Chapter Sixteen

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Author's Note: Let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments. Buckle up Wildcats you are in for a  wild ride.


Ricky Bowen

*Wednesday February 10th*

I was practicing the Beauty and the Beast dance by myself when I saw Gina walk in glaring at E.J.

I thought they were dating?

 And I'm only doing this stupid ballroom dance for Nini. She's the one who encouraged me to audition, and I kind of like it so far but I really miss her presence.

"Hey Gina, can we talk?" I heard E.J walk up to Gina who was sitting two seats away from where I stood.

"Talk about what? The fact that you told me that you didn't want to go to the valentine's day dance with me anymore. Save it for someone you actually love. Oh right, you just have flings with girls and then leave them." Gina said crying as Ashlyn handed her a tissue.

What happened? Was I missing something? I thought E.J and Gina were the school's new couple?

"Ok. Theatre people let's start from the beginning where Belle sings in town and Gaston flirts with her. Places everyone." Miss Jenn clapped.

I wasn't in this scene, so I sat on the side next to Big Red and watched as Gina got up from her seat. The whole time Gina kept forcefully pushing E.J away who was trying his best to be Gaston. She seemed really angry at him and no one knew what had happened to the couple.

"Ok. Let's take five, E.J and Gina can I talk to you for a minute." Miss Jenn said as Belle's first song, called "Belle" played over the sound machine. (A/N: You can play this song above if you want or skip it. I just wanted to add it.)

I looked over to Big Red who was playing with the sound machine and stood closer to him. I wonder if he knew what was going on between E.J and Gina?

"Hey Big Red, do you know what's up with E.J and Gina?" I nudged him to get his attention.

"They fought at lunch. I'm not sure about what happened. E.J pulled her aside to talk and only E.J came back to the table. Not sure where Gina went. Why are you concerned about them?," Big Red said turning off the sound system.

"They've just seemed so in love since the beginning of spring semester and now they seem like they hate each other. I wonder what's going on?"

"I don't know, it's none of my business." Big Red said sitting back down by the stage.

Since Miss Jenn was directing Gina and E.J on the stage, and I wasn't supposed to be on stage till they needed me, I pulled out my phone to text Bella at work. She told me that she couldn't do the musical, but I thought she was the perfect person to play Belle who original song was amazing at auditions.

Ricky Bowen: Hey I'm at rehearsals and I'm bored do you have a few minutes to talk? I know you're working.

Bella: Yeah, I'm taking a early dinner break What's up?

Ricky Bowen: Did you hear that Gina and E.J broke up today? I just heard a bit of Gina's anger during her scene a few minutes ago.

Bella: No. I didn't hear about it. Brandon can probably find out himself. He still hasn't texted me back yet when I asked him if he wanted to hang out the other day : (

Ricky Bowen: I'm sorry. I get the feeling. I miss Nini a lot and my best friend Big Red is with his girlfriend Ashlyn a lot.

Bella: G2g, got another shift. See ya tomorrow. Don't forget to read To Kill a Mocking Bird so you don't fail the pop quiz again. ; )

I put my phone away after smiling at her message. So maybe the book was boring and long, but I was going to have to read it anyway to pass the class. To pass time, I actually took my book out of my backpack and started reading it. I think that the teacher mentioned something about Chapter 6 earlier today though. This Atticus guy is weird.

"Ricky sweetie, we're blocking the scene where Belle meets the Beast for the first time, I've been calling you name for five minutes. It's rehearsal time not homework time." Miss Jenn said strictly as I marked my place in the book and got up.

I got to admit the book was getting interesting. I really needed to read up to Chapter 6 to pass the pop quiz tomorrow. That way Bella won't tease me about not reading anymore.

Before I could get to the stage my phone dinged in my pocket.
One new notification from NiniSR on Instagram.

@NiniSR having fun at the bowling alley with this goober and my roommates tagged @joshuarush

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@NiniSR having fun at the bowling alley with this goober and my roommates
tagged @joshuarush

Was Nini cheating on me? Who is this guy?

"Ricky phones off during rehearsal." Miss Jenn called to me again.

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