Chapter Fifty-Six

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*3 Months Later*

Ricky Bowen

Its currently the middle of June, Bella and I are headed to the airport to surprise Nini with a bunch of our other East High friends. Bella and I were on good terms as friends. After planning a few surprise rooftop picnics, making a playlist for her, sitting with her at lunch several times and inviting her to be my plus one to E.J's graduation, I finally gained back her trust.

She hasn't bought up any of the shit I've done to her in the last three months which must be a good sign. Baby steps. I told her I'd wait for her to trust me again and I kept that promise. We even went on a double date with E.J and Brandon at the diner. She claimed that it wasn't a date and I agreed with her since I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or rush things.

After that 'date', I knew that I wanted to ask her out soon. I had gotten the approval from Nini who was helping me plan a surprise for Bella when she arrived in Utah. Nini said she was having a blast at YAC and even got a summer intensive online class to take to add to her credits. I told her that we were going to have fun this summer but she takes this school thing way too seriously.

It's hard to believe
That I couldn't see
You were always there beside me

Thought I was alone

With no one to hold
But you were always right beside me

And this feelings like no other
I want you to know

I've never had someone
That knows me like you do
The way you do
I've never had someone
As good for me as you
No one like you
So lonely before I finally found
What I've been looking for

I listened to Bella sing from the High School Musical soundtrack that I put on to tease her because she once said that she hated the movies because we go to East High and I didn't believe her at all.

"Sounds like someone was a HSM fan." I laughed as I listened to Bella sing the Ryan and Sharpay Parts while I drove to the airport.

"Stoppp laughing. I watched the movies with Brandon one time. The songs are catchy its not my fault that car rides with you are always silent. Someone has to sing to create some music." Bella replied while smiling at me.

"Ok. Fine I believe you." I said with a smirk as I stared at the road.

"I can't wait to see Nini, she said she would help me finish this song. She's helped me a lot with my songwriting skills over these last few months." Bella said to me as I drove.

"Wow. I didn't know that you two had gotten that close since Denny's. I'm glad that you have her to talk to about songwriting. I need to work on mine. I haven't touched my songwriting notebook since February." I said as I focused on the road.

"We should have a song writing challenge. All three of us could do it. Ooh I could ask Ashlyn too. Remember when she wrote that Sarah Barailles' ballad last fall? I admire her for being that talented. She's one of my biggest inspirations besides Nini. Nini writes songs like there's no tomorrow. I'm so jealous." I listened to Bella ramble as I parked the car at a spot closer to the airport.

"You'll have to ask Nini about that. She might be too busy with her summer class to write a song every week. You are a talented song writer too. I've heard a few of your songs. You should really look into going into the music industry." I said to her as I walked over to the passenger side to open the car door for her.

"I really want to write, produce, and direct my own music videos to my songs. One day maybe I will. For now, let's go surprise Nini." Bella said as she followed me to where Nini's baggage claim station was.

Everyone was already at Nini's baggage claim waiting for her to arrive from her flight from Denver, even Miss Jenn was there because she missed her star student. You could say that it was a bittersweet reunion. Big Red, E.J and I helped Nini get her luggage from the carousel while everyone else went over to hug her and catch up with her. I watched all of our friends as they chatted among themselves while Nini was whispering something to Bella.

 This was of course all part of my plan.

"Hey guys, I really appreciate everyone coming and helping me out, but would you mind if  the girls and I had a sleepover? You know to catch up and stuff. I missed my girlfriends." Nini said to the group as she looked at Kourtney, Natalie, Ashlyn, Gina, and Steph who were talking among themselves.

"Ouch. Already kicking us out of the welcome party?" I said to the group while winking at Nini.

"I'm sorry guys. I love and missed you all but I think I need a long awaited self-care night with my girls." Nini said as she put her arm over Kourtney and Bella's shoulder.

"I get it. Have fun girls. Ricky and I have a lot of COD 3 to catch up on." Big Red said to the group lying to them because he was going to be part of my plan.

"I'll see you guys later. Thanks for coming. We're going to get an Uber van for all of us and my stuff. Good luck on your COD 3 games." Nini winked at me.

My plan was going smoothly and the guys minus Carlos were going to help me set everything up or at least help me not screw everything up because I tend to do that a lot.

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