Chapter Thirty-Six

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Author's Note: I know it seems like there are a lot of filler chapters but their will be more drama soon before the ending. Enjoy Bella and Ricky Content.


Ricky Bowen

"So, how are you and Bella doing? I saw you guys walk into school smiling together," Gina said as I practiced the waltz with her at rehearsals.

"We're good. Just friends. She seems to be forgiving me for all the shit I did to her. She's so kind and pure. She doesn't deserve to be hurt and I feel like a jerk for doing all that rebound stuff with her." I said as I moved my feet to the beauty and the beast music that was playing.

"So how exactly did you get her to forgive you? One moment she hates you and won't talk to you and now you two are walking into school together. I'm confused." Gina said as she helped me with the dance moves so that I wouldn't step on her feet.

"It's kind of a long story..." I replied as Carlos walked over to us and stopped the waltz.

"OK. That looks a lot better Ricky. I hope that your dance moves improve for tech rehearsals. Everyone take a water break, we are going to rehearse Lumier and Cogsworth's scenes afterwards. Miss Jenn gave me some notes for you all." Carlos said to the group of students who were in the theater with us.

"Excuse me, Carlos, where is Brandon? We can't rehearse those scenes without our Lumier." Miss Jenn said to Carlos.

"Does anyone know where Brandon is?" Carlos exclaimed looking right at me for some reason.

"I might be able to contact him. Give me a moment." I walked over to my backpack and pulled out my phone to text Bella since she probably knew where he was.

Before I could compose a message to Bella, my phone notified me that I had three missed texts and one missed call from Bella. I hope that nothing is wrong because I let her borrow my car since hers is in the shop.

Bella: Hey so Brandon and I got detention since we were late to a class and Mr. Mazarra caught us in the hall. Your car is still where its supposed to be and I have your keys.

Bella: I tried to call you and tell you but you r probably in rehearsals

Bella: Sorry for spamming your messages. Thanks for offering your car. g2g teacher is watching Brandon and I in detention.

Poor Bella she doesn't deserve detention for being late too class. I hope she doesn't get fired from work because of this little incident.

"Ricky, do you know something about Brandon's absence?" Carlos walked up to me and scared me a little.

"Yeah he's in detention with Bella." I replied as I looked at my texts worrying about Bella.

"I'm going to get revenge on Benjamin one day. I mean Mr. Mazarra. I need my Lumier, what does he think he's doing with my cast member? Everyone stay here. I'll be right back." Miss Jenn said to us as she walked out of the theater with her clipboard.

I decided to text Bella to see if she was ok. She probably had her phone off since she's in detention but its worth a shot.

Ricky: Hey Bella, are you ok? Was your boss ok with you missing a day? BTW Miss Jenn is coming to see Mazarra something about revenge.

Bella: I'm fine. I'm just catching up on some reading. My boss loves me and let me off for today's shift. Aren't you supposed to be in rehearsals?

Ricky: Carlos isn't functioning correctly without Miss Jenn lol

Bella: Lol. If you r not busy after rehearsals could you give me a ride home? Brandon has another date and I need to save money for college.

Ricky: Sure! Meet me by my locker after you get out of detention.

Bella: G2g Miss Jenn is yelling at Mr. Mazarra. I want to watch. This is actually entertaining :)

I laughed and smiled at her text before putting my phone back in my backpack.

"Hey what's so funny?" Big Red popped out of nowhere and sat next to me scaring me.

"Jesus Christ. Red one day you will give me a heart attack. It's nothing." I said to my best friend even though I hate lying to him.

"It's Bella isn't it?" Big Red said as he glanced at me.

"Yeah. She's in detention with Brandon." I replied to him since I couldn't lie to my best friend.

"Oh. Wow. I didn't expect to hear that. So are you over Nini? You better not hurt Bella again. She's a good friend. We hung out at the skate rink a few days ago." Big Red whispered to me since people were near us.

"I don't know. I kind of miss Nini. I still have to call her and see how she's doing and apologize to her too. I don't intend on hurting Bella again. We're friends again and she's slowly trusting me again. I didn't know that you hung out with her at the skate rink," I replied to him.

"Yeah. She was off work the other day and sat with me to watch Ashlyn's skating competition. I would've invited you but you know." Big Red said while attempting to wink at me but failing.

"Attention everyone. Rehearsals are over. Miss Jenn texted me saying she is dealing with Mr. Mazarra. Please practice your lines and Ricky practice that waltz even if its with a broom. Everything needs to be perfect for tech rehearsals." Carlos exclaimed a bit too loudly making me cover my ears.

I got my backpack up from where I left it and headed out the theater door while Big Red went to talk to Ashlyn. I was hoping to find Bella by my locker since Miss Jenn is dealing with Mr. Mazarra.

I don't know why they hate each other so much.

"Hey Ricky." Bella said as she threw my keys across the hall towards me as I caught them.

Bella was standing by my locker looking beautiful as always. She looked tired from the detention and was probably ready to go home to her bed.

"Nice catch. So how were rehearsals? Probably better than detention." Bella said as she played with a strand of her hair nervously.

She looked so cute when she did that. I wanted to kiss her so badly but I'm still not over Nini.

"Eh. It was okay. Carlos yelled at me again about my dance moves. You ready to go home?" I replied since we were now acting like friends instead of enemies.

"Yeah. Who knew that detention could make you so tired," Bella yawned as she held onto her backpack and followed me to the student parking lot.

Damn she's cute.

After helping her into the passenger seat of the car like a gentleman, I got into the driver's side and turned on the radio. I turned down the music since she said that she was tired and paid attention to the road as I drove her home again.

"I didn't know that you were a Justin Bieber fan?" Bella said while yawning and leaning against the headrest

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me. Go to sleep. I'll wake you up when we get to the destination." I replied as I reached over to get a strand of hair out of her face while looking back at the road.

Finding Belle (a Ricky Bowen fanfiction)🌹Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon