Chapter Forty-Four

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Ricky Bowen

Today is not only Friday, but its also the second day of tech rehearsals. I really hope that I don't mess up again and have an anxiety attack. Yesterday, was a mess and I just need to get my head in the game.

As I was walking into school with Big Red beside me, I saw Bella at her locker laughing with her best friend Brandon. I wanted to ask her why she was avoiding me but Gina gave me a look from her locker that meant ' NO'.

Maybe I could catch Bella before first period starts and talk with her? I  have American Lit with her.

"Hey, you ok Ricky? You seem a little out of it today. Is it because of your 'Evermore' performance last night? I can totally add some auto-tune to it if you are insecure about those voice cracks." Big Red said as I pulled some books out of my locker glancing at Bella who was walking with Brandon down the hall.

"Hmm. Oh its fine. No auto-tune. I'll see you at lunch dude. I'm going to head to class." I replied as I closed my locker.

"But there are five more minutes till the bell rings. We can grab a snack from the vending machine and go catch up with the skater dudes." Big Red said to me.

"I want to get a seat early. It's an important lesson. See ya later Big Red." I said to him as I walked off to American Lit.

"Since when do you care so much about American Literature?" I heard Big Red say from behind me as I ignored him.

As I walked into the classroom where American Literature was taught, I looked around the room and saw Bella sitting in the back row with a book in front of her.

 Of course, she had a book in front of her.

 I decided to sit next to her since there was an empty seat, but she didn't look up from her book.

"Hey Bella, what are you reading today?" I asked her trying to make conversation.

There was no response from her not even a cough, she didn't even put her book down.

"Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me?" I whispered to her since students were filing into the classroom.

There was still no response from her. I glanced at her book one more time and then the bell rang.

 I guess that I lost my chance to talk to her.

When the teacher started talking, I glanced at her since she had put her book down and  put her hood up from her hoodie. She looked tired and looked straight at the board ignoring me.

 I thought that she was starting to trust me again after last weekend?

"Miss Johnson, can you please put your hood down? It's against the school policy. Thank you." The teacher said pointing towards her as he stopped his lesson.

I glanced at her as she put her hood down. Her eyes looked red and puffy like she had been crying last night. I wanted to ask her if she was okay, but the teacher kept talking. I glanced at Bella while she took some notes, but she continued to ignore me.

When the bell rang, Bella got up immediately and took her book and notebook with her. She didn't bother to put anything in her backpack and just left. I wanted to talk to her but I know that she's a person who needs time to be alone. When I first met her, she ran off because I called her a nickname her dad used to call her.

Unfortunately, I didn't see Bella at lunch. She was probably with Brandon at her special spot. I wanted to talk to her so badly but Carlos called an emergency meeting for the people in the musical at lunch. This is ridiculous.

"Carlos, what do you want to talk about? We all know that Ricky had a mental breakdown yesterday. Sorry had to say that Ricky." Natalie said as I sat down at the drama club table.

"Today's the second day of tech rehearsals, we need to be prepared for opening night. Last night was a hot mess, no offense, Ricky. We have to run through act one tonight. We only have the theater for tech rehearsal till Sunday." Carlos said dramatically to all of us as Seb kissed him on the cheek to calm him down.

"No offense taken. Sorry again about yesterday. I'm dealing with some stuff at home. " I said partially lying to my group of friends.

"Why am I here? I haven't done anything wrong." I heard E.J say from across the table.

Of course, normal E.J. Seems like he has mood swings or something.

"You are here because we are running through your Gaston scenes today while Ricky practices his waltz." Carlos said as Seb tried to calm him down.

"Yay! Finally some spotlight on me." I heard E.J say sarcastically as Ashlyn hit him on the back gently.

There's always drama at the drama club lunch table.


"So, have you been practicing your waltz or are you going to step on my feet again?" Gina said teasing me as I took her hand to practice the routine that we have been doing for a month or so.

"I've been practicing. I just have a lot on my mind." I said.

"Still thinking about what I said yesterday?" Gina said while waltzing with me and correcting me as I moved my feet.

"Yeah. I've already hurt Nini and Bella enough. If Nini has found her place at YAC, shouldn't I move on and still be friends with her?" I asked Gina.

"I don't know. I think that you need to talk to Nini again and see how she feels. Admit to her that you've been seeing Bella as a friend. Tell Nini what's going through your mind. Once again, go with your gut. I can't tell you who to love." Gina said as she helped me perfect the dance.

"Thanks again for the advice Gina." I said as the music stopped.

"Ok, Gina, Ricky. Take five and run your lines for scene 17. E.J you are up! Let's hear that Gaston song." Miss Jenn said from her seat as she was directing.

As Gina and I took a water break, we watched as E.J performed the song, "Gaston" with a bunch of chorus girls.

Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Gaston
Looking so down in the dumps
Every guy here'd love to be you, Gaston
Even when taking your lumps
There's no man in town as admired as you
You're everyone's favourite guy
Everyone's awed and inspired by you
And it's not very hard to see why
No one's slick as Gaston
No one's quick as Gaston
No one's neck's as incredibly thick as Gaston's
For there's no man in town half as manly
Perfect, a pure paragon!
You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanley
And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on
Who plays darts like Gaston
Who breaks hearts like Gaston
Who's much more than the sum of his parts like Gaston
As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating
My what a guy, that Gaston
I needed encouragement
Thank you, Lefou
Well there's no on as easy to bolster as you
Too much? Yep

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