you mean?!" I said spitting out the water I was drinking. as I walked up to double check the sheet of paper with Miss Jenn's handwriting on it.

Beauty and the Beast

BELLE: Isabella Johnson (Excellent work!)

BELLE understudy: Gina Porter

BEAST: Ricky Bowen

GASTON: E.J Caswell

LUMIERE: Brandon Wells

LEFOU: Andrew Becker

Mrs. POTTS: Ashlyn Caswell

CHIP: Seb-Matthew Smith (Congrats my love xxxx Carlos)

COGSWORTH: Rico Penanta

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