Chapter Six

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Author's note: Song cred to Grent Perez from youtube. Do you guys want to see more Instagram post pics from Nini?


Ricky Bowen

Today were the auditions for the spring musical. I promised Nini that I would audition even though she wasn't here to support me. I was going for a minor character like Lumier or a fork. I don't  want to be the lead again if Nini isn't by my side.

"Okay. Theater people. Five minutes until auditions start. Everyone line up on the stage." Miss Jenn yelled as she held onto her notebook.

I didn't smile while I stood in the line next to Ashlyn. The theater felt weird without Nini there. This was her happy place.

"Ricky, you'll be reading for the part of the Beast." Carlos said as he handed me a script.

"Actually, I'd like a smaller role like, Lumier." I replied to him handing back my script.

"No can do. I'm just following Miss Jenn's orders. Break a leg." Carlos said moving onto the others waiting in line.

After a long ten minutes, auditions had started. I was tired because I didn't sleep last night. I was thinking about my parents and Nini's little adventure.

The first person who was told to move to center stage, was someone named Brandon. I watched him carefully sing one of by Ben Platt's songs, another one of Nini's favorite artists.

After a while, it was E.J's turn. This was going to be interesting. I thought to myself, since Big Red mentioned that E.J was being nicer.

He sang a few verses from Nini's song "All I Want" switching up some words.

 What the heck was he doing?! Trying to get me to be emotional in auditions and mess up? How did he even know of Nini's song? It was in her song book she took to YAC.

"Ricky, it's your turn." Big Red nudged me waking up from my nap that was also just me staring off into the ceiling.

"Hmm. Oh yeah." I got up from my seat and walked over to the center of the stage.

"Umm hi I'm Ricky Bowen. I played Troy last year in the fall musical. I guess I'll sing now." I said nervously. Nothing was fine without Nini.

I sang a few bars from "Just for a Moment" as I closed my eyes imagining Nini holding her phone flashlight in front of me like I did last year.

As I sang the last verse, someone's phone started ringing causing everyone in the room to look around.

"Who's phone is that?" Miss Jenn exclaimed.

"Sorry that's mine. I'll turn it off." A brunette girl sitting in the back exclaimed.

"And who are you? Are you here for auditions?" Miss Jenn replied to her.

"I'm Isabella Johnson; and I'm just supporting my best friend Brandon." She said as Brandon waved to her from his seat. She was the girl from the roller rink last night.

"I'm sorry Miss Johnson. You can't be here unless you're auditioning." Miss Jenn replied to her.

"Oh, then I'll just wait outside." She waved to Brandon.

"Wait! She can sing." I heard Brandon say.

"Ummm no I can't." Isabella replied grabbing her bag. I watched her walk towards the door.

"Well if you can sing, we'd love for you to join us. Why don't you sing a few bars?" Miss Jenn replied ignoring the fact that I was still standing on center stage. The things I learned from Nini, who loves theater.

She turned around as everyone stared at her.

"I can play a bit of piano, but I am not auditioning." She replied as I looked into her tiny brown eyes catching her attention.

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