Chapter Two

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Authors note: the song above is meant to be slow and acoustic.


Ricky Bowen

"Hey Ricky, are you auditioning for the spring musical? If not I'm capable of taking the lead role." E.J said as he walked past Big Red and I.

"I don't know yet. Nini arrived at YAC yesterday and I'm still trying to handle the whole long-distance thing. I promised her that I would audition but it's weird without her being here." I frowned as Big Red put his arms over my shoulder.

"Hey cheer up man. We got three months' worth of video games to catch up on. And I heard the new NBA 2k game is coming out this Friday. Want to come over to my place and play it? My mom is getting it for me." Big Red said hi-fiving Ashlyn as she walked by.

"Nah. I'm good." I mumbled as I headed to my locker.

"Suit yourself. Your missing out on the fun." Big Red said leaning against my locker.

I opened my locker to see all the pictures of Nini and I hanging on the door. I really do miss her, even though it's only been a day.

"I'll see you guys at the spring assembly. I heard Miss Jenn is announcing the spring musical." E.J said walking down the hall.

"Something's different about him now." Big Red said as I closed my locker while dreaming about Nini.

"What do you mean?"

"E.J is kind of nice. That understudy role as Troy Bolton must have done something to him." Big Red said as we walked to class.

I sat through all my classes daydreaming about Nini. Has she made any friends yet? Did she meet another guy? Is she happy?

As I was walking to the auditorium for the assembly, I saw my friend Gina walk by with her new dance team.

"Hey Gina! How was winter break?" I said catching up with her since Big Red wasn't in sight.

"Good. I stayed with the Caswells in their lodge. How was your winter break with Nini?"

"It was the best 27 days of my life. We did everything we wanted to. She even taught me how to skate. It's not the same without her here though."

"At least you guys are back together, you guys are so cute together. I'll see you later. I have to get ready for my dance performance." Gina said walking off with her team.

I went to go find Big Red who was talking to Ashlyn by the front row of the bleachers. Ashlyn was in the marching band. I don't know how she handled all those extracurricular activities. I'll just stick to theater.

"Hey, Big Red, are we seriously sitting in the front? It's so loud in here." I said as he sat back down.

"Yeah, I get the best view of Ashlyn from here and the dance team girls look pretty hot too." Big Red replied.

Everything's better when Nini's here. I mumbled to myself. Putting earbuds in. Even the music I was listening to sounds better when Nini is around.

"Let's just get this over with. I promised Nini that I would tell her what the spring musical is after the assembly." I sighed as I took out my earbuds.

"You need to get back to your old self Ricky. Why don't you go to the skate park or something?"

I couldn't reply to Big Red because the marching band started playing loudly and the assembly started.

"Welcome back students!" The principal said as Miss Jenn walked over to his podium.

"Miss Jenn here has a special announcement about the spring musical." The principal said annoyed as he stepped away.

"Thank you for the brief introduction, Mr.umm Ramos. May I have my student choreographer up here, Carlos?" Miss Jenn said through the static microphone.

I tuned out most of the assembly and almost fell asleep on Big Red's shoulder. I didn't exactly sleep well last night since it was the first night without Nini being in Salt Lake.

"The spring musical is Beauty and the Beast. Auditions will be held this Friday. Scripts are outside Miss Jenn's door. Go Drama club!" Carlos yelled through the microphone waking me up.

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